require 'css_parser' require 'nokogiri' module AwesomeMailer class Renderer attr_accessor :document def initialize(document_string) self.document = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(document_string) stylesheets ='link[@rel=stylesheet]') stylesheets.each do |stylesheet| # Must be intended for digital screens! load_stylesheet(stylesheet) if stylesheet['media'] =~ /^(all|handheld|screen)$/ end inline_stylesheets ='style') inline_stylesheets.each do |styles| css_parser.add_block!(styles.inner_html) styles.remove end apply_css! end def to_html document.to_html end private def apply_styles_to_body!(selector, properties) search_selector = selector =~ /^body/ ? selector : "body #{selector}" elements = rewrite_relative_urls(properties) if host elements.each do |element| element['style'] = [element['style'], properties].flatten.compact.join('; ') end rescue Nokogiri::CSS::SyntaxError # Complex CSS? Just dump it somewhere apply_styles_to_head!(selector, properties) rescue RuntimeError => exception raise $! unless exception.message =~ /xmlXPathCompOpEval/ apply_styles_to_head!(selector, properties) end def apply_styles_to_head!(selector, properties, indent = 0) rewrite_relative_urls(properties) if host header_stylesheet.content += "#{" " * indent}#{selector} { #{properties.join('; ')} }\n" end def apply_css! css_parser.compact! applied_rules = [] # Apply @media queries to the document head css_parser.rules_by_media_query.each do |media_query, rules| next if media_query == :all header_stylesheet.content += "@media #{media_query} {\n" rules.each do |rule| rule.each_selector do |selector, properties, specificity| properties = properties.split(';').map(&:strip) apply_styles_to_head!(selector, properties, 2) end end header_stylesheet.content += "}\n" applied_rules.push(*rules) end # Apply all other styles css_parser.each_rule_set do |rule| next if applied_rules.include? rule rule.each_selector do |selector, properties, specificity| properties = properties.split(';').map(&:strip) if selector =~ /(^@|:(active|checked|disabled|enabled|focus|hover|lang|link|target|visited|:)|moz|webkit)/ # Special selectors get sent to the tag apply_styles_to_head!(selector, properties) else vendor_specific_properties = {|property| property =~ /^-/ } # Special properties get sent to the tag apply_styles_to_head!(selector, vendor_specific_properties) unless vendor_specific_properties.empty? # Everything else winds up inline on the body apply_styles_to_body!(selector, properties - vendor_specific_properties) end end end end def asset_host rails? && ( Rails.configuration.action_mailer.try(:asset_host) || Rails.configuration.action_controller.try(:asset_host) ) end def asset_pipeline_path return false unless sprockets? path = File.join('', Rails.configuration.assets[:prefix], '').gsub('//', '/') /^#{Regexp.escape(path)}/ end def css_parser @css_parser ||= true) end def default_host if host = AwesomeMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] "#{AwesomeMailer::Base.default_url_options[:scheme] || 'http'}://#{host}" end end def head @head ||='head') ||'head', document.root).tap do |head| document.root.children.first.add_previous_sibling(head) end end def header_stylesheet @header_stylesheet ||='style[@type="text/css"]') ||'style', head).tap do |style| style['type'] = 'text/css' style.content = "\n" head.add_child(style) end end def host if host = asset_host || default_host Addressable::URI.heuristic_parse(host, scheme: 'http') end end def load_stylesheet(stylesheet) stylesheet_path = stylesheet['href'].split('?').shift stylesheet_path.gsub!(/^#{Regexp.escape(host)}/, '') if host case stylesheet_path when asset_pipeline_path if asset = read_asset_pipeline_asset(stylesheet_path) css_parser.add_block!(asset.to_s) else Rails.logger.error 'AwesomeMailer error. Could not find: ' + stylesheet_path if rails? end when /^\// local_path = rails? && Rails.root.join('public', stylesheet_path.gsub(/^\//, '')).to_s css_parser.load_file!(local_path, nil, []) if local_path && File.file?(local_path) else dirname = File.dirname(stylesheet['href']) css_parser.load_uri!(stylesheet['href'], base_uri: dirname, media_types: []) end stylesheet.remove end def rails? defined? Rails end def read_asset_pipeline_asset(path) path = path.gsub(asset_pipeline_path, '').gsub(/-[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}/, '') Rails.application.assets[path] end def rewrite_relative_urls(properties) properties.each do |property| property.scan(/(url\s*\(?["']+(.[^'"]*)["']\))/i).each do |url_command, item| next if item =~ /^http(s){0,1}:\/\// item_url = host.dup item_url.path = File.join(item_url.path, item) new_url_command = url_command.gsub(item, item_url.to_s) property[url_command] = new_url_command end end end def sprockets? rails? && Rails.application.respond_to?(:assets) end end end