include('uki.js'); (function() { var nullRegexp = /^\s*null\s*$/, themeRegexp = /theme\s*\(\s*(.*\s*)\)/, rowsRegexp = /rows\s*\(\s*(.*\s*)\)/, cssBoxRegexp = /cssBox\s*\(\s*(.*\s*)\)/; /** * Transforms a bg string into a background object *
Supported strings:
* theme(bg-name) Takes background with bg-name from uki.theme
* rows(30, #CCFFFF, #FFCCFF, #FFFFCC) Creates Rows background with 30px rowHeight and 3 colors
* cssBox(border:1px solid red;background:blue) Creates CssBox background with given cssText
* url(i.png) or #FFFFFF Creates Css background with single property