CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION renalware.import_practices_csv(file text) RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN /* Imports a practices.csv file created by parsing out an HSCOrgRefData_Full_xxxxx.xml file. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_practices; CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_practices ( code text NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, tel text, street_1 text, street_2 text, street_3 text, town text, county text, postcode text NOT NULL, region text, country_id integer, active text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT tmp_practices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (code) ); /* Import the CSV file into tmp_practices, ignoring the first row which is a header */ EXECUTE format ('COPY tmp_practices FROM %L DELIMITER %L CSV HEADER', file, ','); /* Upsert practices */ WITH data( code, name, telephone, street_1, street_2, street_3, town, county, postcode, region, country_id, active) AS (select * from tmp_practices) , practice_changes AS ( INSERT INTO patient_practices (code, name, telephone, created_at, updated_at) SELECT code, name, telephone, clock_timestamp(), clock_timestamp() FROM data ON CONFLICT (code) DO UPDATE SET name =, telephone = excluded.telephone, updated_at = excluded.updated_at RETURNING code, id ) /* Upsert practice addresses */ INSERT INTO addresses ( addressable_type, addressable_id, street_1, street_2, street_3, town, county, postcode, region, country_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 'Renalware::Patients::Practice',, street_1, street_2, street_3, town, county, postcode, region, country_id, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM data join practice_changes using(code) ON CONFLICT (addressable_type, addressable_id) DO UPDATE SET street_1 = excluded.street_1, street_2 = excluded.street_2, street_3 = excluded.street_3, town =, county = excluded.county, postcode = excluded.postcode, region = excluded.region, country_id = excluded.country_id, updated_at = clock_timestamp(); /* Update the deleted_at column of any practices which do not have an Active status_code */ UPDATE patient_practices AS p SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM tmp_practices AS tp WHERE p.code = tp.code AND = 'false'; /* Set deleted_at tp NULL for active practices */ UPDATE patient_practices AS p SET deleted_at = NULL FROM tmp_practices AS tp WHERE p.code = tp.code AND != 'false'; DROP TABLE tmp_practices; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;