require 'spec_helper' describe VCR::CucumberTags do subject { } let(:before_blocks_for_tags) { {} } let(:after_blocks_for_tags) { {} } def scenario(name) stub(:name => name, :feature => stub(:name => "My feature name\nThe preamble text is not included")) end let(:current_scenario) { scenario "My scenario name" } # define our own Before/After so we can test this in isolation from cucumber's implementation. def Before(tag, &block) before_blocks_for_tags[tag.sub('@', '')] = block end def After(tag, &block) after_blocks_for_tags[tag.sub('@', '')] = block end def test_tag(cassette_attribute, tag, expected_value, scenario=current_scenario) VCR.current_cassette.should be_nil before_blocks_for_tags[tag].call(scenario) VCR.current_cassette.send(cassette_attribute).should eq(expected_value) after_blocks_for_tags[tag].call(scenario) VCR.current_cassette.should be_nil end %w(tags tag).each do |tag_method| describe "##{tag_method}" do it "creates a cucumber Around hook for each given tag so that the scenario runs with the cassette inserted" do subject.send(tag_method, 'tag1', 'tag2') test_tag(:name, 'tag1', 'cucumber_tags/tag1') test_tag(:name, 'tag2', 'cucumber_tags/tag2') end it "works with tags that start with an @" do subject.send(tag_method, '@tag1', '@tag2') test_tag(:name, 'tag1', 'cucumber_tags/tag1') test_tag(:name, 'tag2', 'cucumber_tags/tag2') end it "passes along the given options to the cassette" do subject.send(tag_method, 'tag1', :record => :none) subject.send(tag_method, 'tag2', :record => :new_episodes) test_tag(:record_mode, 'tag1', :none) test_tag(:record_mode, 'tag2', :new_episodes) end context 'with :use_scenario_name as an option' do it "uses the scenario's name as the cassette name" do subject.send(tag_method, 'tag1', :use_scenario_name => true) test_tag(:name, 'tag1', 'My feature name/My scenario name') end it 'does not pass :use_scenario_name along the given options to the cassette' do subject.send(tag_method, 'tag1', :use_scenario_name => true) VCR::Cassette.should_receive(:new).with(anything, hash_not_including(:use_scenario_name)) before_blocks_for_tags['tag1'].call(current_scenario) end it 'does not modify the options passed to the cassette' do original_options = { :use_scenario_name => true, :record => :none } subject.send(tag_method, 'tag1', original_options) before_blocks_for_tags['tag1'].call(current_scenario) original_options.should have(2).items original_options[:use_scenario_name].should eq(true) original_options[:record].should eq(:none) end it "works properly when multiple scenarios use the tag" do subject.send(tag_method, 'tag1', :use_scenario_name => true) test_tag(:name, 'tag1', 'My feature name/Foo', scenario("Foo")) test_tag(:name, 'tag1', 'My feature name/Bar', scenario("Bar")) end end end end describe '.tags' do it 'returns the list of cucumber tags' do subject.tags 'tag1', 'tag2' subject.tags 'tag3', 'tag4' described_class.tags[-4, 4].should eq(%w(@tag1 @tag2 @tag3 @tag4)) end end end