#require 'will_paginate/view_helpers/action_view' module MagicGrid class Definition #include WillPaginate::ActionView attr_accessor :columns, :collection, :magic_id, :options, :params, :current_sort_col, :current_order, :default_order, :per_page DEFAULTS = { :class => [], :top_pager => false, :bottom_pager => true, :remote => false, :per_page => 30, :searchable => false, :search_method => :search, :min_search_length => 3, :id => false, :searcher => false, :needs_searcher => false, :live_search => false, :current_search => nil, :listeners => {}, :listener_handler => nil, :default_col => 0, :default_order => :asc, :empty_header => false, :empty_footer => false, :post_filter => false, :collection_post_filter? => true, :default_ajax_handler => true, :search_button => false, :searcher_size => nil, } def self.runtime_defaults # run these lazily to catch any late I18n path changes DEFAULTS.merge( :if_empty => I18n.t("magic_grid.no_results").capitalize, # "No results found." :searcher_label => I18n.t("magic_grid.search.label").capitalize + ': ', # "Search: " :searcher_tooltip =>I18n.t("magic_grid.search.tooltip"), # "type.. + " :searcher_button =>I18n.t("magic_grid.search.button").capitalize, # "Search" ) end def initialize(cols_or_opts, collection = nil, controller = nil, opts = {}) if cols_or_opts.is_a? Hash @options = self.class.runtime_defaults.merge(cols_or_opts.reject {|k| k == :cols}) @columns = cols_or_opts.fetch(:cols, []) elsif cols_or_opts.is_a? Array @options = self.class.runtime_defaults.merge opts @columns = cols_or_opts else raise "I have no idea what that is, but it's not a Hash or an Array" end @default_order = @options[:default_order] @params = controller && controller.params || {} @per_page = @options[:per_page] @collection = collection begin #if @collection.respond_to? :table table_name = @collection.quoted_table_name table_columns = @collection.table.columns.map {|c| c.name} rescue Rails.logger.debug "Given collection doesn't respond to :table well" table_name = nil table_columns = @columns.each_index.to_a end i = 0 hash = [] @columns.map! do |c| if c.is_a? Symbol c = {:col => c} elsif c.is_a? String c = {:label => c} end c[:id] = i i += 1 if c.key?(:col) and c[:col].is_a?(Symbol) and table_columns.include?(c[:col]) c[:sql] = "#{table_name}.#{@collection.connection.quote_column_name(c[:col].to_s)}" unless c.key?(:sql) end c[:label] = c[:col].to_s.titleize if not c.key? :label hash << c[:label] c end if @options[:id] @magic_id = @options[:id] else @magic_id = hash.join.hash.abs.to_s(36) @magic_id << @collection.to_sql.hash.abs.to_s(36) if @collection.respond_to? :to_sql end @current_sort_col = sort_col_i = param(:col, @options[:default_col]).to_i if @collection.respond_to?(:order) and @columns.count > sort_col_i and @columns[sort_col_i].has_key?(:sql) sort_col = @columns[sort_col_i][:sql] @current_order = order(param(:order, @default_order)) sort_dir = order_sql(@current_order) @collection = @collection.order("#{sort_col} #{sort_dir}") else Rails.logger.debug "#{self.class.name}: Ignoring sorting on non-AR collection" end @options[:searchable] = [] if @options[:searchable] and not @options[:searchable].kind_of? Array if @collection.respond_to?(:where) or @options[:listener_handler].respond_to?(:call) if @options[:listener_handler].respond_to? :call @collection = @options[:listener_handler].call(@collection) else @options[:listeners].each_pair do |key, value| if @params[value] and not @params[value].to_s.empty? @collection = @collection.where(value => @params[value]) end end end else unless @options[:listeners].empty? Rails.logger.warn "#{self.class.name}: Ignoring listener on dumb collection" @options[:listeners] = {} end end @options[:current_search] ||= param(:q) if (@collection.respond_to?(:where) or (@options[:search_method] and @collection.respond_to?(@options[:search_method]))) if param(:q) and not param(:q).empty? and @options[:searchable] orig_collection = @collection begin @collection = @collection.__send__(@options[:search_method], param(:q)) rescue Rails.logger.debug "Given collection doesn't respond to #{@options[:search_method]} well" @collection = orig_collection search_cols = @options[:searchable].map do |searchable| case searchable when Symbol known = @columns.find {|col| col[:col] == searchable} if known and known.key?(:sql) known[:sql] else "#{table_name}.#{@collection.connection.quote_column_name(searchable.to_s)}" end when Integer @columns[searchable][:sql] when String searchable else raise "Searchable must be identifiable" end end unless search_cols.empty? begin clauses = search_cols.map {|c| c << " LIKE :search" }.join(" OR ") @collection = @collection.where(clauses, {:search => "%#{param(:q)}%"}) rescue Rails.logger.debug "Given collection doesn't respond to :where well" @collection = orig_collection end end end end else if @options[:searchable] or param(:q) Rails.logger.warn "#{self.class.name}: Ignoring searchable fields on non-AR collection" end @options[:searchable] = false end if not @options[:searcher] and @options[:searchable] @options[:needs_searcher] = true @options[:searcher] = param_key(:searcher) end # Do collection filter first, may convert from AR to Array if @options[:collection_post_filter?] and @collection.respond_to?(:post_filter) @collection = @collection.post_filter(controller) end if @options[:post_filter] and @options[:post_filter].respond_to?(:call) @collection = @options[:post_filter].call(@collection) end # Paginate at the very end, after all sorting, filtering, etc.. if @per_page if @collection.respond_to? :paginate @collection = @collection.paginate(:page => current_page, :per_page => @per_page) elsif @collection.respond_to? :page @collection = @collection.page(current_page).per(@per_page) elsif @collection.is_a?(Array) and Module.const_defined?(:Kaminari) @collection = Kaminari.paginate_array(@collection).page(current_page).per(@per_page) else original = @collection @collection = @collection.to_enum.each_slice(@per_page).drop(current_page - 1).first.to_a class << @collection attr_accessor :current_page, :total_pages, :original_count end @collection.current_page = current_page @collection.original_count = original.count @collection.total_pages = original.count / @per_page end end end def param_key(key) "#{@magic_id}_#{key}".to_sym end def param(key, default=nil) @params.fetch(param_key(key), default) end def base_params @params.merge :magic_grid_id => @magic_id end def current_page [param(:page, 1).to_i, 1].max end def order(something) case something when 1, "1", :desc, :DESC, "desc", "DESC" 1 #when 0, "0", :asc, :ASC, "asc", "ASC" # 0 else 0 end end def order_sql(something) ["ASC", "DESC"][order(something)] end end end