module ESP class StatSignature < ESP::Resource include ESP::StatTotals # The signature these stats are for. # # @return [ESP::Signature] belongs_to :signature, class_name: 'ESP::Signature' # Not Implemented. You cannot search for a StatSignature. # # @return [void] def self.where(*) fail ESP::NotImplementedError end # Returns a paginated collection of signature stats for the given stat_id # Convenience method to use instead of {.find} since a stat_id is required to return signature stats. # # @param stat_id [Integer, Numeric] Required ID of the stat to list signature stats for. # @param options [Hash] Optional hash of options. # ===== Valid Options # # +include+ | The list of associated objects to return on the initial request. # # ===== valid Includable Associations # # See {API documentation}[] for valid arguments # @return [ActiveResource::PaginatedCollection] # @raise [ArgumentError] if no +stat_id+ is supplied. # @example # stats = ESP::StatSignature.for_stat(1194) def self.for_stat(stat_id = nil, options = {}) # rubocop:disable Style/OptionHash fail ArgumentError, "You must supply a stat id." unless stat_id.present? from = "#{prefix}stats/#{stat_id}/signatures.json" find(:all, from: from, params: options) end # Find a StatRegion by id # # *call-seq* -> +super.find(id, options = {})+ # # @overload find(id) # @param id [Integer, Numeric, #to_i] Required ID of the signature stat to retrieve. # @overload find(id, options) # @param id [Integer, Numeric, #to_i] Required ID of the signature stat to retrieve. # @param options | Optional hash of options. # ===== Valid Options # # +include+ | The list of associated objects to return on the initial request. # # ===== valid Includable Associations # # See {API documentation}[] for valid arguments # @overload find(scope, options) # *call-seq* -> +super.all(options)+ # @api private # @param scope [Object] *Example:* +:all+ # @param options [Hash] +params: { stat_id: Integer }+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if no +stat_id+ is supplied. # @return [ESP::StatSignature def self.find(*arguments) scope = arguments.slice!(0) options = (arguments.slice!(0) || {}).with_indifferent_access return super(scope, options) if scope.is_a?(Numeric) || options[:from].present? params = options.fetch(:params, {}).with_indifferent_access stat_id = params.delete(:stat_id) for_stat(stat_id) end # @!method self.create # Not Implemented. You cannot create a Stat. # # @return [void] # @!method save # Not Implemented. You cannot create or update a Stat. # # @return [void] # @!method destroy # Not Implemented. You cannot delete a Stat. # # @return [void] # @!group 'total' rollup methods # @!method total # @!method total_pass # @!method total_fail # @!method total_warn # @!method total_error # @!method total_info # @!method total_new_1h_pass # @!method total_new_1h_fail # @!method total_new_1h_warn # @!method total_new_1h_error # @!method total_new_1h_info # @!method total_new_1d_pass # @!method total_new_1d_fail # @!method total_new_1d_warn # @!method total_new_1d_error # @!method total_new_1d_info # @!method total_new_1w_pass # @!method total_new_1w_fail # @!method total_new_1w_error # @!method total_new_1w_info # @!method total_new_1w_warn # @!method total_old_fail # @!method total_old_pass # @!method total_old_warn # @!method total_old_error # @!method total_old_info # @!method total_suppressed # @!method total_suppressed_pass # @!method total_suppressed_fail # @!method total_suppressed_warn # @!method total_suppressed_error # @!method total_new_1h # @!method total_new_1d # @!method total_new_1w # @!method total_old end end