# frozen_string_literal: true class Setting # Provide settings related with Ansible class Ansible < ::Setting class << self # It would be more disadvantages than advantages to split up # load_defaults into multiple methods, this way it's already very # manageable. # rubocop:disable AbcSize # rubocop:disable MethodLength # rubocop:disable BlockLength def load_defaults return unless super Setting::BLANK_ATTRS.push('ansible_ssh_private_key_file') transaction do [ set( 'ansible_ssh_private_key_file', N_('Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key '\ 'that Ansible will use in lieu of a password '\ 'Override with "ansible_ssh_private_key_file" '\ 'host parameter'), '', N_('Private Key Path') ), set( 'ansible_connection', N_('Use this connection type by default when running '\ 'Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by '\ 'adding a parameter "ansible_connection"'), 'ssh', N_('Connection type') ), set( 'ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation', N_('Enable/disable WinRM server certificate '\ 'validation when running Ansible playbooks. You can override '\ 'this on hosts by adding a parameter '\ '"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation"'), 'validate', N_('WinRM cert Validation') ), set( 'ansible_verbosity', N_('Foreman will add the this level of verbosity for '\ 'additional debugging output when running Ansible playbooks.'), '0', N_('Default verbosity level'), nil, :collection => lambda do { '0' => N_('Disabled'), '1' => N_('Level 1 (-v)'), '2' => N_('Level 2 (-vv)'), '3' => N_('Level 3 (-vvv)'), '4' => N_('Level 4 (-vvvv)') } end # rubocop:enable BlockLength ), set( 'ansible_post_provision_timeout', N_('Timeout (in seconds) to set when Foreman will trigger a '\ 'play Ansible roles task after a host is fully provisioned. '\ 'Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take '\ 'until it is ready after a reboot.'), '360', N_('Post-provision timeout') ), set( 'top_level_ansible_vars', N_('Whether to put Ansible parameters in the "hostvars" '\ 'top-level key of the inventory. By default it is true, so '\ 'that Host Parameters can be used directly in the '\ 'playbooks. When false, Host Parameters can only be accessed '\ 'through foreman_params["host_parameter"] in the playbooks.'), true, N_('Top level Ansible variables') ), set( 'ansible_interval', N_('Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.'), '30', N_('Ansible report timeout') ), set( 'ansible_out_of_sync_disabled', format(N_('Disable host configuration status turning to out of'\ ' sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within'\ ' configured interval'), :cfgmgmt => 'Ansible'), false, format(N_('%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled'), :cfgmgmt => 'Ansible') ) ].compact.each do |s| create(s.update(:category => 'Setting::Ansible')) end end true end # rubocop:enable AbcSize # rubocop:enable MethodLength def humanized_category N_('Ansible') end end end end