== 0.16.7 2010-07-11 * 1 minor enhancement * fixed rails version in /bin/zena == 0.16.6 2010-04-23 * 1 minor enhancement * fixed gem loading when brick is deactivated == 0.16.5 2010-04-15 * 2 major enhancements * added a way to easily check duplicate names when adding documents * ruby 1.9 compatibility fixes * 3 minor enhancements * better default +login mode * fixed image cache stamp not always used * some minor bug fixes == 0.16.4 2010-02-22 * 3 major enhancements * fixed installation and runtime bugs on Windows * moved ruby files in 'lib' into their Zena namespace * german translations [Lars Kanis] * 2 minor enhancements * fixed edgy bug with name duplicates * fixed bug that would show a 'site not found' error instead of a 404 == 0.16.3 2010-01-19 * 1 major enhancement * all gem dependencies are now using the default gem source == 0.16.2 2010-01-17 * 1 minor enhancement * fixed zena:assets task when used from 'zena' command == 0.16.1 2010-01-16 * 3 minor enhancements * rewrite of rake and capistrano tasks for sphinx brick * rewrite of rake and capistrano tasks for worker brick * fixed asset copying (should not overwrite without asking) == 0.16.0 2010-01-15 * 3 major enhancements * Sphinx search support * Authlogic authentification * attachments can now be provided with an url * added [node:attribute_name] to use in querybuilder * 5 minor enhancements * logrotate setup support with capistrano * fixed contact content zip bug * fixed fullpath set to NULL instead of kept in sync * fixed zafu generated partials not reloaded bug * using jeweler instead of bones for gem management == 0.15.2 2010-01-06 * 1 minor enhancement * fixed app generation when rails >= 2.3.4 is installed == 0.15.1 2009-10-27 * 2 major enhancements * Passenger support (deploy, upload progress) * JS popup & gallery support (setting in image formats) * 6 minor enhancements * fixed some deployment tasks (capistrano) * fixed zena:setup task to copy files instead of symlink * better versions list and diff select * internal 'js_data' hook to insert javascript at end of page * custom queries are loaded from bricks (bricks/brick_name/queries/test.host.yml) * fixed skin importation from zipped xhtml template == 0.15.0 2009-10-16 * 5 major enhancements * running rails 2.3.4 * installable as gem without RMagick * usable as gem with config.gem * supports sqlite3 * 'zena' command to create app * 3 minor enhancemnts * huge speed improvement in version loading * massive code cleanup * better team workflow (reworked access rights) == 0.11.1 2009-04-03 * minor enhancements * Better testing of custom queries using latest querybuilder (0.5.2)