module MnoEnterprise class InvoicePdf attr_reader :invoice, :pdf, :data # InvoicePdf requires to be initialized # with an Invoice object def initialize(invoice) raise ArgumentError, "Received #{invoice.class} object (expected instance of Invoice)" unless invoice.is_a?(MnoEnterprise::Invoice) @invoice = invoice @pdf = nil @data = {} #=============================== # Initialize formatting #=============================== @format = {} @format[:header_size] = 120 @format[:footer_size] = 100 @format[:top_margin] = 36 @format[:bottom_margin] = 36 #=============================== # Data hash #=============================== @data = {} # Invoice details @data[:invoice_reference] = @invoice.slug # Customer details invoicable = @invoice.organization [:name, :email, :current_credit].each do |detail| @data["customer_#{detail}".to_sym] = invoicable.respond_to?(detail) ? invoicable.send(detail) : nil end # Billing Address - Kept at the invoice level for audit purpose @data[:customer_billing_address] = @invoice.billing_address # Financial values @data[:invoice_price] = @invoice.price @data[:invoice_currency] = @invoice.price.currency_as_string @data[:invoice_currency_name] = @data[:invoice_credit_paid] = @invoice.credit_paid @data[:invoice_total_due] = @invoice.total_due @data[:invoice_total_payable] = @invoice.total_payable @data[:invoice_tax_payable] = @invoice.tax_payable @data[:invoice_tax_pips] = (@invoice.tax_pips_applied || 0) @data[:invoice_total_payable_with_tax] = @data[:invoice_total_payable] + @data[:invoice_tax_payable] @data[:invoice_fully_paid] = (@data[:invoice_total_payable].zero? || @data[:invoice_total_payable].negative?) # Last App billing (Account Situation) @data[:invoice_previous_total_due] = @invoice.previous_total_due @data[:invoice_previous_total_paid] = @invoice.previous_total_paid # Billing details @data[:billing_report] = do |item| item_label = item[:label] price_label = format_price item (item[:lines] || []).each do |item_line| item_label += "\n\n#{Prawn::Text::NBSP * 3}#{item_line[:label]}" price_label += "\n\n#{format_price(item_line)}" end [item_label, item[:name], item[:usage], price_label] end # Billing period @data[:period_started_at] = @invoice.started_at.utc.to_date @data[:period_ended_at] = (@invoice.ended_at.utc - 1.minute).to_date # '- 1 minute' to avoid midnight (which belongs to following day) @data[:period_month] = @invoice.ended_at.strftime("%B") next_period = @data[:period_ended_at] + 1.month @data[:period_charge_date] =,next_period.month,2) end # Render the pdf document and return # it as a string object def render generate_content @pdf.render end def format_price(item) # price_tag is deprecated price = item[:price] if price # Money hash are automatically parsed to Money in core/lib/her_extension/middleware/mnoe_api_v1_parse_json.rb money(price) else item[:price_tag] end end # Generate the document content # by adding body, header, footer and # page numbering def generate_content @pdf = info: self.metadata, top_margin: @format[:header_size] + @format[:top_margin], bottom_margin: @format[:footer_size] + @format[:bottom_margin] ) add_page_body add_page_header add_page_footer add_page_numbering end # Generate the document metadata def metadata { Title: 'Maestrano Monthly Invoice', Author: 'Maestrano', Subject: 'Maestrano Monthly Invoice', Producer: 'Maestrano', CreationDate: } end # Helper method to easily access # images def image_path(name) path = "/app/assets/images/#{name}" engine_path = "#{MnoEnterprise::Engine.root}#{path}" app_path = "#{Rails.root}#{path}" File.exists?(app_path) ? app_path : engine_path end # Format a money object def money(m) "#{m.format(symbol: false)} #{m.currency_as_string}" end # Add a repeated header to the document def add_page_header @pdf.repeat :all do @pdf.bounding_box([0,[:header_size]], width: 540, height: @format[:footer_size]) do @pdf.float do @pdf.image image_path('mno_enterprise/main-logo.png'), scale: 0.5 end @pdf.move_down 52 @pdf.font_size(20) { @pdf.text "Monthly Invoice - #{@data[:period_month]}", style: :bold, align: :right } end end end # Add a repeated footer to the document def add_page_footer @pdf.repeat :all do @pdf.bounding_box([0, @pdf.bounds.bottom], width: 540, height: @format[:footer_size]) do @pdf.move_down 50 @pdf.stroke_color '999999' @pdf.stroke_horizontal_rule @pdf.move_down 10 @pdf.font_size(8) do @pdf.text "Maestrano is a service of Maestrano Pty Ltd (ABN: 80 152 564 424),", inline_format: true @pdf.text "Suite 102, 410 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills 2010, Sydney, Australia.", inline_format: true @pdf.text "All charges are in #{@data[:invoice_currency_name]} (#{@data[:invoice_currency]}).", inline_format: true end end end end # Add page number on every page def add_page_numbering numbering_options = { at: [@pdf.bounds.right - 150, 0-@format[:footer_size]], width: 150, align: :right, start_count_at: 1, color: "999999", size: 8 } @pdf.number_pages "Page of ", numbering_options end # This method is responsible for # generating the actual pdf content def add_page_body @pdf.stroke_color '999999' #=============================== # Invoice Reference #=============================== @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "F0F0F0" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [310,@pdf.cursor], 230, 50, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color @pdf.text_box "Your Reference", at: [310,@pdf.cursor], width: 65, height: 13, align: :center, valign: :center, style: :bold_italic, size: 7 @pdf.text_box @data[:invoice_reference], at: [310,@pdf.cursor], width: 230, height: 50, align: :center, valign: :center, style: :bold end #=============================== # Customer information #=============================== @pdf.text @data[:customer_name], align: :left, inline_format: true if @data[:customer_email] @pdf.text "#{@data[:customer_email]}", align: :left, inline_format: true end if @data[:customer_billing_address] @pdf.move_down 5 @pdf.text "#{@data[:customer_billing_address]}", align: :left, inline_format: true, style: :italic, size: 9 end #=============================== # Summary #=============================== @pdf.move_down 40 @pdf.font_size(20) { @pdf.text 'Summary', style: :bold } @pdf.stroke_horizontal_rule @pdf.move_down 10 summary_data = [] summary_data << ['Period', 'Total Payable' + (@data[:invoice_tax_pips] > 0 ? "\n(incl. GST)" : '')] summary_data << ["#{@data[:period_started_at].strftime("%B, %e %Y")} to #{@data[:period_ended_at].strftime("%B, %e %Y")}",money(@data[:invoice_total_payable_with_tax])] # Draw Table background bg_height = @data[:invoice_tax_pips] > 0 ? 58 : 50 @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "d1e17c" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [0,@pdf.cursor], 540, bg_height, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color end # Draw Table @pdf.table(summary_data) do |t| t.header = true t.width = 540 t.column_widths = [435,105] t.cell_style = { borders: [] } t.row(0).font_style = :bold t.cell_style = { padding: [5, 5, 5, 10], inline_format: true } do |c| if c.column == 1 c.align = :center end end end @pdf.move_down 10 @pdf.indent(5) do @pdf.font_size(8) do @pdf.text " Charges are all displayed in #{@data[:invoice_currency_name]} (#{@data[:invoice_currency]})", inline_format: true if @data[:invoice_fully_paid] @pdf.text " No credit card payments required for this invoice", inline_format: true else @pdf.text " Your designated credit card will be charged on #{@data[:period_charge_date].strftime("%B,%e %Y")} at midnight UTC", inline_format: true end end end #=============================== # Credit Remaining # --- # Only if greater than zero #=============================== if @data[:customer_current_credit] && @data[:customer_current_credit].positive? @pdf.move_down 5 @pdf.indent(5) do @pdf.font_size(8) do @pdf.text " Note that your credit is shared with any organization you may have created", inline_format: true end end @pdf.move_up 28 @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "67BBE9" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [445,@pdf.cursor], 95, 50, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color @pdf.text_box "Credit Remaining", at: [445,@pdf.cursor], width: 95, height: 23, align: :center, valign: :center, style: :bold, size: 10 @pdf.text_box money(@data[:customer_current_credit]), at: [445,@pdf.cursor], width: 95, height: 37, align: :center, valign: :bottom end @pdf.move_down 40 end #========================()======= # Account Situation #=============================== @pdf.move_down 30 @pdf.font_size(20) { @pdf.text 'Account Situation', style: :bold } @pdf.stroke_horizontal_rule @pdf.move_down 10 # Situation Data situation_data = [] # Header situation_data << [ '', '', 'Due Last Month', '', 'Paid (Thank You)', '', 'This Month', '', 'Credit', '', 'Total' ] #Content situation_data << [ '', '', money(@data[:invoice_previous_total_due]), '-', money(@data[:invoice_previous_total_paid]), '+', money(@data[:invoice_price]), '-', money(@data[:invoice_credit_paid]), '=', money(@data[:invoice_total_payable]) ] # Draw background @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "F0F0F0" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [0,@pdf.cursor], 540, 50, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color end # Draw left background @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "E0E0E0" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [0,@pdf.cursor], 80, 50, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color @pdf.move_down 21 if @data[:invoice_tax_pips] > 0 @pdf.text_box 'Excl. GST', at: [12,@pdf.cursor] else @pdf.text_box 'Details', at: [20,@pdf.cursor] end end # Draw table @pdf.table(situation_data) do |t| t.header = true t.width = 540 t.column_widths = [75,18,75,18,75,18,75,18,75,18,75] t.row(0).font_style = :bold t.row(0).size = 8 t.row(0).height = 22 t.row(1).height = 25 t.cell_style = { borders: [], overflow: :shrink_to_fit, align: :center } # Color the '+','-' and '=' characters do |c| if c.row == 1 && c.column.odd? c.text_color = "a8a8a8" end end end #================================= # Account Situation - Tax Section #================================= if @data[:invoice_tax_pips] > 0 #----------------- # GST row #----------------- @pdf.move_down 8 table_data = [] table_data << [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'GST', '+', money(@data[:invoice_tax_payable]), ] # Draw table background @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "F0F0F0" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [368,@pdf.cursor], 172, 24, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color end # Draw left background @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "FAB451" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [368,@pdf.cursor], 80, 24, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color end @pdf.table(table_data) do |t| t.header = true t.width = 540 t.column_widths = [75,18,75,18,75,18,75,18,75,18,75] t.row(0).height = 25 t.cell_style = { borders: [], overflow: :shrink_to_fit, align: :center } # Color the '+','-' and '=' characters do |c| if c.row == 0 && c.column.odd? c.text_color = "a8a8a8" end end end #----------------- # Total (incl. GST) #----------------- @pdf.move_down 5 table_data = [] table_data << [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Total (incl. GST)', '=', money(@data[:invoice_total_payable_with_tax]), ] # Draw table background @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "F0F0F0" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [368,@pdf.cursor], 172, 24, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color end # Draw left background @pdf.float do original_color = @pdf.fill_color @pdf.fill_color "DAE173" @pdf.fill_rounded_rectangle [368,@pdf.cursor], 80, 24, 5 @pdf.fill_color = original_color end @pdf.table(table_data) do |t| t.header = true t.width = 540 t.row(0).font_style = :bold t.column_widths = [75,18,75,18,75,18,75,18,75,18,75] t.row(0).height = 25 t.cell_style = { borders: [], overflow: :shrink_to_fit, align: :center } # Color the '+','-' and '=' characters do |c| if c.row == 0 && c.column.odd? c.text_color = "a8a8a8" end end end end #=============================== # Details #=============================== @pdf.start_new_page @pdf.font_size(20) { @pdf.text 'Details', style: :bold } @pdf.stroke_horizontal_rule @pdf.move_down 10 app_details_data = [] app_details_data << ['Product', 'Type', 'Usage', 'Price' + (@data[:invoice_tax_pips] > 0 ? "\n(excl. GST)" : '')] app_details_data += @data[:billing_report] @pdf.table(app_details_data) do |t| t.header = true t.width = 540 t.row_colors = ["FFFFFF", "F0F0F0"] t.column_widths = [240,100,100,100] t.cell_style = { borders: [:bottom], border_width: 1, border_color: "999999", inline_format: true } t.row(0).borders = [:bottom] t.row(0).border_width = 2 t.row(0).font_style = :bold end end end end