module JSONAPI class OperationDispatcher def initialize(transaction: lambda { |&block| block.yield }, rollback: lambda { }, server_error_callbacks: []) @transaction = transaction @rollback = rollback @server_error_callbacks = server_error_callbacks end def process(operations) results = # Use transactions if more than one operation and if one of the operations can be transactional # Even if transactional transactions won't be used unless the derived OperationsProcessor supports them. transactional = false operations.each do |operation| transactional |= operation.transactional? end transaction(transactional) do # Links and meta data global to the set of operations operations_meta = {} operations_links = {} operations.each do |operation| results.add_result(process_operation(operation)) rollback(transactional) if results.has_errors? end results.meta = operations_meta results.links = operations_links end results end private def transaction(transactional) if transactional do yield end else yield end end def rollback(transactional) if transactional end end def process_operation(operation) with_default_handling do operation.process end end def with_default_handling(&block) block.yield rescue => e if JSONAPI.configuration.exception_class_whitelisted?(e) raise e else @server_error_callbacks.each { |callback| safe_run_callback(callback, e) } internal_server_error = Rails.logger.error { "Internal Server Error: #{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" } return[0].code, internal_server_error.errors) end end def safe_run_callback(callback, error) begin rescue => e Rails.logger.error { "Error in error handling callback: #{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" } internal_server_error = return[0].code, internal_server_error.errors) end end end end