# Frozen-string-literal: true # Copyright: 2012 - 2018 - MIT License # Encoding: utf-8 module Jekyll module Assets module Utils def self.old_sprockets? @old_sprockets ||= begin Gem::Version.new(Sprockets::VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("4.0.beta") end end # -- def self.new_uglifier? require "uglifier" modern_supported_version = "4.0.0" Gem::Version.new(Uglifier::VERSION) >= Gem::Version .new(modern_supported_version) rescue LoadError return true end # -- def self.activate(gem) spec = Gem::Specification return unless spec.find_all_by_name(gem)&.any? || \ spec.find_by_path(gem)&.any? require gem if block_given? yield end true end # -- def self.html_fragment(*a) Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(*a) do |c| c.options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NONET | \ Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOENT end end # -- def self.html(*a) Nokogiri::HTML.parse(*a) do |c| c.options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NONET | \ Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOENT end end # -- def self.xml(*a) Nokogiri::XML.parse(*a) do |c| c.options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NONET end end # -- def raw_precompiles asset_config[:raw_precompile].each_with_object([]) do |v, a| if v.is_a?(Hash) dst, src = in_dest_dir.join(v[:dst]).tap(&:mkdir_p), v[:src] glob_paths(src).each do |sv| a << { src: sv, full_dst: dst.join(sv.basename), dst: dst, } end else glob_paths(v).each do |p| next unless p dst = strip_paths(p) dst = in_dest_dir(dst) dst.parent.mkdir_p a << { src: p, full_dst: dst, dst: dst, } end end end end # -- def find_assets_by_glob(glob) glob_paths(glob).map do |v| find_asset!(v.to_s) end end # -- def glob_paths(glob) out = [] paths.each do |sv| sv = Pathutil.new(sv) if sv.directory? out.concat(sv.glob(glob).to_a) end end out end # -- def url_asset(url, type:) name = File.basename(url) Url.new(*[Utils.old_sprockets? ? self : nil, { name: name, filename: url, content_type: type, load_path: File.dirname(url), id: Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(url), logical_path: name, metadata: {}, source: "", uri: url, }].compact) end # -- # @param [String] url # @return [Sprockets::Asset] # Wraps around an external url and so it can be wrapped into # the rest of Jekyll-Assets with little trouble. # -- def external_asset(url, args:) if args[:asset]&.key?(:type) url_asset(url, { type: args[:asset][:type], }) else _, type = Sprockets.match_path_extname(url, Sprockets.mime_exts) logger.debug "no type for #{url}, assuming image/*" unless type url_asset(url, { type: type || "image/jpeg", }) end end # -- # @param [String,Sprockets::Asset] url # Tells you if a url... or asset is external. # @return [nil,true,false] # -- def external?(args) return true if args.is_a?(Url) return false if args.is_a?(Sprockets::Asset) return args =~ %r!^(https?:)?//! if args.is_a?(String) return args[:external] if args.key?(:external) args[:argv1] !~ %r!^(?\!(https?:)?//)! end # -- # @param [String,Hash<>,Array<>] obj the liquid to parse. # Parses the Liquid that's being passed, with Jekyll's context. # rubocop:disable Lint/LiteralAsCondition # @return [String] # -- def parse_liquid(obj, ctx:) case true when obj.is_a?(Hash) || obj.is_a?(Liquid::Tag::Parser) obj.each_key.with_object(obj) do |k, o| o[k] = parse_liquid(o[k], { ctx: ctx, }) end when obj.is_a?(Array) obj.map do |v| parse_liquid(v, { ctx: ctx, }) end when obj.is_a?(String) k = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(obj)[0, 6] ctx.registers[:site].liquid_renderer.file("(asset:var:#{k})") .parse(obj).render!(ctx) else obj end end # -- # @param [String] path the path to strip. # Strips most source paths from the given path path. # rubocop:enable Lint/LiteralAsCondition # @return [String] # -- def strip_paths(path) paths.map do |v| if path.start_with?(v) return path.sub(v + "/", "") end end path end # -- # Lands your path inside of the cache directory. # @note configurable with `caching: { path: "dir_name"` } # @return [String] # -- def in_cache_dir(*paths) path = Pathutil.pwd.join(strip_slashes(asset_config[:caching][:path])) Pathutil.new(paths.reduce(path.to_s) do |b, p| Jekyll.sanitized_path(b, p) end) end # -- # @note this is configurable with `:destination` # Lands your path inside of the destination directory. # @param [Array<String>] paths the paths. # @return [String] # -- def in_dest_dir(*paths) destination = strip_slashes(asset_config[:destination]) paths.unshift(destination) paths = paths.flatten.compact Pathutil.new(jekyll .in_dest_dir(*paths)) end # -- # @param [String] the path. # @note this should only be used for *urls* # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # Builds a url path for HTML. # @return [String] # -- def prefix_url(user_path = nil) dest = strip_slashes(asset_config[:destination]) cdn = make_https(strip_slashes(asset_config[:cdn][:url])) base = strip_slashes(jekyll.config["baseurl"]) cfg = asset_config path = [] path << cdn if Jekyll.production? && cdn path << base if Jekyll.dev? || !cdn || (cdn && cfg[:cdn][:baseurl]) path << dest if Jekyll.dev? || !cdn || (cdn && cfg[:cdn][:destination]) path << user_path unless user_path.nil? || user_path == "" path = File.join(path.flatten.compact) return path if cdn && Jekyll.production? "/" + path end # -- # param [String] the content type # Strips the secondary content from type. # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # @return [String] # -- module_function def strip_secondary_content_type(str) str = str.split("/") raise ArgumentError, "#{str.join('/')} is invalid." if str.size > 2 File.join(str[0], str[1].rpartition(%r!\+!).last) end # -- # @param [String] path the path. # Strip the start and end slashes in a path. # @return [String] # -- module_function def strip_slashes(path) return if path.nil? || path == "" path.gsub(%r!^/|/$!, "") end # -- # @param [String] url the url. # Make a url a proper url, and an https url. # @return [String] # -- module_function def make_https(url) return if url.nil? || url == "" url.gsub(%r!(https?:)?//!, "https://") end # -- # Get all the manifest files. # @note this includes dynamic keys, like SourceMaps. # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # @return [Array<String>] # -- module_function def manifest_files(env) manifest = env.manifest.data.values_at(*Manifest.keep_keys).map(&:to_a) out = manifest.flatten.each_with_object([]) do |v, a| path = Pathutil.new(env.in_dest_dir(v)) a << path.to_s + ".gz" if path.exist? && !env.skip_gzip? a << path.to_s if path.exist? v = Pathutil.new(v) next if v.dirname == "." v.dirname.descend.each do |vv| vv = env.in_dest_dir(vv) unless a.include?(vv) a << vv end end end out end # -- # @yield a blockof code if the require works out. # Either require exec.js, and the file or move along. # @param [String] file the file to require. # @return [nil] # -- def self.javascript? activate "execjs" do if block_given? yield end end rescue ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable false end end end end