require 'csv' require 'time' module AEMO class NEM12 # As per AEMO NEM12 Specification # RECORD_INDICATORS = { 100 => 'Header', 200 => 'NMI Data Details', 300 => 'Interval Data', 400 => 'Interval Event', 500 => 'B2B Details', 900 => 'End' } TRANSACTION_CODE_FLAGS = { 'A' => 'Alteration', 'C' => 'Meter Reconfiguration', 'G' => 'Re-energisation', 'D' => 'De-energisation', 'E' => 'Forward Estimate', 'N' => 'Normal Read', 'O' => 'Other', 'S' => 'Special Read', 'R' => 'Removal of Meter' } UOM = { 'MWh' => { :name => 'Megawatt Hour', :multiplier => 1e6 }, 'kWh' => { :name => 'Kilowatt Hour', :multiplier => 1e3 }, 'Wh' => { :name => 'Watt Hour', :multiplier => 1 }, 'MW' => { :name => 'Megawatt', :multiplier => 1e6 }, 'kW' => { :name => 'Kilowatt', :multiplier => 1e3 }, 'W' => { :name => 'Watt', :multiplier => 1 }, 'MVArh' => { :name => 'Megavolt Ampere Reactive Hour', :multiplier => 1e6 }, 'kVArh' => { :name => 'Kilovolt Ampere Reactive Hour', :multiplier => 1e3 }, 'VArh' => { :name => 'Volt Ampere Reactive Hour', :multiplier => 1 }, 'MVAr' => { :name => 'Megavolt Ampere Reactive', :multiplier => 1e6 }, 'kVAr' => { :name => 'Kilovolt Ampere Reactive', :multiplier => 1e3 }, 'VAr' => { :name => 'Volt Ampere Reactive', :multiplier => 1 }, 'MVAh' => { :name => 'Megavolt Ampere Hour', :multiplier => 1e6 }, 'kVAh' => { :name => 'Kilovolt Ampere Hour', :multiplier => 1e3 }, 'VAh' => { :name => 'Volt Ampere Hour', :multiplier => 1 }, 'MVA' => { :name => 'Megavolt Ampere', :multiplier => 1e6 }, 'kVA' => { :name => 'Kilovolt Ampere', :multiplier => 1e3 }, 'VA' => { :name => 'Volt Ampere', :multiplier => 1 }, 'kV' => { :name => 'Kilovolt', :multiplier => 1e3 }, 'V' => { :name => 'Volt', :multiplier => 1 }, 'kA' => { :name => 'Kiloampere', :multiplier => 1e3 }, 'A' => { :name => 'Ampere', :multiplier => 1 }, 'pf' => { :name => 'Power Factor', :multiplier => 1 } } UOM_NON_SPEC_MAPPING = { 'MWH' => 'MWh', 'KWH' => 'kWh', 'WH' => 'Wh', 'MW' => 'MW', 'KW' => 'kW', 'W' => 'W', 'MVARH' => 'MVArh', 'KVARH' => 'kVArh', 'VARH' => 'VArh', 'MVAR' => 'MVAr', 'KVAR' => 'kVAr', 'VAR' => 'VAr', 'MVAH' => 'MVAh', 'KVAH' => 'kVAh', 'VAH' => 'VAh', 'MVA' => 'MVA', 'KVA' => 'kVA', 'VA' => 'VA', 'KV' => 'kV', 'V' => 'V', 'KA' => 'kA', 'A' => 'A', 'PF' => 'pf' } QUALITY_FLAGS = { 'A' => 'Actual Data', 'E' => 'Forward Estimated Data', 'F' => 'Final Substituted Data', 'N' => 'Null Data', 'S' => 'Substituted Data', 'V' => 'Variable Data', } METHOD_FLAGS = { 11 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "Check", description: "" }, 12 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "Calculated", description: "" }, 13 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "SCADA", description: "" }, 14 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "Like Day", description: "" }, 15 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "Average Like Day", description: "" }, 16 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "Agreed", description: "" }, 17 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "Linear", description: "" }, 18 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "Alternate", description: "" }, 19 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: [1,2,3,4], short_descriptor: "Zero", description: "" }, 51 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 5, short_descriptor: "Previous Year", description: "" }, 52 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 5, short_descriptor: "Previous Read", description: "" }, 53 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 5, short_descriptor: "Revision", description: "" }, 54 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 5, short_descriptor: "Linear", description: "" }, 55 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 5, short_descriptor: "Agreed", description: "" }, 56 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 5, short_descriptor: "Prior to First Read – Agreed", description: "" }, 57 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 5, short_descriptor: "Customer Class", description: "" }, 58 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 5, short_descriptor: "Zero", description: "" }, 61 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 6, short_descriptor: "Previous Year", description: "" }, 62 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 6, short_descriptor: "Previous Read", description: "" }, 63 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 6, short_descriptor: "Customer Class", description: "" }, 64 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 6, short_descriptor: "Agreed", description: "" }, 65 => { type: ["EST"], installation_type: 6, short_descriptor: "ADL", description: "" }, 66 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 6, short_descriptor: "Revision", description: "" }, 67 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 6, short_descriptor: "Customer Read", description: "" }, 68 => { type: ["EST","SUB"], installation_type: 6, short_descriptor: "Zero", description: "" }, 71 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 7, short_descriptor: "Recalculation", description: "" }, 72 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 7, short_descriptor: "Revised Table", description: "" }, 73 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 7, short_descriptor: "Revised Algorithm", description: "" }, 74 => { type: ["SUB"], installation_type: 7, short_descriptor: "Agreed", description: "" }, 75 => { type: ["EST"], installation_type: 7, short_descriptor: "Existing Table", description: "" } } REASON_CODES = { 0 => 'Free Text Description', 1 => 'Meter/Equipment Changed', 2 => 'Extreme Weather/Wet', 3 => 'Quarantine', 4 => 'Savage Dog', 5 => 'Meter/Equipment Changed', 6 => 'Extreme Weather/Wet', 7 => 'Unable To Locate Meter', 8 => 'Vacant Premise', 9 => 'Meter/Equipment Changed', 10 => 'Lock Damaged/Seized', 11 => 'In Wrong Walk', 12 => 'Locked Premises', 13 => 'Locked Gate', 14 => 'Locked Meter Box', 15 => 'Access - Overgrown', 16 => 'Noxious Weeds', 17 => 'Unsafe Equipment/Location', 18 => 'Read Below Previous', 19 => 'Consumer Wanted', 20 => 'Damaged Equipment/Panel', 21 => 'Switched Off', 22 => 'Meter/Equipment Seals Missing', 23 => 'Meter/Equipment Seals Missing', 24 => 'Meter/Equipment Seals Missing', 25 => 'Meter/Equipment Seals Missing', 26 => 'Meter/Equipment Seals Missing', 27 => 'Meter/Equipment Seals Missing', 28 => 'Damaged Equipment/Panel', 29 => 'Relay Faulty/Damaged', 30 => 'Meter Stop Switch On', 31 => 'Meter/Equipment Seals Missing', 32 => 'Damaged Equipment/Panel', 33 => 'Relay Faulty/Damaged', 34 => 'Meter Not In Handheld', 35 => 'Timeswitch Faulty/Reset Required', 36 => 'Meter High/Ladder Required', 37 => 'Meter High/Ladder Required', 38 => 'Unsafe Equipment/Location', 39 => 'Reverse Energy Observed', 40 => 'Timeswitch Faulty/Reset Required', 41 => 'Faulty Equipment Display/Dials', 42 => 'Faulty Equipment Display/Dials', 43 => 'Power Outage', 44 => 'Unsafe Equipment/Location', 45 => 'Readings Failed To Validate', 46 => 'Extreme Weather/Hot', 47 => 'Refused Access', 48 => 'Timeswitch Faulty/Reset Required', 49 => 'Wet Paint', 50 => 'Wrong Tariff', 51 => 'Installation Demolished', 52 => 'Access - Blocked', 53 => 'Bees/Wasp In Meter Box', 54 => 'Meter Box Damaged/Faulty', 55 => 'Faulty Equipment Display/Dials', 56 => 'Meter Box Damaged/Faulty', 57 => 'Timeswitch Faulty/Reset Required', 58 => 'Meter Ok - Supply Failure', 59 => 'Faulty Equipment Display/Dials', 60 => 'Illegal Connection/Equipment Tampered', 61 => 'Meter Box Damaged/Faulty', 62 => 'Damaged Equipment/Panel', 63 => 'Illegal Connection/Equipment Tampered', 64 => 'Key Required', 65 => 'Wrong Key Provided', 66 => 'Lock Damaged/Seized', 67 => 'Extreme Weather/Wet', 68 => 'Zero Consumption', 69 => 'Reading Exceeds Estimate', 70 => 'Probe Reports Tampering', 71 => 'Probe Read Error', 72 => 'Meter/Equipment Changed', 73 => 'Low Consumption', 74 => 'High Consumption', 75 => 'Customer Read', 76 => 'Communications Fault', 77 => 'Estimation Forecast', 78 => 'Null Data', 79 => 'Power Outage Alarm', 80 => 'Short Interval Alarm', 81 => 'Long Interval Alarm', 82 => 'CRC Error', 83 => 'RAM Checksum Error', 84 => 'ROM Checksum Error', 85 => 'Data Missing Alarm', 86 => 'Clock Error Alarm', 87 => 'Reset Occurred', 88 => 'Watchdog Timeout Alarm', 89 => 'Time Reset Occurred', 90 => 'Test Mode', 91 => 'Load Control', 92 => 'Added Interval (Data Correction)', 93 => 'Replaced Interval (Data Correction)', 94 => 'Estimated Interval (Data Correction)', 95 => 'Pulse Overflow Alarm', 96 => 'Data Out Of Limits', 97 => 'Excluded Data', 98 => 'Parity Error', 99 => 'Energy Type (Register Changed)' } DATA_STREAM_SUFFIX = { # Averaged Data Streams 'A' => { :stream => 'Average', :description => 'Import', :units => 'kWh' }, 'D' => { :stream => 'Average', :description => 'Export', :units => 'kWh' }, 'J' => { :stream => 'Average', :description => 'Import', :units => 'kVArh' }, 'P' => { :stream => 'Average', :description => 'Export', :units => 'kVArh' }, 'S' => { :stream => 'Average', :description => '', :units => 'kVAh' }, # Master Data Streams 'B' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => 'Import', :units => 'kWh' }, 'E' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => 'Export', :units => 'kWh' }, 'K' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => 'Import', :units => 'kVArh' }, 'Q' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => 'Export', :units => 'kVArh' }, 'T' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => '', :units => 'kVAh' }, 'G' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => 'Power Factor', :units => 'PF' }, 'H' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => 'Q Metering', :units => 'Qh' }, 'M' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => 'Par Metering', :units => 'parh' }, 'V' => { :stream => 'Master', :description => 'Volts or V2h or Amps or A2h', :units => '' }, # Check Meter Streams 'C' => { :stream => 'Check', :description => 'Import', :units => 'kWh' }, 'F' => { :stream => 'Check', :description => 'Export', :units => 'kWh' }, 'L' => { :stream => 'Check', :description => 'Import', :units => 'kVArh' }, 'R' => { :stream => 'Check', :description => 'Export', :units => 'kVArh' }, 'U' => { :stream => 'Check', :description => '', :units => 'kVAh' }, 'Y' => { :stream => 'Check', :description => 'Q Metering', :units => 'Qh' }, 'W' => { :stream => 'Check', :description => 'Par Metering Path', :units => '' }, 'Z' => { :stream => 'Check', :description => 'Volts or V2h or Amps or A2h', :units => '' }, # Net Meter Streams # AEMO: NOTE THAT D AND J ARE PREVIOUSLY DEFINED # 'D' => { :stream => 'Net', :description => 'Net', :units => 'kWh' }, # 'J' => { :stream => 'Net', :description => 'Net', :units => 'kVArh' } } @nmi = nil @data_details = [] @interval_data = [] @interval_events = [] attr_accessor :nmi, :file_contents attr_reader :data_details, :interval_data, :interval_events # Initialize a NEM12 file def initialize(nmi,options={}) @nmi = nmi @data_details = [] @interval_data = [] @interval_events = [] options.keys.each do |key| eval "self.#{key} = #{options[key]}" end end # @return [Integer] checksum of the NMI def nmi_checksum summation = 0 @nmi.reverse.split(//).each_index do |i| value = nmi[nmi.length - i - 1].ord if(i % 2 == 0) value = value * 2 end value = value.to_s.split(//).map{|i| i.to_i}.reduce(:+) summation += value end checksum = (10 - (summation % 10)) % 10 checksum end # Parses the header record # @param line [String] A single line in string format # @return [Hash] the line parsed into a hash of information def self.parse_nem12_100(line,options={}) csv = line.parse_csv raise ArgumentError, 'RecordIndicator is not 100' if csv[0] != '100' raise ArgumentError, 'VersionHeader is not NEM12' if csv[1] != 'NEM12' if options[:strict] raise ArgumentError, 'DateTime is not valid' if csv[2].match(/\d{12}/).nil? || csv[2] != Time.parse("#{csv[2]}00").strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') end raise ArgumentError, 'FromParticispant is not valid' if csv[3].match(/.{1,10}/).nil? raise ArgumentError, 'ToParticispant is not valid' if csv[4].match(/.{1,10}/).nil? nem12_100 = { :record_indicator => csv[0].to_i, :version_header => csv[1], :datetime => Time.parse("#{csv[2]}+1000"), :from_participant => csv[3], :to_participant => csv[4] } end # Parses the NMI Data Details # @param line [String] A single line in string format # @return [Hash] the line parsed into a hash of information def parse_nem12_200(line,options={}) csv = line.parse_csv raise ArgumentError, 'RecordIndicator is not 200' if csv[0] != '200' raise ArgumentError, 'NMI is not valid' if csv[1].match(/[A-Z0-9]{10}/).nil? raise ArgumentError, 'NMIConfiguration is not valid' if csv[2].match(/.{1,240}/).nil? unless csv[3].nil? raise ArgumentError, 'RegisterID is not valid' if csv[3].match(/.{1,10}/).nil? end raise ArgumentError, 'NMISuffix is not valid' if csv[4].match(/[A-HJ-NP-Z][1-9A-HJ-NP-Z]/).nil? if !csv[5].nil? && !csv[5].empty? && !csv[5].match(/^\s*$/) raise ArgumentError, 'MDMDataStreamIdentifier is not valid' if csv[5].match(/[A-Z0-9]{2}/).nil? end if !csv[6].nil? && !csv[6].empty? && !csv[6].match(/^\s*$/) raise ArgumentError, 'MeterSerialNumber is not valid' if csv[6].match(/[A-Z0-9]{2}/).nil? end raise ArgumentError, 'UOM is not valid' if csv[7].upcase.match(/[A-Z0-9]{2}/).nil? raise ArgumentError, 'UOM is not valid' unless{|k| k.upcase}.include?(csv[7].upcase) raise ArgumentError, 'IntervalLength is not valid' unless %w(1 5 10 15 30).include?(csv[8]) # raise ArgumentError, 'NextScheduledReadDate is not valid' if csv[9].match(/\d{8}/).nil? || csv[9] != Time.parse("#{csv[9]}").strftime('%Y%m%d') @nmi = csv[1] # Push onto the stack @data_details << { :record_indicator => csv[0].to_i, :nmi => csv[1], :nmi_configuration => csv[2], :register_id => csv[3], :nmi_suffix => csv[4], :mdm_data_streaming_identifier => csv[5], :meter_serial_nubmer => csv[6], :uom => csv[7].upcase, :interval_length => csv[8].to_i, :next_scheduled_read_date => csv[9], } end # @param line [String] A single line in string format # @return [Array of hashes] the line parsed into a hash of information def parse_nem12_300(line,options={}) csv = line.parse_csv raise TypeError, 'Expected NMI Data Details to exist with IntervalLength specified' if @data_details.last.nil? || @data_details.last[:interval_length].nil? number_of_intervals = 1440 / @data_details.last[:interval_length] intervals_offset = number_of_intervals + 2 raise ArgumentError, 'RecordIndicator is not 300' if csv[0] != '300' raise ArgumentError, 'IntervalDate is not valid' if csv[1].match(/\d{8}/).nil? || csv[1] != Time.parse("#{csv[1]}").strftime('%Y%m%d') (2..(number_of_intervals+1)).each do |i| raise ArgumentError, "Interval number #{i-1} is not valid" if csv[i].match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/).nil? end raise ArgumentError, 'QualityMethod is not valid' unless csv[intervals_offset + 0].class == String raise ArgumentError, 'QualityMethod does not have valid length' unless [1,3].include?(csv[intervals_offset + 0].length) raise ArgumentError, 'QualityMethod does not have valid QualityFlag' unless QUALITY_FLAGS.keys.include?(csv[intervals_offset + 0][0]) unless %w(A N V).include?(csv[intervals_offset + 0][0]) raise ArgumentError, 'QualityMethod does not have valid length' unless csv[intervals_offset + 0].length == 3 raise ArgumentError, 'QualityMethod does not have valid MethodFlag' unless METHOD_FLAGS.keys.include?(csv[intervals_offset + 0][1..2].to_i) end unless %w(A N E).include?(csv[intervals_offset + 0][0]) raise ArgumentError, 'ReasonCode is not valid' unless REASON_CODES.keys.include?(csv[intervals_offset + 1].to_i) end if !csv[intervals_offset + 1].nil? && csv[intervals_offset + 1].to_i == 0 raise ArgumentError, 'ReasonDescription is not valid' unless csv[intervals_offset + 2].class == String && csv[intervals_offset + 2].length > 0 end if options[:strict] raise ArgumentError, 'UpdateDateTime is not valid' if csv[intervals_offset + 3].match(/\d{14}/).nil? || csv[intervals_offset + 3] != Time.parse("#{csv[intervals_offset + 3]}").strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') unless csv[intervals_offset + 4].nil? raise ArgumentError, 'MSATSLoadDateTime is not valid' if csv[intervals_offset + 4].match(/\d{14}/).nil? || csv[intervals_offset + 4] != Time.parse("#{csv[intervals_offset + 4]}").strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') end end # Deal with flags if necessary flag = nil # Based on QualityMethod and ReasonCode if csv[intervals_offset + 0].length == 3 || !csv[intervals_offset + 1].nil? flag ||= { quality_flag: nil, method_flag: nil, reason_code: nil } if csv[intervals_offset + 0].length == 3 flag[:quality_flag] = csv[intervals_offset + 0][0] flag[:method_flag] = csv[intervals_offset + 0][1,2].to_i end unless csv[intervals_offset + 1].nil? flag[:reason_code] = csv[intervals_offset + 1].to_i end end base_interval = { data_details: @data_details.last, datetime: Time.parse("#{csv[1]}000000+1000"), value: nil, flag: flag} intervals = [] (2..(number_of_intervals+1)).each do |i| interval = base_interval.dup interval[:datetime] += (i-1) * interval[:data_details][:interval_length] * 60 interval[:value] = csv[i].to_f intervals << interval end @interval_data += intervals intervals end # @param line [String] A single line in string format # @return [Hash] the line parsed into a hash of information def parse_nem12_400(line) csv = line.parse_csv raise ArgumentError, 'RecordIndicator is not 400' if csv[0] != '400' raise ArgumentError, 'StartInterval is not valid' if csv[1].match(/^\d+$/).nil? raise ArgumentError, 'EndInterval is not valid' if csv[2].match(/^\d+$/).nil? raise ArgumentError, 'QualityMethod is not valid' if csv[3].match(/^([AN]|([AEFNSV]\d{2}))$/).nil? # raise ArgumentError, 'ReasonCode is not valid' if (csv[4].nil? && csv[3].match(/^ANE/)) || csv[4].match(/^\d{3}?$/) || csv[3].match(/^ANE/) # raise ArgumentError, 'ReasonDescription is not valid' if (csv[4].nil? && csv[3].match(/^ANE/)) || ( csv[5].match(/^$/) && csv[4].match(/^0$/) ) interval_events = [] # Only need to update flags for EFSV unless %w(A N).include?csv[3] number_of_intervals = 1440 / @data_details.last[:interval_length] interval_start_point = @interval_data.length - number_of_intervals # For each of these base_interval_event = { datetime: nil, quality_method: csv[3], reason_code: (csv[4].nil? ? nil : csv[4].to_i), reason_description: csv[5] } # Interval Numbers are 1-indexed ((csv[1].to_i)..(csv[2].to_i)).each do |i| interval_event = base_interval_event.dup interval_event[:datetime] = @interval_data[interval_start_point + (i-1)][:datetime] interval_events << interval_event # Create flag details flag ||= { quality_flag: nil, method_flag: nil, reason_code: nil } unless interval_event[:quality_method].nil? flag[:quality_flag] = interval_event[:quality_method][0] flag[:method_flag] = interval_event[:quality_method][1,2].to_i end unless interval_event[:reason_code].nil? flag[:reason_code] = interval_event[:reason_code] end # Update with flag details @interval_data[interval_start_point + (i-1)][:flag] = flag end @interval_events += interval_events end interval_events end # @param line [String] A single line in string format # @return [Hash] the line parsed into a hash of information def parse_nem12_500(line,options={}) end # @param line [String] A single line in string format # @return [Hash] the line parsed into a hash of information def parse_nem12_900(line,options={}) end # Turns the flag to a string # # @param [Hash] the object of a flag # @return [nil,String] a hyphenated string for the flag or nil def flag_to_s(flag) flag_to_s = [] unless flag.nil? flag_to_s << QUALITY_FLAGS[flag[:quality_flag]] unless QUALITY_FLAGS[flag[:quality_flag]].nil? flag_to_s << METHOD_FLAGS[flag[:method_flag]][:short_descriptor] unless METHOD_FLAGS[flag[:method_flag]].nil? flag_to_s << REASON_CODES[flag[:reason_code]] unless REASON_CODES[flag[:reason_code]].nil? end (flag_to_s.length > 0) ? flag_to_s.join(" - ") : nil end # @return [Array] array of a NEM12 file a given Meter + Data Stream for easy reading def to_a values = do |d| uom = UOM[UOM_NON_SPEC_MAPPING[d[:data_details][:uom].upcase]] [ d[:data_details][:nmi], d[:data_details][:nmi_suffix].upcase, d[:data_details][:uom], d[:datetime], d[:value], flag_to_s(d[:flag])] end values end # @return [Array] CSV of a NEM12 file a given Meter + Data Stream for easy reading def to_csv headers = ['nmi','suffix','units','datetime','value','flags'] ([headers]{|row| row[3]=row[3].strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z"); row}).map{|row| row.join(',')}.join("\n") end # @param nmi [String] a NMI that is to be checked for validity # @return [Boolean] determines if the NMI is valid def self.valid_nmi?(nmi) (nmi.class == String && nmi.length == 10 && !nmi.match(/^[A-Z1-9][A-Z0-9]{9}$/).nil?) end # @param path_to_file [String] the path to a file # @return [] NEM12 object def self.parse_nem12_file(path_to_file, strict = false) parse_nem12(,strict) end # @param contents [String] the path to a file # @return [Array[AEMO::NEM12]] An array of NEM12 objects def self.parse_nem12(contents, strict=false) file_contents = contents.gsub(/\r/,"\n").gsub(/\n\n/,"\n").split("\n").delete_if{|line| line.empty? } raise ArgumentError, 'First row should be have a RecordIndicator of 100 and be of type Header Record' unless file_contents.first.parse_csv[0] == '100' nem12s = [] nem12_100 = AEMO::NEM12.parse_nem12_100(file_contents.first,:strict => strict) nem12 = nil file_contents.each do |line| case line[0..2].to_i when 200 nem12s <<'') nem12s.last.parse_nem12_200(line) when 300 nem12s.last.parse_nem12_300(line) when 400 nem12s.last.parse_nem12_400(line) # when 500 # nem12s.last.parse_nem12_500(line) # when 900 # nem12s.last.parse_nem12_900(line) end end # Return the array of NEM12 groups nem12s end end end