/* * Author: Kazushi SUGYO * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <assert.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <openflow.h> #include "openflow_message.h" #include "cookie_table.h" #include "ofpmsg_recv.h" #include "ofpmsg_send.h" #include "service_interface.h" #include "switch.h" #include "xid_table.h" static int ofpmsg_recv_hello( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_error( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_echorequest( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_echoreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_vendor( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_featuresreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_getconfigreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_packetin( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_flowremoved( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_portstatus( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_statsreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_barrierreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); static int ofpmsg_recv_queue_getconfigreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ); #define ofpmsg_debug( format, args... ) \ do { \ debug( format " state:%d, dpid:%#" PRIx64 ", fd:%d.", \ ## args, sw_info->state, sw_info->datapath_id, \ sw_info->secure_channel_fd ); \ } \ while ( 0 ) static int send_transaction_reply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { struct ofp_header *header; uint32_t xid; xid_entry_t *xid_entry; header = buf->data; xid = ntohl( header->xid ); xid_entry = lookup_xid_entry( xid ); if ( xid_entry == NULL ) { free_buffer( buf ); return -1; } header->xid = htonl( xid_entry->original_xid ); service_send_to_reply( xid_entry->service_name, MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE, &sw_info->datapath_id, buf ); delete_xid_entry( xid_entry ); free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_hello( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { int ret; ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'hello' from a switch." ); free_buffer( buf ); ret = switch_event_recv_hello( sw_info ); if ( ret < 0 ) { return ret; } return ret; } int ofpmsg_recv_error( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { int ret; struct ofp_error_msg *error_msg; ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'error' from a switch." ); error_msg = buf->data; uint16_t type = ntohs( error_msg->type ); uint16_t code = ntohs( error_msg->code ); notice( "Receive 'error' from a switch. xid:%#x, type:%d, code:%d.", ntohl( error_msg->header.xid ), type, code ); ret = switch_event_recv_error( sw_info ); if ( ret < 0 ) { free_buffer( buf ); return ret; } if ( type == OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED ) { size_t length = ntohs( error_msg->header.length ) - offsetof( struct ofp_error_msg, data ); if ( length >= offsetof( struct ofp_flow_mod, command ) ) { struct ofp_flow_mod *flow_mod = ( struct ofp_flow_mod * ) error_msg->data; uint32_t xid = ntohl( flow_mod->header.xid ); xid_entry_t *xid_entry = lookup_xid_entry( xid ); if ( xid_entry != NULL ) { flow_mod->header.xid = htonl( xid_entry->original_xid ); } uint64_t cookie = ntohll( flow_mod->cookie ); if ( cookie == RESERVED_COOKIE ) { free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } if ( sw_info->cookie_translation ) { cookie_entry_t *entry = lookup_cookie_entry_by_cookie( &cookie ); if ( entry != NULL ) { flow_mod->cookie = htonll( entry->application.cookie ); if ( length >= offsetof( struct ofp_flow_mod, actions ) ) { flow_mod->flags = htons( entry->application.flags ); } } if ( length >= offsetof( struct ofp_flow_mod, idle_timeout ) ) { uint16_t command = ntohs( flow_mod->command ); switch ( command ) { case OFPFC_ADD: { if ( entry != NULL ) { delete_cookie_entry( entry ); } else { error( "No cookie entry found ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 " ).", cookie ); } } break; case OFPFC_MODIFY: case OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT: case OFPFC_DELETE: case OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT: break; default: error( "Undefined flow_mod command ( command = %#x ).", command ); } } } } } send_transaction_reply( sw_info, buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_echorequest( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { int ret; struct ofp_header *ofp_header; ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'echo request' from a switch." ); ofp_header = buf->data; remove_front_buffer( buf, sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); ret = ofpmsg_send_echoreply( sw_info, ntohl( ofp_header->xid ), buf ); return ret; } int ofpmsg_recv_echoreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'echo reply' from a switch." ); int ret = switch_event_recv_echoreply( sw_info, buf ); if ( ret < 0 ) { free_buffer( buf ); return ret; } send_transaction_reply( sw_info, buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_vendor( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'vendor' from a switch." ); service_send_to_application( sw_info->vendor_service_name_list, MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE, &sw_info->datapath_id, buf ); free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_featuresreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { int ret; struct ofp_switch_features *feat_rep; uint64_t datapath_id; ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'features reply' from a switch." ); feat_rep = buf->data; datapath_id = ntohll( feat_rep->datapath_id ); ret = switch_event_recv_featuresreply( sw_info, &datapath_id ); if ( ret < 0 ) { free_buffer( buf ); return ret; } send_transaction_reply( sw_info, buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_getconfigreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'get config reply' from a switch." ); send_transaction_reply( sw_info, buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_packetin( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'packet in' from a switch." ); service_send_to_application( sw_info->packetin_service_name_list, MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE, &sw_info->datapath_id, buf ); free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_flowremoved( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { struct ofp_flow_removed *flow_removed; uint64_t cookie; cookie_entry_t *entry; ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'flow removed' from a switch." ); flow_removed = buf->data; cookie = ntohll( flow_removed->cookie ); if ( cookie == RESERVED_COOKIE ) { free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } if ( !sw_info->cookie_translation ) { service_send_to_application( sw_info->state_service_name_list, MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE, &sw_info->datapath_id, buf ); free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } entry = lookup_cookie_entry_by_cookie( &cookie ); if ( entry == NULL ) { error( "No cookie entry found ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 " ).", cookie ); free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } debug( "Cookie found ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", application = [ cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", service name = %s, flags = %#x ], reference_count = %d, expire_at = %" PRIu64 " ).", cookie, entry->application.cookie, entry->application.service_name, entry->application.flags, entry->reference_count, ( int64_t ) entry->expire_at ); if ( entry->application.flags & OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM ) { flow_removed->cookie = htonll( entry->application.cookie ); service_send_to_reply( entry->application.service_name, MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE, &sw_info->datapath_id, buf ); } delete_cookie_entry( entry ); free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_portstatus( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'port status' from a switch." ); service_send_to_application( sw_info->portstatus_service_name_list, MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE, &sw_info->datapath_id, buf ); free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_statsreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply = buf->data; uint16_t type = ntohs( stats_reply->type ); ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'statistics reply' from a switch." ); if ( type == OFPST_FLOW && sw_info->cookie_translation ) { size_t body_offset = offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ); int body_length = ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ) - ( int ) body_offset; struct ofp_flow_stats *flow_stats = ( void * ) ( ( char * ) stats_reply + body_offset ); while ( body_length > 0 ) { uint64_t cookie = ntohll( flow_stats->cookie ); cookie_entry_t *entry = lookup_cookie_entry_by_cookie( &cookie ); if ( entry != NULL ) { debug( "Cookie entry found ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", application = [ cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", service name = %s ] ).", cookie, entry->application.cookie, entry->application.service_name ); flow_stats->cookie = htonll( entry->application.cookie ); } else { warn( "No cookie entry found ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 " ).", cookie ); } body_length = body_length - ntohs( flow_stats->length ); flow_stats = ( void * ) ( ( char * ) flow_stats + ntohs( flow_stats->length ) ); } } // since we may receive multiple replies, we cannot call send_transaction_reply(). uint32_t xid = ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ); xid_entry_t *xid_entry = lookup_xid_entry( xid ); if ( xid_entry == NULL ) { error( "No transaction id entry found ( transaction_id = %#" PRIx32 " ).", xid ); free_buffer( buf ); return -1; } stats_reply->header.xid = htonl( xid_entry->original_xid ); service_send_to_reply( xid_entry->service_name, MESSENGER_OPENFLOW_MESSAGE, &sw_info->datapath_id, buf ); if ( ( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ) & OFPSF_REPLY_MORE ) == 0 ) { delete_xid_entry( xid_entry ); } free_buffer( buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_barrierreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'barrier reply' from a switch." ); send_transaction_reply( sw_info, buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv_queue_getconfigreply( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { ofpmsg_debug( "Receive 'queue get config reply' from a switch." ); send_transaction_reply( sw_info, buf ); return 0; } int ofpmsg_recv( struct switch_info *sw_info, buffer *buf ) { int ret; struct ofp_header *header; uint16_t error_type, error_code; ofpmsg_debug( "Receive a message from a switch." ); header = buf->data; ret = validate_openflow_message( buf ); if ( ret != 0 ) { notice( "Invalid openflow message. type:%d, errno:%d", header->type, ret ); error_type = OFPET_BAD_REQUEST; error_code = OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE; get_error_type_and_code( header->type, ret, &error_type, &error_code ); debug( "Validation error. type %u, errno %d, error type %u, error code %u", header->type, ret, error_type, error_code ); ofpmsg_send_error_msg( sw_info, error_type, error_code, buf ); free_buffer( buf ); return -1; } switch ( header->type ) { // Immutable messages. case OFPT_HELLO: ret = ofpmsg_recv_hello( sw_info, buf ); break; case OFPT_ERROR: ret = ofpmsg_recv_error( sw_info, buf ); break; case OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST: ret = ofpmsg_recv_echorequest( sw_info, buf ); break; case OFPT_ECHO_REPLY: ret = ofpmsg_recv_echoreply( sw_info, buf ); break; case OFPT_VENDOR: ret = ofpmsg_recv_vendor( sw_info, buf ); break; // Switch configuration messages. case OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY: ret = ofpmsg_recv_featuresreply( sw_info, buf ); break; case OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY: ret = ofpmsg_recv_getconfigreply( sw_info, buf ); break; // Asynchronous messages. case OFPT_PACKET_IN: ret = ofpmsg_recv_packetin( sw_info, buf ); break; case OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED: ret = ofpmsg_recv_flowremoved( sw_info, buf ); break; case OFPT_PORT_STATUS: ret = ofpmsg_recv_portstatus( sw_info, buf ); break; // Statistics messages. case OFPT_STATS_REPLY: ret = ofpmsg_recv_statsreply( sw_info, buf ); break; // Barrier messages. case OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY: ret = ofpmsg_recv_barrierreply( sw_info, buf ); break; // Queue Configuration messages. case OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY: ret = ofpmsg_recv_queue_getconfigreply( sw_info, buf ); break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } return ret; } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */