# rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_HTML_LINK = :SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_HTML_LINK SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_RELEASE_ID = :SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_RELEASE_ID SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON = :SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON end class SetGithubReleaseAction < Action def self.run(params) Helper.log.info "Creating release of #{params[:repository_name]} on tag \"#{params[:tag_name]}\" with name \"#{params[:name]}\".".yellow Helper.log.info "Will also upload assets #{params[:upload_assets]}.".yellow if params[:upload_assets] require 'json' body_obj = { 'tag_name' => params[:tag_name], 'name' => params[:name], 'body' => params[:description], 'draft' => !!params[:is_draft], 'prerelease' => !!params[:is_prerelease] } body_obj['target_commitish'] = params[:commitish] if params[:commitish] body = body_obj.to_json repo_name = params[:repository_name] api_token = params[:api_token] # create the release response = call_releases_endpoint("post", repo_name, "/releases", api_token, body) case response[:status] when 201 Helper.log.info "Successfully created release at tag \"#{params[:tag_name]}\" on GitHub".green body = JSON.parse(response.body) html_url = body['html_url'] release_id = body['id'] Helper.log.info "See release at \"#{html_url}\"".yellow Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_HTML_LINK] = html_url Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_RELEASE_ID] = release_id Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON] = body assets = params[:upload_assets] if assets && assets.count > 0 # upload assets self.upload_assets(assets, body['upload_url'], api_token) # fetch the release again, so that it contains the uploaded assets get_response = self.call_releases_endpoint("get", repo_name, "/releases/#{release_id}", api_token, nil) if get_response[:status] != 200 Helper.log.error "GitHub responded with #{response[:status]}:#{response[:body]}".red raise "Failed to fetch the newly created release, but it *has been created* successfully.".red end get_body = JSON.parse(get_response.body) Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON] = get_body Helper.log.info "Successfully uploaded assets #{assets} to release \"#{html_url}\"".green return get_body else return body end when 422 Helper.log.error response.body Helper.log.error "Release on tag #{params[:tag_name]} already exists!".red when 404 Helper.log.error response.body raise "Repository #{params[:repository_name]} cannot be found, please double check its name and that you provided a valid API token (if it's a private repository).".red when 401 Helper.log.error response.body raise "You are not authorized to access #{params[:repository_name]}, please make sure you provided a valid API token.".red else if response[:status] != 200 Helper.log.error "GitHub responded with #{response[:status]}:#{response[:body]}".red end end return nil end def self.upload_assets(assets, upload_url_template, api_token) assets.each do |asset| self.upload(asset, upload_url_template, api_token) end end def self.upload(asset_path, upload_url_template, api_token) # if it's a directory, zip it first in a temp directory, because we can only upload binary files absolute_path = File.absolute_path(asset_path) # check that the asset even exists raise "Asset #{absolute_path} doesn't exist" unless File.exist?(absolute_path) name = File.basename(absolute_path) response = nil if File.directory?(absolute_path) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpzip = File.join(dir, File.basename(absolute_path) + '.zip') name = File.basename(tmpzip) sh "cd \"#{File.dirname(absolute_path)}\"; zip -r \"#{tmpzip}\" \"#{File.basename(absolute_path)}\" 2>&1 >/dev/null" response = self.upload_file(tmpzip, upload_url_template, api_token) end else response = self.upload_file(absolute_path, upload_url_template, api_token) end return response end def self.upload_file(file, url_template, api_token) require 'addressable/template' name = File.basename(file) expanded_url = Addressable::Template.new(url_template).expand(name: name).to_s headers = self.headers(api_token) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/zip' # how do we detect other types e.g. other binary files? file extensions? Helper.log.info "Uploading #{name}".yellow response = self.call_endpoint(expanded_url, "post", headers, File.read(file)) # inspect the response case response.status when 201 # all good in the hood Helper.log.info "Successfully uploaded #{name}.".green else Helper.log.error "GitHub responded with #{response[:status]}:#{response[:body]}".red raise "Failed to upload asset #{name} to GitHub." end end def self.call_endpoint(url, method, headers, body) require 'excon' case method when "post" response = Excon.post(url, headers: headers, body: body) when "get" response = Excon.get(url, headers: headers, body: body) else raise "Unsupported method #{method}" end return response end def self.call_releases_endpoint(method, repo, endpoint, api_token, body) url = "https://api.github.com/repos/#{repo}#{endpoint}" self.call_endpoint(url, method, self.headers(api_token), body) end def self.headers(api_token) require 'base64' headers = { 'User-Agent' => 'fastlane-set_github_release' } headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64(api_token)}" if api_token headers end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "This will create a new release on GitHub and upload assets for it" end def self.details "Creates a new release on GitHub. You must provide your GitHub Personal token (get one from https://github.com/settings/tokens/new), the repository name and tag name. By default that's 'master'. If the tag doesn't exist, one will be created on the commit or branch passed-in as commitish. Out parameters provide the release's id, which can be used for later editing and the release html link to GitHub. You can also specify a list of assets to be uploaded to the release with the upload_assets parameter." end def self.available_options [ FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :repository_name, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_REPOSITORY_NAME", description: "The path to your repo, e.g. 'KrauseFx/fastlane'", verify_block: proc do |value| raise "Please only pass the path, e.g. 'KrauseFx/fastlane'".red if value.include? "github.com" raise "Please only pass the path, e.g. 'KrauseFx/fastlane'".red if value.split('/').count != 2 end), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :api_token, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_RELEASE_API_TOKEN", description: "Personal API Token for GitHub - generate one at https://github.com/settings/tokens", is_string: true, optional: false), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :tag_name, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_TAG_NAME", description: "Pass in the tag name", is_string: true, optional: false), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :name, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_NAME", description: "Name of this release", is_string: true, optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :commitish, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_COMMITISH", description: "Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA. Unused if the Git tag already exists. Default: the repository's default branch (usually master)", is_string: true, optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :description, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_DESCRIPTION", description: "Description of this release", is_string: true, optional: true), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :is_draft, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_IS_DRAFT", description: "Whether the release should be marked as draft", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :is_prerelease, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_IS_PRERELEASE", description: "Whether the release should be marked as prerelease", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :upload_assets, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_UPLOAD_ASSETS", description: "Path to assets to be uploaded with the release", optional: true, is_string: false, verify_block: proc do |value| raise "upload_assets must be an Array of paths to assets" unless value.kind_of? Array end) ] end def self.output [ ['SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_HTML_LINK', 'Link to your created release'], ['SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_RELEASE_ID', 'Release id (useful for subsequent editing)'], ['SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON', 'The whole release JSON object'] ] end def self.return_value [ "A hash containing all relevant information of this release", "Access things like 'html_url', 'tag_name', 'name', 'body'" ].join("\n") end def self.authors ["czechboy0"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end