describe HybridPlatformsConductor::NodesHandler do context 'when checking CMDB plugins\' API called by NodesHandler' do # Get a test platform ready to test using the test CMDB # # Parameters:: # * *cmdbs* (Array): The test CMDBs to register [default: [:test_cmdb]] # * *additional_config* (String): Additional configuration [default: ''] # * Proc: The code to be caklled for tests def with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: [:test_cmdb], additional_config: '') with_test_platform( { nodes: { 'node1' => {}, 'node2' => {}, 'node3' => {}, 'node4' => {} } }, additional_config: additional_config ) do register_test_cmdb(cmdbs) yield end end it 'returns nodes metadata using generic method' do with_cmdb_test_platform do expect(test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase)).to eq 'NODE1' end end it 'returns nodes metadata using dynamic method' do with_cmdb_test_platform do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1')).to eq 'NODE1' end end it 'returns nodes currently known metadata using generic method' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase) test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node1') expect(test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1')).to eq( double: 'node1node1', upcase: 'NODE1' ) end end it 'returns nodes metadata using dynamic method several times (as the method is created dynamically)' do with_cmdb_test_platform do 3.times { expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1')).to eq 'NODE1' } end end it 'returns nodes metadata using dynamic method even on non-existant properties' do with_cmdb_test_platform do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_downcase_of('node1')).to be_nil end end it 'caches the value of a property for a given node' do with_cmdb_test_platform do 3.times { test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1') } # Check that there has been only 1 call to the plugin expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [[:get_upcase, ['node1'], {}]] end end it 'caches the value of a property for a given node even if the value can\'t be fetched' do with_cmdb_test_platform do 3.times { test_nodes_handler.get_nothing_of('node1') } # Check that there has been only 1 call to the plugin expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [[:get_nothing, ['node1'], {}]] end end it 'can prefetch the value of a property for a given node' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(['node1'], :upcase) cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1')).to eq 'NODE1' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [] end end it 'can prefetch the value of a property for several nodes at once' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(%w[node1 node3], :upcase) expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_upcase, %w[node1 node3], {}] ] cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1')).to eq 'NODE1' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node2')).to eq 'NODE2' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node3')).to eq 'NODE3' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node4')).to eq 'NODE4' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_upcase, ['node2'], {}], [:get_upcase, ['node4'], {}] ] end end it 'can prefetch the value of a property only for the nodes that were not prefetched before' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(%w[node1 node2 node3], :upcase) cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(%w[node2 node3 node4], :upcase) expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_upcase, ['node4'], {}] ] end end it 'gives the current metadata to the plugins to be able to use it' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1') expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node1')).to eq 'node1node1' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_upcase, ['node1'], {}], [:get_double, ['node1'], { 'node1' => { upcase: 'NODE1' } }] ] end end it 'can prefetch the value of several properties for several nodes' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(%w[node1 node3], %i[upcase double]) expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_upcase, %w[node1 node3], {}], [:get_double, %w[node1 node3], { 'node1' => { upcase: 'NODE1' }, 'node3' => { upcase: 'NODE3' } }] ] cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1')).to eq 'NODE1' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node2')).to eq 'NODE2' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node3')).to eq 'NODE3' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node4')).to eq 'NODE4' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node1')).to eq 'node1node1' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node2')).to eq 'node2node2' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node3')).to eq 'node3node3' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node4')).to eq 'node4node4' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_upcase, ['node2'], {}], [:get_upcase, ['node4'], {}], [:get_double, ['node2'], { 'node2' => { upcase: 'NODE2' } }], [:get_double, ['node4'], { 'node4' => { upcase: 'NODE4' } }] ] end end it 'does not prefetch the same values for the same nodes' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(%w[node1 node3], %i[upcase double]) cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(%w[node1 node3], %i[upcase double]) expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [] end end it 'can prefetch the value of several properties for several nodes several times' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(%w[node1 node3], %i[upcase double]) cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] test_nodes_handler.prefetch_metadata_of(%w[node1 node4], :double) expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_double, ['node4'], {}] ] cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1')).to eq 'NODE1' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node2')).to eq 'NODE2' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node3')).to eq 'NODE3' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node4')).to eq 'NODE4' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node1')).to eq 'node1node1' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node2')).to eq 'node2node2' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node3')).to eq 'node3node3' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_double_of('node4')).to eq 'node4node4' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_upcase, ['node2'], {}], [:get_upcase, ['node4'], { 'node4' => { double: 'node4node4' } }], [:get_double, ['node2'], { 'node2' => { upcase: 'NODE2' } }] ] end end it 'makes sure to get dependent properties before getting a property' do with_cmdb_test_platform do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_reversed_double_of('node1')).to eq '1edon1edon' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_double, ['node1'], {}], [:get_reversed_double, ['node1'], { 'node1' => { double: 'node1node1' } }] ] end end it 'makes sure to get dependent properties before getting a property even if the dependency can\'t be set' do with_cmdb_test_platform do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_reversed_downcase_of('node1')).to eq 'UNKNOWN' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_reversed_downcase, ['node1'], { 'node1' => { downcase: nil } }] ] end end it 'tries different CMDBs to get a property until one gives it' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_2]) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_nothing_of('node1')).to eq 'node1 has nothing' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_nothing, ['node1'], {}] ] expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_2).calls).to eq [ [:get_nothing, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'fails when different CMDBs get a property having conflicting values' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_2]) do expect { test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_of('node1') }.to raise_error '[CMDB TestCmdb2.different_comment] - Returned a conflicting value for metadata different_comment of node node1: Comment from test_cmdb_2 whereas the value was already set to Comment from test_cmdb' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_different_comment, ['node1'], {}] ] expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_2).calls).to eq [ [:get_different_comment, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'does not fail when different CMDBs get a property having same values' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_2]) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_same_comment_of('node1')).to eq 'Comment for node1' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_same_comment, ['node1'], {}] ] expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_2).calls).to eq [ [:get_same_comment, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'does not fail when different CMDBs get a property having conflicting values but one is defined as priority' do with_cmdb_test_platform( cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_2], additional_config: 'master_cmdbs(test_cmdb_2: :different_comment)' ) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_of('node1')).to eq 'Comment from test_cmdb_2' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to be_nil expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_2).calls).to eq [ [:get_different_comment, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'can configure different priority rules for different properties' do with_cmdb_test_platform( cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_2], additional_config: <<~EO_CONFIG master_cmdbs( test_cmdb: :different_comment_2, test_cmdb_2: :different_comment ) EO_CONFIG ) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_of('node1')).to eq 'Comment from test_cmdb_2' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_2_of('node1')).to eq 'Comment2 from test_cmdb' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_different_comment_2, ['node1'], { 'node1' => { different_comment: 'Comment from test_cmdb_2' } }] ] expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_2).calls).to eq [ [:get_different_comment, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'can configure different priority rules for different properties on different nodes' do with_cmdb_test_platform( cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_2], additional_config: <<~'EO_CONFIG' for_nodes('node1') do master_cmdbs( test_cmdb: :different_comment_2, test_cmdb_2: :different_comment ) end for_nodes('node2') do master_cmdbs( test_cmdb: :different_comment, test_cmdb_2: :different_comment_2 ) end EO_CONFIG ) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_of('node1')).to eq 'Comment from test_cmdb_2' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_of('node2')).to eq 'Comment from test_cmdb' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_2_of('node1')).to eq 'Comment2 from test_cmdb' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_2_of('node2')).to eq 'Comment2 from test_cmdb_2' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_different_comment, %w[node2], {}], [:get_different_comment_2, %w[node1], { 'node1' => { different_comment: 'Comment from test_cmdb_2' } }] ] expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_2).calls).to eq [ [:get_different_comment, %w[node1], {}], [:get_different_comment_2, %w[node2], { 'node2' => { different_comment: 'Comment from test_cmdb' } }] ] end end it 'fails when there are conflicts in the definition of master CMDBs' do with_cmdb_test_platform( cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_2], additional_config: <<~'EO_CONFIG' master_cmdbs( test_cmdb: %i[different_comment different_comment_2] ) master_cmdbs( test_cmdb: :different_comment, test_cmdb_2: :different_comment_2 ) EO_CONFIG ) do expect { test_nodes_handler.get_different_comment_of('node1') }.to raise_error 'Property different_comment_2 have conflicting CMDB masters for node1 declared in the configuration: HybridPlatformsConductorTest::CmdbPlugins::TestCmdb and HybridPlatformsConductorTest::CmdbPlugins::TestCmdb2' end end it 'fails when the CMDB marked as master does not implement the property' do with_cmdb_test_platform( cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_2], additional_config: <<~'EO_CONFIG' master_cmdbs( test_cmdb_2: :upcase ) EO_CONFIG ) do expect { test_nodes_handler.get_upcase_of('node1') }.to raise_error 'CMDB test_cmdb_2 is configured as a master for property upcase on node node1 but it does not implement the needed API to retrieve it' end end it 'continues trying different CMDBs to get a property even if ones already gives it' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb_2 test_cmdb]) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_nothing_of('node1')).to eq 'node1 has nothing' # test_cmdb was not even called, as it was registered second expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_nothing, ['node1'], {}] ] expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_2).calls).to eq [ [:get_nothing, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'uses the others method to get non registered properties' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb_others]) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_downcase_of('node1')).to eq '_node1_' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_others).calls).to eq [ [:get_others, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'uses the others method to get properties for which other CMDBs have no values' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_others]) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_nothing_of('node1')).to eq 'node1 has another nothing' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_nothing, ['node1'], {}] ] expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_others).calls).to eq [ [:get_others, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'uses the others method to get properties for which other CMDBs have no values but with lesser priority than CMDBs defining the property' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb_others test_cmdb]) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_nothing_of('node1')).to eq 'node1 has another nothing' # Here we see that test_cmdb was called first, even when it was registered second expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [ [:get_nothing, ['node1'], {}] ] expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_others).calls).to eq [ [:get_others, ['node1'], {}] ] end end it 'does not cache metadata from others method when they are not the required property' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb test_cmdb_others]) do expect(test_nodes_handler.get_unknown_of('node1')).to be_nil expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_others).calls).to eq [ [:get_others, ['node1'], {}] ] cmdb(:test_cmdb_others).calls = [] expect(test_nodes_handler.get_last_3_of('node1')).to eq 'de1' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb_others).calls).to eq [ [:get_others, ['node1'], { 'node1' => { unknown: nil } }] ] end end it 'does not refuse conflicts between CMDBs and overriden values' do with_cmdb_test_platform(cmdbs: %i[test_cmdb_others]) do test_nodes_handler.override_metadata_of 'node1', :downcase, 'OVERIDDEN' expect(test_nodes_handler.get_unknown_of('node1')).to be_nil expect(test_nodes_handler.get_downcase_of('node1')).to eq 'OVERIDDEN' end end it 'sets metadata that was not prefetched' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.override_metadata_of 'node1', :upcase, 'OVERIDDEN' expect(test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase)).to eq 'OVERIDDEN' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to be_nil end end it 'overrides metadata that was already prefetched' do with_cmdb_test_platform do expect(test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase)).to eq 'NODE1' test_nodes_handler.override_metadata_of 'node1', :upcase, 'OVERIDDEN' cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] expect(test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase)).to eq 'OVERIDDEN' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [] end end it 'makes sure overriden metadata is accessible to other CMDBs' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.override_metadata_of 'node1', :other_property, 'Other value' cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] expect(test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase)).to eq 'NODE1' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [[:get_upcase, ['node1'], { 'node1' => { other_property: 'Other value' } }]] end end it 'invalidates metadata that was not prefetched' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.invalidate_metadata_of 'node1', :upcase expect(test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase)).to eq 'NODE1' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [[:get_upcase, ['node1'], {}]] end end it 'invalidates metadata that was already prefetched' do with_cmdb_test_platform do test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase) test_nodes_handler.override_metadata_of 'node1', :upcase, 'OVERIDDEN' test_nodes_handler.invalidate_metadata_of 'node1', :upcase cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls = [] expect(test_nodes_handler.metadata_of('node1', :upcase)).to eq 'NODE1' expect(cmdb(:test_cmdb).calls).to eq [[:get_upcase, ['node1'], { 'node1' => {} }]] end end end end