require 'citrus' module Citrus # A grammar for Citrus grammar files. This grammar is used in Citrus#eval to # parse and evaluate Citrus grammars and serves as a prime example of how to # create a complex grammar complete with semantic interpretation in pure Ruby. File = do ## Hierarchical syntax rule :file do all(:space, zero_or_more(any(:require, :grammar))) { def value find(:require).each {|r| require r.value } find(:grammar).map {|g| g.value } end } end rule :grammar do all(:grammar_keyword, :module_name, :grammar_body, :end_keyword) { def modules find(:include).map {|inc| eval(inc.value, TOPLEVEL_BINDING) } end def root find(:root).last end def value code = '%s =' % module_name.value grammar = eval(code, TOPLEVEL_BINDING) modules.each {|mod| grammar.include(mod) } grammar.root(root.value) if root find(:rule).each {|r| grammar.rule(r.rule_name.value, r.value) } grammar end } end rule :grammar_body do zero_or_more(any(:include, :root, :rule)) end rule :rule do all(:rule_keyword, :rule_name, :rule_body, :end_keyword) { def value rule_body.value end } end rule :rule_body do all(:sequence, :choice) { def choices @choices ||= [ sequence ] + choice.sequences end def values {|c| c.value } end def value choices.length > 1 ? : values[0] end } end rule :choice do zero_or_more([ :bar, :sequence ]) { def sequences {|m| m.matches[1] } end } end rule :sequence do zero_or_more(:appendix) { def values {|m| m.value } end def value matches.length > 1 ? : values[0] end } end rule :appendix do all(:prefix, zero_or_one(:extension)) { def value rule = prefix.value extension = matches[1].first rule.extension = extension.value if extension rule end } end rule :prefix do all(zero_or_one(:predicate), :suffix) { def value rule = suffix.value predicate = matches[0].first rule = predicate.wrap(rule) if predicate rule end } end rule :suffix do all(:primary, zero_or_one(:repeat)) { def value rule = primary.value repeat = matches[1].first rule = repeat.wrap(rule) if repeat rule end } end rule :primary do any(:super, :alias, :grouping, :terminal) end rule :grouping do all(:lparen, :rule_body, :rparen) { def value rule_body.value end } end ## Lexical syntax rule :require do all(:require_keyword, :quoted_string) { def value quoted_string.value end } end rule :include do all(:include_keyword, :module_name) { def value module_name.value end } end rule :root do all(:root_keyword, :rule_name) { def value rule_name.value end } end # Rule names may contain letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. They # MUST start with a letter. rule :rule_name do all(/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/, :space) { def value first.text end } end rule :super do all('super', :space) { def value end } end rule :alias do all(notp(:end_keyword), :rule_name) { def value end } end rule :terminal do any(:quoted_string, :character_class, :anything_symbol, :regular_expression) { def value end } end rule :quoted_string do all(/(["'])(?:\\?.)*?\1/, :space) { def value eval(first.text) end } end rule :character_class do all(/\[(?:\\?.)*?\]/, :space) { def value'\A' + first.text, nil, 'n') end } end rule :anything_symbol do all('.', :space) { def value /./m # Match newlines end } end rule :regular_expression do all(/\/(?:\\?.)*?\/[imxouesn]*/, :space) { def value eval(first.text) end } end rule :predicate do any(:and, :not, :label) end rule :and do all('&', :space) { def wrap(rule) end } end rule :not do all('!', :space) { def wrap(rule) end } end rule :label do all(/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/, :space, ':', :space) { def wrap(rule), rule) end def value first.text end } end rule :extension do any(:tag, :block) end rule :tag do all(:lt, :module_name, :gt) { def value eval(module_name.value, TOPLEVEL_BINDING) end } end rule :block do all(:lcurly, zero_or_more(any(:block, /[^{}]+/)), :rcurly) { def value eval(' ' + text) end } end rule :repeat do any(:question, :plus, :star_quantity) { def wrap(rule), max, rule) end } end rule :question do all('?', :space) { def min; 0 end def max; 1 end } end rule :plus do all('+', :space) { def min; 1 end def max; Infinity end } end rule :star_quantity do all(/[0-9]*/, '*', /[0-9]*/, :space) { def min matches[0] == '' ? 0 : matches[0].text.to_i end def max matches[2] == '' ? Infinity : matches[2].text.to_i end } end rule :module_name do all(one_or_more([ zero_or_one('::'), :constant ]), :space) { def value first.text end } end rule :constant do /[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ end rule :require_keyword, [ 'require', :space ] rule :include_keyword, [ 'include', :space ] rule :grammar_keyword, [ 'grammar', :space ] rule :root_keyword, [ 'root', :space ] rule :rule_keyword, [ 'rule', :space ] rule :end_keyword, [ 'end', :space ] rule :lparen, [ '(', :space ] rule :rparen, [ ')', :space ] rule :lcurly, [ '{', :space ] rule :rcurly, [ '}', :space ] rule :bar, [ '|', :space ] rule :lt, [ '<', :space ] rule :gt, [ '>', :space ] rule :white, /[ \t\n\r]/ rule :comment, /#.*/ rule :space, zero_or_more(any(:white, :comment)) end end