module Appium module Ios # iOS only. On Android uiautomator always returns an empty string for EditText password. # # Password character returned from value of UIASecureTextField # @param length [Integer] the length of the password to generate # @return [String] the returned string is of size length def ios_password length=1 8226.chr('UTF-8') * length end # Returns a string of interesting elements. iOS only. # # Defaults to inspecting the 1st windows source only. # use get_page(get_source) for all window sources # # @option element [Object] the element to search. omit to search everything # @option class_name [String,Symbol] the class name to filter on. case insensitive include match. # @return [String] def get_page element=source_window(0), class_name=nil lazy_load_strings # populate @strings_xml class_name = class_name.to_s.downcase # @private def empty ele (ele['name'] || ele['label'] || ele['value']) == nil end # @private def fix_space s # if s is an int, we can't call .empty return nil if s.nil? || (s.respond_to?(:empty) && s.empty?) # ints don't respond to force encoding # ensure we're converting to a string unless s.respond_to? :force_encoding s_s = s.to_s return s_s.empty? ? nil : s_s end # char code 160 (name, label) vs 32 (value) will break comparison. # convert string to binary and remove 160. # \xC2\xA0 s = s.force_encoding('binary').gsub("\xC2\xA0".force_encoding('binary'), ' ') if s s.empty? ? nil : s end unless empty(element) || element['visible'] == false name = fix_space element['name'] label = fix_space element['label'] value = fix_space element['value'] hint = fix_space element['hint'] visible = fix_space element['visible'] type = fix_space element['type'] # if class_name is set, mark non-matches as invisible visible = (type.downcase.include?(class_name)).to_s if class_name if visible && visible == 'true' if name == label && name == value puts "#{type}" if name || label || value || hint puts " name, label, value: #{name}" if name puts " hint: #{hint}" if hint elsif name == label puts "#{type}" if name || label || value || hint puts " name, label: #{name}" if name puts " value: #{value}" if value puts " hint: #{hint}" if hint elsif name == value puts "#{type}" if name || label || value || hint puts " name, value: #{name}" if name puts " label: #{label}" if label puts " hint: #{hint}" if hint else puts "#{type}" if name || label || value || hint puts " name: #{name}" if name puts " label: #{label}" if label puts " value: #{value}" if value puts " hint: #{hint}" if hint end # there may be many ids with the same value. # output all exact matches. attributes = [name, label, value, hint].select { |attr| !attr.nil? } partial = {} id_matches = do |key, val| next if val.nil? || val.empty? partial[key] = val if attributes.detect { |attr| attr.include?(val) } attributes.detect { |attr| val == attr } end # If there are no exact matches, display partial matches. id_matches = partial if id_matches.empty? unless id_matches.empty? match_str = '' max_len = id_matches.keys.max_by(&:length).length # [0] = key, [1] = value id_matches.each do |key, value| arrow_space = ' ' * (max_len - key.length).to_i match_str += ' ' * 7 + "#{key} #{arrow_space}=> #{value}\n" end puts " id: #{match_str.strip}\n" end end end children = element['children'] children.each { |c| get_page c, class_name } if children nil end # Prints a string of interesting elements to the console. # # Example # # ```ruby # page class: :UIAButton # filter on buttons # page window: 1 # show source for window 1 # page class: :UIAButton, window: 1 # ``` # # @option window [Integer] window index. -1 for default # @option class [Symbol] class name to filter on # # @return [void] def page opts={} if opts.is_a?(Hash) window_number = opts.fetch :window, -1 class_name = opts.fetch :class, nil else window_number = -1 class_name = opts end # current_context may be nil which breaks start_with if current_context && current_context.start_with?('WEBVIEW') s = get_source parser = @android_html_parser ||= parser.document.reset parser.document.filter = class_name parser.parse s parser.document.result else if window_number == -1 # if the 0th window has no children, find the next window that does. target_window = source_window 0 target_window = source_window 1 if target_window['children'].empty? get_page target_window, class_name else get_page source_window(window_number || 0), class_name end nil end end # Gets the JSON source of window number # @param window_number [Integer] the int index of the target window # @return [JSON] def source_window window_number=0 # appium 1.0 still returns JSON when getTree() is invoked so this # doesn't need to change to XML. If getTree() is removed then # source_window will need to parse the results of getTreeForXML()\ # execute_script "UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[#{window_number}].getTree()" end # Prints parsed page source to console. # # example: page_window 0 # # @param window_number [Integer] the int index of the target window # @return [void] def page_window window_number=0 get_page source_window window_number nil end # Find by id # @param id [String] the id to search for # @return [Element] def id id value = resolve_id id raise "Invalid id `#{id}`" unless value exact = string_visible_exact '*', value contains = string_visible_contains '*', value xpath "#{exact} | #{contains}" end # Return the iOS version as an array of integers # @return [Array] def ios_version ios_version = execute_script 'UIATarget.localTarget().systemVersion()' ios_version.split('.').map { |e| e.to_i } end # Get the element of type class_name at matching index. # @param class_name [String] the class name to find # @param index [Integer] the index # @return [Element] def ele_index class_name, index unless index == 'last()' # XPath index starts at 1. raise "#{index} is not a valid xpath index. Must be >= 1" if index <= 0 end find_element :xpath, %Q(//#{class_name}[@visible="true"][#{index}]) end # @private def string_attr_exact class_name, attr, value %Q(//#{class_name}[@visible="true" and @#{attr}='#{value}']) end # Find the first element exactly matching class and attribute value. # @param class_name [String] the class name to search for # @param attr [String] the attribute to inspect # @param value [String] the expected value of the attribute # @return [Element] def find_ele_by_attr class_name, attr, value @driver.find_element :xpath, string_attr_exact(class_name, attr, value) end # Find all elements exactly matching class and attribute value. # @param class_name [String] the class name to match # @param attr [String] the attribute to compare # @param value [String] the value of the attribute that the element must have # @return [Array] def find_eles_by_attr class_name, attr, value @driver.find_elements :xpath, string_attr_exact(class_name, attr, value) end # @private def string_attr_include class_name, attr, value %Q(//#{class_name}[@visible="true" and contains(translate(@#{attr},'#{value.upcase}', '#{value}'), '#{value}')]) end # Get the first tag by attribute that exactly matches value. # @param class_name [String] the tag name to match # @param attr [String] the attribute to compare # @param value [String] the value of the attribute that the element must include # @return [Element] the element of type tag who's attribute includes value def find_ele_by_attr_include class_name, attr, value @driver.find_element :xpath, string_attr_include(class_name, attr, value) end # Get tags by attribute that include value. # @param class_name [String] the tag name to match # @param attr [String] the attribute to compare # @param value [String] the value of the attribute that the element must include # @return [Array] the elements of type tag who's attribute includes value def find_eles_by_attr_include class_name, attr, value @driver.find_elements :xpath, string_attr_include(class_name, attr, value) end # Get the first tag that matches class_name # @param class_name [String] the tag to match # @return [Element] def first_ele class_name # XPath index starts at 1 ele_index class_name, 1 end # Get the last tag that matches class_name # @param class_name [String] the tag to match # @return [Element] def last_ele class_name ele_index class_name, 'last()' end # Returns the first element matching class_name # # @param class_name [String] the class_name to search for # @return [Element] def tag class_name xpath %Q(//#{class_name}[@visible="true"]) end # Returns all elements matching class_name # # @param class_name [String] the class_name to search for # @return [Element] def tags class_name xpaths %Q(//#{class_name}[@visible="true"]) end # @private # Returns a string xpath that matches the first element that contains value # # example: xpath_visible_contains 'UIATextField', 'sign in' # # @param element [String] the class name for the element # @param value [String] the value to search for # @return [String] def string_visible_contains element, value result = [] attributes = %w[name hint label value] value_up = value.upcase value_down = value.downcase attributes.each do |attribute| result << %Q(contains(translate(@#{attribute},"#{value_up}","#{value_down}"), "#{value_down}")) end result = result.join(' or ') result = %Q(@visible="true" and (#{result})) "//#{element}[#{result}]" end # Find the first element that contains value # @param element [String] the class name for the element # @param value [String] the value to search for # @return [Element] def xpath_visible_contains element, value xpath string_visible_contains element, value end # Find all elements containing value # @param element [String] the class name for the element # @param value [String] the value to search for # @return [Array] def xpaths_visible_contains element, value xpaths string_visible_contains element, value end # @private # Create an xpath string to exactly match the first element with target value # @param element [String] the class name for the element # @param value [String] the value to search for # @return [String] def string_visible_exact element, value result = [] attributes = %w[name hint label value] attributes.each do |attribute| result << %Q(@#{attribute}="#{value}") end result = result.join(' or ') result = %Q(@visible="true" and (#{result})) "//#{element}[#{result}]" end # Find the first element exactly matching value # @param element [String] the class name for the element # @param value [String] the value to search for # @return [Element] def xpath_visible_exact element, value xpath string_visible_exact element, value end # Find all elements exactly matching value # @param element [String] the class name for the element # @param value [String] the value to search for # @return [Element] def xpaths_visible_exact element, value xpaths string_visible_exact element, value end end # module Ios end # module Appium