{"comments":[{"gravatar_id":"1ccb5123d1af92e24b32cec62abcf9a8","created_at":"2010/10/03 20:12:22 -0700","body":"I don't think I'd like it in a CSV for a variety of reasons, but I do agree that it doesn't have to be AR. I would imagine if there was a patch and work done towards allowing a pluggable History model, it'd be at least considered. I don't have the time at the moment to do this, but I'd imagine you could start with abstracting out the calls to read/write History, ultimately allowing for a drop in of any storage structure. \r\n\r\nIn fact, it might be interesting to leverage wycats moneta towards this end: http://github.com/wycats/moneta","updated_at":"2010/10/03 20:12:22 -0700","id":445680,"user":"jackdempsey"},{"gravatar_id":"1f74b13f1e5c6c69cb5d7fbaabb1e2cb","created_at":"2010/10/04 12:06:32 -0700","body":"I'd like to port the code from being AR-specific to using OrmAdapter. It's a new project, but it has promise: http://github.com/ianwhite/orm_adapter/\n\nI have renamed this issue accordingly.","updated_at":"2010/12/16 20:16:03 -0800","id":447039,"user":"sferik"},{"gravatar_id":"9bee19040f2a9c6a901e33426a968135","created_at":"2010/10/04 12:10:29 -0700","body":"Out of curiosity, do people actually use the History. Seems like the kind of feature I could see myself adding into a project because \"it seems cool\" and then never actually using.","updated_at":"2010/10/04 12:10:29 -0700","id":447053,"user":"ryana"},{"gravatar_id":"1f74b13f1e5c6c69cb5d7fbaabb1e2cb","created_at":"2010/10/04 12:19:44 -0700","body":"When working in an organization with multiple people, the history feature provides an audit log of who created/edited/updated which records and when. IMHO, that is an important use case. That said, I would accept a patch to allow disabling of history via the configuration DSL.\n\nAm I wrong in believing that using OrmAdapter instead of calling ActiveRecord directly would solve this problem for you?","updated_at":"2010/10/04 12:26:30 -0700","id":447081,"user":"sferik"},{"gravatar_id":"9bee19040f2a9c6a901e33426a968135","created_at":"2010/10/04 12:23:27 -0700","body":"You are not wrong in believing that. I've never used rails_admin, or paid attention to the mailing list. I was innocently just wondering if anybody even used the feature. Does it ever get discussed, do people file bugs on it, do people make feature requests on it? Just wondering.\r\n\r\ntl;dr: You're right. I wasn't trying to be a dick, just being curious :)","updated_at":"2010/10/04 12:23:27 -0700","id":447089,"user":"ryana"},{"gravatar_id":"0f9580295f54106ce7c682eb652f4a1c","created_at":"2010/12/16 20:03:30 -0800","body":"+1 to making rails_admin ORM agnostic. Has any work started on this already?","updated_at":"2010/12/16 20:03:30 -0800","id":617944,"user":"fbjork"},{"gravatar_id":"1f74b13f1e5c6c69cb5d7fbaabb1e2cb","created_at":"2010/12/16 20:35:46 -0800","body":"See #157 for my thoughts on supporting multiple ORMs.\r\n\r\nIt's definitely something I'd like to see. I don't think anybody is working on it yet. Would you have any interest in adding support for more ORMs at the [RailsAdmin BugMash](https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/wiki/bugmash) on Saturday?","updated_at":"2010/12/16 20:35:46 -0800","id":617986,"user":"sferik"},{"gravatar_id":"2d0ae6c4099c9b41df1f206541c5c7eb","created_at":"2010/12/21 19:02:06 -0800","body":"I'll be testing it on my fork and generating a patch that could be added to the trunk, using the orm, like devise did... in terms of the history, perhaps adding an option to --skip-history would be a solution to that issue, I can see situations were it wouldn't be needed if there were only one administrator and if memory were an issue, I'll see if can add that too. \r\nCheers ","updated_at":"2010/12/21 19:02:06 -0800","id":628911,"user":"cognition"},{"gravatar_id":"07fb1f108e968f7b8573307eefddd66f","created_at":"2011/01/10 14:05:09 -0800","body":"Is anybody working on this one ATM? If not, I think I can try. ","updated_at":"2011/01/10 14:05:09 -0800","id":667542,"user":"ml"},{"gravatar_id":"1f74b13f1e5c6c69cb5d7fbaabb1e2cb","created_at":"2011/01/10 14:37:16 -0800","body":"Go for it. I justed added your name to the ticket. Please post updates here as you go.","updated_at":"2011/01/10 14:38:21 -0800","id":667634,"user":"sferik"},{"gravatar_id":"233c279c012ebac792aaa805f966cbc7","created_at":"2011/01/11 09:10:30 -0800","body":"I'm going to leave a comment here along with my +1, so that I can get an update if this happens. I don't have time to build it myself, but I'd love to use it...","updated_at":"2011/01/11 09:10:30 -0800","id":669572,"user":"steveklabnik"},{"gravatar_id":"07fb1f108e968f7b8573307eefddd66f","created_at":"2011/01/11 16:50:10 -0800","body":"It turns out, that orm_adapter lacks some important methods like count and equivalent of ActiveRecord::Base#table_exists? I need to tinker with it for a while before continuing. ","updated_at":"2011/01/11 16:50:10 -0800","id":670784,"user":"ml"},{"gravatar_id":"1f74b13f1e5c6c69cb5d7fbaabb1e2cb","created_at":"2011/01/11 16:53:16 -0800","body":"You might want to take a look at veneer as an alternative: https://github.com/hassox/veneer\r\n\r\nIt looks like Daniel is now maintaining it again.","updated_at":"2011/01/11 16:53:16 -0800","id":670788,"user":"sferik"},{"gravatar_id":"07fb1f108e968f7b8573307eefddd66f","created_at":"2011/01/12 01:16:03 -0800","body":"Looks promising. ","updated_at":"2011/01/12 01:16:03 -0800","id":671391,"user":"ml"}]}