/* LAUNCHING global to every view. launches new views and closes the current one. // DO NOT USE the @view instance variable in any files in /app/javascripts/base. // The way they are cached makes it not safe to do so. */ /* set asset version */ var LAUNCHER, Launcher; LAUNCHER = { VERSION: "<%= @hash %>", MESSAGE: "<%= @message %>", DEPLOYED: <%= Time.now.to_i %>, DEPLOYED_STRING: "<%= Time.now.to_s %>" }; YAHOO.namespace("launcher"); YAHOO.launcher.launch = function(view, title, type) { openmail.Application.getParameters(function(response) { title = I18n.t("APPLICATION_NAME"); // don't try to relaunch current tab if (response.data === null || response.data.view !== view) { openmail.Application.openView( { id: view, view: view, target: type, title: title, parameters: { launchParams: Params.parameters, view: view } }); openmail.Application.closeView(null); } }); }; YAHOO.launcher.launchTab = function(view, title) { YAHOO.launcher.launch(view, title, "tab"); }; // User must be signed in for this page, we'll // sign them in if they don't have an OIB cookie // YAHOO.launcher.launchActiveTab = function(view, title) { YAHOO.launcher.launchView(function() { YAHOO.launcher.launchTab(view, title); }); }; YAHOO.launcher.launchView = function(launch_view) { // get Yahoo! user's guid and ymail_wssid YAHOO.oib.getGuidAndYmailWssid(function(guid, ymail_wssid) { // call /ymdp/verify and return data about the user YAHOO.oib.verifyUser(function(user) { YAHOO.oib.login = user.login; switch(user.state) { case "scanning": // formerly known as 'inspect' YAHOO.launcher.launchMain(); break; case "authorized": // authorized but not yet 'signed in' YAHOO.oib.signInUser(); break; case "new_active": // no messages processed yet case "processing": // activated but we have synced fewer than 80% of their messages case "active": // active, launch the view this method was intended for if (View.authorized(user)) { launch_view(); } else { YAHOO.launcher.launchAuthorize(); } break; default: // other YAHOO.launcher.launchAuthorize(); } }); }); }; YAHOO.launcher.launchAuthorize = function() { YAHOO.launcher.launchTab("authorize", "Authorize"); }; YAHOO.launcher.launchDeactivate = function() { YAHOO.launcher.launchHidden("deactivate", "Deactivate"); }; YAHOO.launcher.launchHidden = function(view, title) { YAHOO.launcher.launch(view, title, "hidden"); }; YAHOO.launcher.l = function(view) { view = "launch" + view.capitalize(); YAHOO.launcher[view](); }; YAHOO.launcher.launchGoodbye = function() { YAHOO.launcher.launchTab("goodbye", "Goodbye"); }; YAHOO.launcher.relaunchAuthorize = YAHOO.launcher.launchAuthorize; YAHOO.launcher.launchMaintenance = function() { YAHOO.launcher.launchTab("maintenance", "Maintenance"); }; YAHOO.launcher.launchReauthorize = function() { YAHOO.launcher.launchTab("reauthorize", "Reauthorize"); }; Launcher = YAHOO.launcher;