<html><!-- Created using the cpp_pretty_printer from the dlib C++ library. See http://dlib.net for updates. --><head><title>dlib C++ Library - cpp_pretty_printer_kernel_abstract.h</title></head><body bgcolor='white'><pre> <font color='#009900'>// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) </font><font color='#009900'>// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. </font><font color='#0000FF'>#undef</font> DLIB_CPP_PRETTY_PRINTER_KERNEl_ABSTRACT_ <font color='#0000FF'>#ifdef</font> DLIB_CPP_PRETTY_PRINTER_KERNEl_ABSTRACT_ <font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> <font color='#5555FF'><</font>string<font color='#5555FF'>></font> <font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> <font color='#5555FF'><</font>ioswfd<font color='#5555FF'>></font> <font color='#0000FF'>namespace</font> dlib <b>{</b> <font color='#0000FF'>class</font> <b><a name='cpp_pretty_printer'></a>cpp_pretty_printer</b> <b>{</b> <font color='#009900'>/*! INITIAL VALUE This object does not have any state associated with it. WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents an HTML pretty printer for C++ source code. !*/</font> <font color='#0000FF'>public</font>: <b><a name='cpp_pretty_printer'></a>cpp_pretty_printer</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> <font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; <font color='#009900'>/*! ensures - #*this is properly initialized throws - std::bad_alloc !*/</font> <font color='#0000FF'>virtual</font> ~<b><a name='cpp_pretty_printer'></a>cpp_pretty_printer</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> <font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; <font color='#009900'>/*! ensures - any resources associated with *this have been released !*/</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='print'></a>print</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> std::istream<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> in, std::ostream<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> out, <font color='#0000FF'>const</font> std::string<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> title <font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; <font color='#009900'>/*! ensures - treats data from in as C++ source code and pretty prints it in HTML and writes it to out. - The title of the HTML document writen to out will be title throws - std::ios_base::failure If there was a problem writing to out then this exception will be thrown. - any other exception This exception may be thrown if there is any other problem. !*/</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='print_and_number'></a>print_and_number</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> std::istream<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> in, std::ostream<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> out, <font color='#0000FF'>const</font> std::string<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> title <font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; <font color='#009900'>/*! ensures - treats data from in as C++ source code and pretty prints it in HTML with line numbers and writes it to out. - The title of the HTML document writen to out will be title throws - std::ios_base::failure If there was a problem writing to out then this exception will be thrown. - any other exception This exception may be thrown if there is any other problem. !*/</font> <font color='#0000FF'>private</font>: <font color='#009900'>// restricted functions </font> <b><a name='cpp_pretty_printer'></a>cpp_pretty_printer</b><font face='Lucida Console'>(</font><font color='#0000FF'>const</font> cpp_pretty_printer<font color='#5555FF'>&</font><font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; <font color='#009900'>// copy constructor </font> cpp_pretty_printer<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> <b><a name='operator'></a>operator</b><font color='#5555FF'>=</font><font face='Lucida Console'>(</font><font color='#0000FF'>const</font> cpp_pretty_printer<font color='#5555FF'>&</font><font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; <font color='#009900'>// assignment operator </font> <b>}</b>; <b>}</b> <font color='#0000FF'>#endif</font> <font color='#009900'>// DLIB_CPP_PRETTY_PRINTER_KERNEl_ABSTRACT_ </font> </pre></body></html>