module Brief module Model extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do unless defined?(Virtus) require 'inflecto' require 'virtus' end include Virtus.model(finalize: false) include Initializers include AccessorMethods include Persistence include Serializers class_attribute :models, :after_initialization_hooks self.models = Array(models).to_set class << self include Enumerable end attribute :path, Pathname attribute :document, Brief::Document Brief::Model.classes << self end module AccessorMethods def document_title data.try(:[], :title) || extracted_content_data.try(:title) || path.basename.to_s .gsub(/\,'') .gsub(/\.md/,'') end def data || {}.to_mash end def content document.content end def extracted @extracted ||=, document) end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if args.empty? if document.respond_to?(meth) document.send(meth) else && ? data[meth] : extracted.send(meth) end else super end end def exists? document && document.path && document.path.exist? end end def self.classes @classes ||= end def self.table classes.inject({}.to_mash) do |memo, klass| memo.tap { memo[klass.type_alias] = klass } end end def self.lookup(type_alias) for_type(type_alias) || for_folder_name(type_alias) || for_type(type_alias.singularize) end def self.for_type(type_alias) table[type_alias] end def self.existing_models_for_type(type_alias) klass = for_type(type_alias) end def self.for_folder_name(folder_name=nil) folder_name = folder_name.to_s.downcase table[folder_name.singularize] || table[folder_name] end def self.lookup_class_from_args(args = []) args = Array(args) if model_class = for_type(args.first) model_class end end def self.finalize Virtus.finalize classes.each(&:finalize) end def ==(other) path == other.path end def extract_content(options = {}) document.extract_content(options) end module ClassMethods def ==(other) type_alias && type_alias == other.type_alias end def accessor_property_names (definition.content_schema.attributes.keys + definition.metadata_schema.keys).uniq end def to_documentation docs = definition.documentation path = if docs.markdown Pathname(docs.markdown) elsif defined_in basename = defined_in.basename.to_s.gsub(/.rb/,'') defined_in.parent.join('..','documentation',"#{basename}.md") end if path model_doc = { content: model_doc.content, rendered: model_doc.rendered } else { } end end def content_schema_summary base = definition.content_schema.attributes base.keys.inject({}) do |memo, key| val = base[key] args = Array(val[:args]) first = args.first memo[key] = first if first memo end end def metadata_schema_summary base = definition.metadata_schema base.keys.inject({}) do |memo, key| val = base[key] args = Array(val[:args]) first = args.first.to_s if args.length == 1 && first == key.to_s memo[key] = "string" elsif args.length >= 2 memo[key] = args.last end memo end end def to_schema { schema: { content: content_schema_summary, metadata: metadata_schema_summary, }, documentation: to_documentation, defined_in: defined_in, class_name: to_s, type_alias: type_alias, name: name, group: name.to_s.pluralize, actions: defined_actions, example: definition.example_body.to_s, template: definition.template_body.to_s, urls: { browse_url: "browse/#{ type_alias.to_s.pluralize }", schema_url: "schema/#{ type_alias }" } } end def has_actions? definition.has_actions? end def defined_actions definition.defined_actions ||= [] end def finalize klass = self ||= klass.to_s.split('::').last.humanize klass.type_alias ||=, '_') do |attr| unless klass.method_defined?("find_by_#{ attr }") klass.define_singleton_method("find_by_#{ attr }") do |value| where(attr => value).first end end end klass.definition.apply_config Brief::Repository.define_document_finder_methods end def where(*args, &_block), *args) end def each(*args, &block) Array(models).send(:each, *args, &block) end def after_initialize(&block) (self.after_initialization_hooks ||= []).push(block) end attr_writer :name def name @name || to_s.split('::').last.underscore.gsub('_', ' ').titlecase end attr_writer :type_alias def type_alias @type_alias || name.parameterize.gsub(/-/, '_') end def definition @definition ||=, type_alias: type_alias, model_class: self) end def definition=(_value) @definition end def section_mapping(*args) definition.send(:section_mapping, *args) end def section_mappings(*args) definition.send(:section_mappings, *args) end def generate_template_content_from(object, include_frontmatter = true) @erb ||= content = @erb.result(binding) frontmatter = object.slice(*attribute_names) base = '' base += frontmatter.to_hash.to_yaml + "---\n" if include_frontmatter base += content base end def attribute_names end def template_body(*args) res = definition.send(:template_body, *args) res.to_s.length == 0 ? example_body : res.to_s.strip end def example_body(*args) definition.send(:example_body, *args).to_s.strip end def documentation(*args) definition.send(:documentation, *args) end def defined_in(*args) definition.send(:defined_in, *args) end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) # these methods when called at a class level inside of # a class definition body will modify the schema settings for that model if %w(meta content template example actions helpers).include?(meth.to_s) definition.send(meth, *args, &block) finalize # these methods allow the model class to inspect itself and report # whatever methods and actions are defined on the model class elsif %w(defined_helper_methods defined_actions).include?(meth.to_s) definition.send(meth) elsif meth.to_s.match(/^on_(.*)_change$/) create_change_handler(Regexp.last_match[1], *args, &block) else super end end def create_change_handler(_attribute, *_args, &block) end end module Initializers def set_default_attributes attribute_set.set_defaults(self) send(:after_initialize) if respond_to?(:after_initialize) self end def after_initialize Array(self.class.after_initialization_hooks).each do |hook| end end def set_slug_from(column = :name) self.slug = send(column).to_s.downcase.parameterize if slug.to_s.length == 0 end end end end