require 'util' module War class Packer attr_accessor :config def initialize(config = Configuration.instance) @config = config end def install(source, dest, mode=0644) # File.install is disabled because of a performance problem under JRuby, # without it the task may fail if the original gem files were not writable by the owner #File.install(source, dest, mode) FileUtils.copy(source, dest) end def copy_tree(files, target, strip_prefix='') files.each do |f| relative = f[strip_prefix.length, f.length] target_file = File.join(target, relative) if FileUtils.makedirs(target_file) elsif File.file?(f) WLog.debug " Copying #{f} to #{relative}" FileUtils.makedirs(File.dirname(target_file)) install(f, target_file) end end end def compile_tree(dir, config) return unless config.compile_ruby # find the libraries classpath_files =, 'WEB-INF', 'lib', '*.jar')) classpath_files_array = classpath_files.to_a classpath_files_array.collect! {|f| File.expand_path(f) } classpath = classpath_files_array.join(config.os_path_separator) # compile the files os_dir = dir.gsub(File::SEPARATOR, config.os_separator) unless system("cd #{os_dir} && java -cp #{classpath} org.jruby.webapp.ASTSerializerMain") raise "Error: failed to preparse files in #{dir}, returned with error code #{$?}" end end def jar(target_file, source_dir, files, compress=true) os_target_file = target_file.gsub(File::SEPARATOR, config.os_separator) os_source_dir = source_dir.gsub(File::SEPARATOR, config.os_separator) flags = '-cf' flags += '0' unless compress files_list = files.join(' ') unless system("jar #{flags} \"#{os_target_file}\" -C \"#{os_source_dir}\" #{files_list}") raise "Error: failed to create archive, error code #{$?}" end end end class FileLibPacker < Packer def add_files"Packing needed files ...") staging = config.staging lib = File.join(staging, 'WEB-INF', 'lib') classes = File.join(staging, 'WEB-INF', 'classes') base = File.join(staging, 'WEB-INF') install(:lib, lib) install(:classes, classes) install(:base, base) end def install(dir_sym, dir) WLog.debug("assembling files in " + dir + " directory") FileUtils.makedirs(dir) WLog.debug("need to assemble #{{|k,v| v[:directory] == dir_sym }.size} files") for name, file_info in config.files next unless file_info[:directory] == dir_sym WLog.debug("file to add " + name ) target = File.join(dir, name) WLog.debug("should install to " + target) file = file_info[:location] if !File.exists?(target) || File.mtime(target) < File.mtime(file_info[:location]) " adding file #{name}" if File.exists?(file) FileUtils.copy(file, target) else WLog.warn "file '#{file}' does not exist" end end end end end class JavaLibPacker < Packer def initialize(config) super(config) end def add_java_libraries"Packing needed Java libraries ...") staging = config.staging lib = File.join(staging, 'WEB-INF', 'lib') WLog.debug("assembling files in " + lib + " directory") FileUtils.makedirs(lib) WLog.debug("need to assemble #{config.java_libraries.size} libraries") for library in config.java_libraries.values WLog.debug("library to assemble " + ) target = File.join(lib, library.file) WLog.debug("should install to " + target) unless File.exists?(target) " adding Java library #{library}" library.install(config, target) end end end end class RubyLibPacker < Packer def initialize (config) super(config) end def add_ruby_libraries # add the gems"Packing needed Ruby gems ...") gem_home = File.join(config.staging, 'WEB-INF', 'gems') FileUtils.makedirs(gem_home) FileUtils.makedirs(File.join(gem_home, 'gems')) FileUtils.makedirs(File.join(gem_home, 'specifications')) for gem in config.gem_libraries copy_gem(gem[0], gem[1], gem_home) end end def copy_gem(name, match_version, target_gem_home) require 'rubygems' matched =, match_version) raise "The #{name} gem is not installed" if matched.empty? gem = matched.last gem_target = File.join(target_gem_home, 'gems', gem.full_gem_path.split('/').last) unless File.exists?(gem_target) # package up the gem " adding Ruby gem #{} version #{gem.version}" # copy the specification install(gem.loaded_from, File.join(target_gem_home, 'specifications'), 0644) # copy the files FileUtils.makedirs(gem_target) gem_files =, '**', '*')) copy_tree(gem_files, gem_target, gem.full_gem_path) # compile the .rb files to .rb.ast.ser compile_tree(File.join(gem_target, 'lib'), config) end # handle dependencies if config.add_gem_dependencies for gem_child in gem.dependencies #puts " Gem #{} requires #{} " copy_gem(, gem_child.requirements_list, target_gem_home) end end end end class WebappPacker < Packer def initialize(config) super(config) end def create_war # we can't include a directory, but exclude it's files webapp_files = webapp_files.include('*') webapp_files.exclude('*.war') webapp_files.exclude(/tmp$/) webapp_files.include(File.join('tmp', '*')) webapp_files.exclude(File.join('tmp', 'jetty')) config.excludes.each do |exclude| webapp_files.exclude(exclude) end jar(config.war_file, config.staging, webapp_files) end def add_webapp staging = config.staging 'Packing web application ...' FileUtils.makedirs(staging) webapp_files ='.', '**', '*')) webapp_files.exclude(staging) webapp_files.exclude('*.war') webapp_files.exclude(config.local_java_lib) webapp_files.exclude(File.join('public', '.ht*')) webapp_files.exclude(File.join('public', 'dispatch*')) webapp_files.exclude(File.join('log', '*.log')) webapp_files.exclude(File.join('tmp', 'cache', '*')) webapp_files.exclude(File.join('tmp', 'sessions', '*')) webapp_files.exclude(File.join('tmp', 'sockets', '*')) webapp_files.exclude(File.join('tmp', 'jetty')) config.excludes.each do |exclude| webapp_files.exclude(exclude) end copy_tree(webapp_files, staging) compile_tree(staging, config) end end end