var mdeps = require('module-deps'); var depsSort = require('deps-sort'); var bpack = require('browser-pack'); var insertGlobals = require('insert-module-globals'); var syntaxError = require('syntax-error'); var builtins = require('./lib/builtins.js'); var splicer = require('labeled-stream-splicer'); var through = require('through2'); var concat = require('concat-stream'); var inherits = require('inherits'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var xtend = require('xtend'); var isarray = require('isarray'); var defined = require('defined'); var has = require('has'); var sanitize = require('htmlescape').sanitize; var shasum = require('shasum'); var bresolve = require('browser-resolve'); var resolve = require('resolve'); var readonly = require('read-only-stream'); module.exports = Browserify; inherits(Browserify, EventEmitter); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var paths = { empty: path.join(__dirname, 'lib/_empty.js') }; function Browserify (files, opts) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Browserify)) return new Browserify(files, opts); if (!opts) opts = {}; if (typeof files === 'string' || isarray(files) || isStream(files)) { opts = xtend(opts, { entries: [].concat(opts.entries || [], files) }); } else opts = xtend(files, opts); self._options = opts; if (opts.noparse) opts.noParse = opts.noparse; if (opts.basedir !== undefined && typeof opts.basedir !== 'string') { throw new Error('opts.basedir must be either undefined or a string.'); } self._external = []; self._exclude = []; self._ignore = []; self._expose = {}; self._hashes = {}; self._pending = 0; self._transformOrder = 0; self._transformPending = 0; self._transforms = []; self._entryOrder = 0; self._ticked = false; self._bresolve = opts.browserField === false ? function (id, opts, cb) { if (!opts.basedir) opts.basedir = path.dirname(opts.filename) resolve(id, opts, cb) } : bresolve ; self._syntaxCache = {}; var ignoreTransform = [].concat(opts.ignoreTransform).filter(Boolean); self._filterTransform = function (tr) { if (Array.isArray(tr)) { return ignoreTransform.indexOf(tr[0]) === -1; } return ignoreTransform.indexOf(tr) === -1; }; self.pipeline = self._createPipeline(opts); [].concat(opts.transform).filter(Boolean).filter(self._filterTransform) .forEach(function (tr) { self.transform(tr); }); [].concat(opts.entries).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (file) { self.add(file, { basedir: opts.basedir }); }); [].concat(opts.require).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (file) { self.require(file, { basedir: opts.basedir }); }); [].concat(opts.plugin).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (p) { self.plugin(p, { basedir: opts.basedir }); }); } Browserify.prototype.require = function (file, opts) { var self = this; if (isarray(file)) { file.forEach(function (x) { if (typeof x === 'object') { self.require(x.file, xtend(opts, x)); } else self.require(x, opts); }); return this; } if (!opts) opts = {}; var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, self._options.basedir, process.cwd()); var expose = opts.expose; if (file === expose && /^[\.]/.test(expose)) { expose = '/' + path.relative(basedir, expose); expose = expose.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } if (expose === undefined && this._options.exposeAll) { expose = true; } if (expose === true) { expose = '/' + path.relative(basedir, file); expose = expose.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } if (isStream(file)) { self._pending ++; var order = self._entryOrder ++; file.pipe(concat(function (buf) { var filename = opts.file || file.file || path.join( basedir, '_stream_' + order + '.js' ); var id = || expose || filename; if (expose || opts.entry === false) { self._expose[id] = filename; } if (!opts.entry && self._options.exports === undefined) { self._bpack.hasExports = true; } var rec = { source: buf.toString('utf8'), entry: defined(opts.entry, false), file: filename, id: id }; if (rec.entry) rec.order = order; if (rec.transform === false) rec.transform = false; self.pipeline.write(rec); if (-- self._pending === 0) self.emit('_ready'); })); return this; } var row; if (typeof file === 'object') { row = xtend(file, opts); } else if (!opts.entry && isExternalModule(file)) { // external module or builtin row = xtend(opts, { id: expose || file, file: file }); } else { row = xtend(opts, { file: path.resolve(basedir, file) }); } if (! { = expose || row.file; } if (expose || !row.entry) { // Make this available to mdeps so that it can assign the value when it // resolves the pathname. row.expose =; } if (opts.external) return self.external(file, opts); if (row.entry === undefined) row.entry = false; if (!row.entry && self._options.exports === undefined) { self._bpack.hasExports = true; } if (row.entry) row.order = self._entryOrder ++; if (opts.transform === false) row.transform = false; self.pipeline.write(row); return self; }; Browserify.prototype.add = function (file, opts) { var self = this; if (!opts) opts = {}; if (isarray(file)) { file.forEach(function (x) { self.add(x, opts) }); return this; } return this.require(file, xtend({ entry: true, expose: false }, opts)); }; Browserify.prototype.external = function (file, opts) { var self = this; if (isarray(file)) { file.forEach(function (f) { if (typeof f === 'object') { self.external(f, xtend(opts, f)); } else self.external(f, opts) }); return this; } if (file && typeof file === 'object' && typeof file.bundle === 'function') { var b = file; self._pending ++; var bdeps = {}; var blabels = {}; b.on('label', function (prev, id) { self._external.push(id); if (prev !== id) { blabels[prev] = id; self._external.push(prev); } }); b.pipeline.get('deps').push(through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { bdeps = xtend(bdeps, row.deps); this.push(row); next(); })); self.on('dep', function (row) { Object.keys(row.deps).forEach(function (key) { var prev = bdeps[key]; if (prev) { var id = blabels[prev]; if (id) { row.indexDeps[key] = id; } } }); }); b.pipeline.get('label').once('end', function () { if (-- self._pending === 0) self.emit('_ready'); }); return this; } if (!opts) opts = {}; var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, process.cwd()); this._external.push(file); this._external.push('/' + path.relative(basedir, file)); return this; }; Browserify.prototype.exclude = function (file, opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, process.cwd()); this._exclude.push(file); this._exclude.push('/' + path.relative(basedir, file)); return this; }; Browserify.prototype.ignore = function (file, opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, process.cwd()); // Handle relative paths if (file[0] === '.') { this._ignore.push(path.resolve(basedir, file)); } else { this._ignore.push(file); } return this; }; Browserify.prototype.transform = function (tr, opts) { var self = this; if (typeof opts === 'function' || typeof opts === 'string') { tr = [ opts, tr ]; } if (isarray(tr)) { opts = tr[1]; tr = tr[0]; } //if the bundler is ignoring this transform if (typeof tr === 'string' && !self._filterTransform(tr)) { return this; } function resolved () { self._transforms[order] = rec; -- self._pending; if (-- self._transformPending === 0) { self._transforms.forEach(function (transform) { self.pipeline.write(transform); }); if (self._pending === 0) { self.emit('_ready'); } } } if (!opts) opts = {}; opts._flags = '_flags' in opts ? opts._flags : self._options; var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, this._options.basedir, process.cwd()); var order = self._transformOrder ++; self._pending ++; self._transformPending ++; var rec = { transform: tr, options: opts, global: }; if (typeof tr === 'string') { var topts = { basedir: basedir, paths: (self._options.paths || []).map(function (p) { return path.resolve(basedir, p); }) }; resolve(tr, topts, function (err, res) { if (err) return self.emit('error', err); rec.transform = res; resolved(); }); } else process.nextTick(resolved); return this; }; Browserify.prototype.plugin = function (p, opts) { if (isarray(p)) { opts = p[1]; p = p[0]; } if (!opts) opts = {}; var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, this._options.basedir, process.cwd()); if (typeof p === 'function') { p(this, opts); } else { var pfile = resolve.sync(String(p), { basedir: basedir }) var f = require(pfile); if (typeof f !== 'function') { throw new Error('plugin ' + p + ' should export a function'); } f(this, opts); } return this; }; Browserify.prototype._createPipeline = function (opts) { var self = this; if (!opts) opts = {}; this._mdeps = this._createDeps(opts); this._mdeps.on('file', function (file, id) { pipeline.emit('file', file, id); self.emit('file', file, id); }); this._mdeps.on('package', function (pkg) { pipeline.emit('package', pkg); self.emit('package', pkg); }); this._mdeps.on('transform', function (tr, file) { pipeline.emit('transform', tr, file); self.emit('transform', tr, file); }); var dopts = { index: !opts.fullPaths && !opts.exposeAll, dedupe: true, expose: this._expose }; this._bpack = bpack(xtend(opts, { raw: true })); var pipeline = splicer.obj([ 'record', [ this._recorder() ], 'deps', [ this._mdeps ], 'json', [ this._json() ], 'unbom', [ this._unbom() ], 'unshebang', [ this._unshebang() ], 'syntax', [ this._syntax() ], 'sort', [ depsSort(dopts) ], 'dedupe', [ this._dedupe() ], 'label', [ this._label(opts) ], 'emit-deps', [ this._emitDeps() ], 'debug', [ this._debug(opts) ], 'pack', [ this._bpack ], 'wrap', [] ]); if (opts.exposeAll) { var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, process.cwd()); pipeline.get('deps').push(through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { if (self._external.indexOf( >= 0) return next(); if (self._external.indexOf(row.file) >= 0) return next(); if (isAbsolutePath( { = '/' + path.relative(basedir, row.file); } Object.keys(row.deps || {}).forEach(function (key) { row.deps[key] = '/' + path.relative(basedir, row.deps[key]); }); this.push(row); next(); })); } return pipeline; }; Browserify.prototype._createDeps = function (opts) { var self = this; var mopts = xtend(opts); var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, process.cwd()); // Let mdeps populate these values since it will be resolving file paths // anyway. mopts.expose = this._expose; mopts.extensions = [ '.js', '.json' ].concat(mopts.extensions || []); self._extensions = mopts.extensions; mopts.transform = []; mopts.transformKey = [ 'browserify', 'transform' ]; mopts.postFilter = function (id, file, pkg) { if (opts.postFilter && !opts.postFilter(id, file, pkg)) return false; if (self._external.indexOf(file) >= 0) return false; if (self._exclude.indexOf(file) >= 0) return false; //filter transforms on module dependencies if (pkg && pkg.browserify && pkg.browserify.transform) { //In edge cases it may be a string pkg.browserify.transform = [].concat(pkg.browserify.transform) .filter(Boolean) .filter(self._filterTransform); } return true; }; mopts.filter = function (id) { if (opts.filter && !opts.filter(id)) return false; if (self._external.indexOf(id) >= 0) return false; if (self._exclude.indexOf(id) >= 0) return false; if (opts.bundleExternal === false && isExternalModule(id)) { return false; } return true; }; mopts.resolve = function (id, parent, cb) { if (self._ignore.indexOf(id) >= 0) return cb(null, paths.empty, {}); self._bresolve(id, parent, function (err, file, pkg) { if (file && self._ignore.indexOf(file) >= 0) { return cb(null, paths.empty, {}); } if (file && self._ignore.length) { var nm = file.split('/node_modules/')[1]; if (nm) { nm = nm.split('/')[0]; if (self._ignore.indexOf(nm) >= 0) { return cb(null, paths.empty, {}); } } } if (file) { var ex = '/' + path.relative(basedir, file); if (self._external.indexOf(ex) >= 0) { return cb(null, ex); } if (self._exclude.indexOf(ex) >= 0) { return cb(null, ex); } if (self._ignore.indexOf(ex) >= 0) { return cb(null, paths.empty, {}); } } if (err) cb(err, file, pkg) else if (file) fs.realpath(file, function (err, res) { cb(err, res, pkg, file); }); else cb(err, null, pkg) }); }; if (opts.builtins === false) { mopts.modules = {}; self._exclude.push.apply(self._exclude, Object.keys(builtins)); } else if (opts.builtins && isarray(opts.builtins)) { mopts.modules = {}; opts.builtins.forEach(function (key) { mopts.modules[key] = builtins[key]; }); } else if (opts.builtins && typeof opts.builtins === 'object') { mopts.modules = opts.builtins; } else mopts.modules = xtend(builtins); Object.keys(builtins).forEach(function (key) { if (!has(mopts.modules, key)) self._exclude.push(key); }); mopts.globalTransform = []; if (!this._bundled) { this.once('bundle', function () { self.pipeline.write({ transform: globalTr, global: true, options: {} }); }); } var no = [].concat(opts.noParse).filter(Boolean); var absno = no.filter(function(x) { return typeof x === 'string'; }).map(function (x) { return path.resolve(basedir, x); }); function globalTr (file) { if (opts.detectGlobals === false) return through(); if (opts.noParse === true) return through(); if (no.indexOf(file) >= 0) return through(); if (absno.indexOf(file) >= 0) return through(); var parts = file.split('/node_modules/'); for (var i = 0; i < no.length; i++) { if (typeof no[i] === 'function' && no[i](file)) { return through(); } else if (no[i] === parts[parts.length-1].split('/')[0]) { return through(); } else if (no[i] === parts[parts.length-1]) { return through(); } } var vars = xtend({ process: function () { return "require('_process')" }, }, opts.insertGlobalVars); if (opts.bundleExternal === false) { vars.process = undefined; vars.buffer = undefined; } return insertGlobals(file, xtend(opts, { debug: opts.debug, always: opts.insertGlobals, basedir: opts.commondir === false ? '/' : opts.basedir || process.cwd() , vars: vars })); } return mdeps(mopts); }; Browserify.prototype._recorder = function (opts) { var self = this; var ended = false; this._recorded = []; if (!this._ticked) { process.nextTick(function () { self._ticked = true; self._recorded.forEach(function (row) { stream.push(row); }); if (ended) stream.push(null); }); } var stream = through.obj(write, end); return stream; function write (row, enc, next) { self._recorded.push(row); if (self._ticked) this.push(row); next(); } function end () { ended = true; if (self._ticked) this.push(null); } }; Browserify.prototype._json = function () { return through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { if (/\.json$/.test(row.file)) { row.source = 'module.exports=' + sanitize(row.source); } this.push(row); next(); }); }; Browserify.prototype._unbom = function () { return through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { if (/^\ufeff/.test(row.source)) { row.source = row.source.replace(/^\ufeff/, ''); } this.push(row); next(); }); }; Browserify.prototype._unshebang = function () { return through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { if (/^#!/.test(row.source)) { row.source = row.source.replace(/^#![^\n]*\n/, ''); } this.push(row); next(); }); }; Browserify.prototype._syntax = function () { var self = this; return through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { var h = shasum(row.source); if (typeof self._syntaxCache[h] === 'undefined') { var err = syntaxError(row.source, row.file ||; if (err) return this.emit('error', err); self._syntaxCache[h] = true; } this.push(row); next(); }); }; Browserify.prototype._dedupe = function () { return through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { if (!row.dedupeIndex && row.dedupe) { row.source = 'arguments[4][' + JSON.stringify(row.dedupe) + '][0].apply(exports,arguments)' ; row.nomap = true; } else if (row.dedupeIndex) { row.source = 'arguments[4][' + JSON.stringify(row.dedupeIndex) + '][0].apply(exports,arguments)' ; row.nomap = true; } if (row.dedupeIndex && row.indexDeps) { row.indexDeps.dup = row.dedupeIndex; } this.push(row); next(); }); }; Browserify.prototype._label = function (opts) { var self = this; var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, process.cwd()); return through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { var prev =; if (self._external.indexOf( >= 0) return next(); if (self._external.indexOf('/' + path.relative(basedir, >= 0) { return next(); } if (self._external.indexOf(row.file) >= 0) return next(); if (row.index) = row.index; self.emit('label', prev,; if (row.indexDeps) row.deps = row.indexDeps || {}; Object.keys(row.deps).forEach(function (key) { if (self._expose[key]) { row.deps[key] = key; return; } var afile = path.resolve(path.dirname(row.file), key); var rfile = '/' + path.relative(basedir, afile); if (self._external.indexOf(rfile) >= 0) { row.deps[key] = rfile; } if (self._external.indexOf(afile) >= 0) { row.deps[key] = rfile; } if (self._external.indexOf(key) >= 0) { row.deps[key] = key; return; } for (var i = 0; i < self._extensions.length; i++) { var ex = self._extensions[i]; if (self._external.indexOf(rfile + ex) >= 0) { row.deps[key] = rfile + ex; break; } } }); if (row.entry || row.expose) { self._bpack.standaloneModule =; } this.push(row); next(); }); }; Browserify.prototype._emitDeps = function () { var self = this; return through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { self.emit('dep', row); this.push(row); next(); }) }; Browserify.prototype._debug = function (opts) { var basedir = defined(opts.basedir, process.cwd()); return through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { if (opts.debug) { row.sourceRoot = 'file://localhost'; row.sourceFile = path.relative(basedir, row.file) .replace(/\\/g, '/'); } this.push(row); next(); }); }; Browserify.prototype.reset = function (opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; var hadExports = this._bpack.hasExports; this.pipeline = this._createPipeline(xtend(opts, this._options)); this._bpack.hasExports = hadExports; this._entryOrder = 0; this._bundled = false; this.emit('reset'); }; Browserify.prototype.bundle = function (cb) { var self = this; if (cb && typeof cb === 'object') { throw new Error( 'bundle() no longer accepts option arguments.\n' + 'Move all option arguments to the browserify() constructor.' ); } if (this._bundled) { var recorded = this._recorded; this.reset(); recorded.forEach(function (x) { self.pipeline.write(x); }); } var output = readonly(this.pipeline); if (cb) { output.on('error', cb); output.pipe(concat(function (body) { cb(null, body); })); } function ready () { self.emit('bundle', output); self.pipeline.end(); } if (this._pending === 0) ready(); else this.once('_ready', ready); this._bundled = true; return output; }; function isStream (s) { return s && typeof s.pipe === 'function' } function isAbsolutePath (file) { var regexp = process.platform === 'win32' ? /^\w:/ : /^\//; return regexp.test(file); } function isExternalModule (file) { var regexp = process.platform === 'win32' ? /^(\.|\w:)/ : /^[\/.]/; return !regexp.test(file); }