# ISRakel This gem is a collection of rake tasks for maintaining common tasks for the iPhone Simulator on Mac OS like ... * Change preferences of the iPhone Simulator * Change the language of the iPhone Simulator * Reset the iPhone Simulator * Start the iPhone Simulator * Stop the iPhone Simulator Some of them are stolen from [RestKit](https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit). ## Dependencies Besides the gem dependencies, that are automatically resolved and installed via bundler, there's only one external dependency to the [ios-sim](https://github.com/phonegap/ios-sim) binary. The most convenient way to install it is via [homebrew](http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/): brew install ios-sim ## Example Usage You will need to install the gem: gem install israkel and then your `Rakefile` in your project might look like: require 'israkel' ISRakel::Tasks.new That's it. After that you can just run `rake -T` to list the available tasks. You can also change the default prefix `simulator`: ISRakel::Tasks.new do |i| i.name = 'ios' end ## Edit (global) Preferences There are binary plist files that you can edit with your custom rake tasks to change some settings: i = ISRakel::Tasks.new desc "Change keyboard preferences" task :set_keyboard_preferences do i.edit_preferences do |p| p.merge!({ :KeyboardAutocapitalization => false, :KeyboardAutocorrection => false, :KeyboardCapsLock => false, :KeyboardCheckSpelling => false, :KeyboardPeriodShortcut => false, }) end end There's a second method called `edit_global_preferences` which works the same, just edits a different file. ## Allow GPS access Allowing GPS access upfront can be required because it's not possible to use KIF to tap on the OK button the the GPS access alert view. i = ISRakel::Tasks.new desc "Allow GPS access" task :allow_gps_access do i.allow_gps_access("com.plu.FooApp") end ## Feedback Please raise issues if you find problems or have a feature request.