require 'parallel' class ParallelTests VERSION = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','VERSION') ).strip # parallel:spec[2,controller] <-> parallel:spec[controller] def self.parse_rake_args (args) num_processes = Parallel.processor_count options = "" if args[:count].to_s =~ /^\d*$/ # number or empty num_processes = args[:count] unless args[:count].to_s.empty? prefix = args[:path_prefix] options = args[:options] if args[:options] else # something stringy prefix = args[:count] end [num_processes.to_i, prefix.to_s, options] end # finds all tests and partitions them into groups def self.tests_in_groups(root, num) tests_with_sizes = slow_specs_first(find_tests_with_sizes(root)) # always add to smallest group groups ={{:tests => [], :size => 0}} tests_with_sizes.each do |test, size| smallest = groups.sort_by{|g| g[:size] }.first smallest[:tests] << test smallest[:size] += size end{|g| g[:tests] } end def self.run_tests(test_files, process_number, options) require_list = { |filename| "\"#{filename}\"" }.join(",") cmd = "RAILS_ENV=test ; export RAILS_ENV ; ruby -Itest #{options} -e '[#{require_list}].each {|f| require f }'" execute_command(cmd, process_number) end def self.execute_command(cmd, process_number) cmd = "TEST_ENV_NUMBER=#{test_env_number(process_number)} ; export TEST_ENV_NUMBER; #{cmd}" f = open("|#{cmd}", 'r') all = '' while char = f.getc char = (char.is_a?(Fixnum) ? char.chr : char) # 1.8 <-> 1.9 all << char print char STDOUT.flush end all end def self.find_results(test_output) test_output.split("\n").map {|line| line = line.gsub(/\.|F|\*/,'') next unless line_is_result?(line) line }.compact end def self.failed?(results) return true if results.empty? !! results.detect{|line| line_is_failure?(line)} end def self.test_env_number(process_number) process_number == 0 ? '' : process_number + 1 end protected def self.slow_specs_first(tests) tests.sort_by{|test, size| size }.reverse end def self.line_is_result?(line) line =~ /\d+ failure/ end def self.line_is_failure?(line) line =~ /(\d{2,}|[1-9]) (failure|error)/ end def self.group_size(tests_with_sizes, num_groups) total_size = tests_with_sizes.inject(0) { |sum, test| sum += test[1] } total_size / num_groups.to_f end def self.find_tests_with_sizes(root) tests = find_tests(root).sort #TODO get the real root, atm this only works for complete runs when root point to e.g. real_root/spec runtime_file = File.join(root,'..','tmp','parallel_profile.log') lines ="\n") rescue [] if lines.size * 1.5 > tests.size # use recorded test runtime if we got enough data times = lines.each do |line| test, time = line.split(":") times[test] = time.to_f end { |test| [ test, times[test] ] } else # use file sizes { |test| [ test, File.stat(test).size ] } end end def self.find_tests(root) Dir["#{root}**/**/*_test.rb"] end end