require 'spec_helper' describe "Local variables integration" do before do Honeybadger.configuration.send_local_variables = config_enabled Honeybadger::Dependency.inject! end subject { } context "when binding_of_caller isn't installed", :unless => defined?(::BindingOfCaller) do let(:config_enabled) { true } it { should_not respond_to :__honeybadger_bindings_stack } end context "when binding_of_caller is installed", :if => defined?(::BindingOfCaller) do context "and disabled by configuration" do let(:config_enabled) { false } it { should_not respond_to :__honeybadger_bindings_stack } end context "and enabled by configuration" do let(:config_enabled) { true } it { should respond_to :__honeybadger_bindings_stack } describe "#set_backtrace" do context "call stack does not match current file" do it "changes the bindings stack" do expect { subject.set_backtrace(['foo.rb:1']) }.to change(subject, :__honeybadger_bindings_stack).from([]) end end context "call stack includes current file" do before do subject.stub(:caller).and_return(["#{File.expand_path('../../../../lib/honeybadger/integrations/local_variables.rb', __FILE__)}:1"]) end it "does not change the bindings stack" do expect { subject.set_backtrace(['foo.rb:1']) }.not_to change(subject, :__honeybadger_bindings_stack).from([]) end end context "call stack includes a non-matching line" do before do subject.stub(:caller).and_return(['(foo)']) end it "skips the non-matching line" do expect { subject.set_backtrace(['foo.rb:1']) }.not_to raise_error end it "changes the bindings stack" do expect { subject.set_backtrace(['foo.rb:1']) }.to change(subject, :__honeybadger_bindings_stack).from([]) end end end end end end