describe StatusCat::Status do ############################################################################# # ::all ############################################################################# describe '::all' do it 'returns an array of enabled checkers' do enabled = StatusCat::Config.instance.enabled expect( StatusCat::Config.instance ).to receive( :enabled ).and_return( enabled ) all = StatusCat::Status.all expect( all ).to be_an_instance_of( Array ) expect( all.length ).to eql( StatusCat::Checkers::Base.descendants.length ) all.each { |checker| expect( checker ).to be_a_kind_of( StatusCat::Checkers::Base ) } end end ############################################################################# # ::check ############################################################################# describe '::check' do def checker_array_should_have_names( actual, expected ) expect( actual ).to be_a_kind_of( Array ) expect( actual.length ).to eql( expected.length ) actual.each_index { |i| expect( actual[ i ].name ).to be( expected[ i ] ) } end it 'defaults to all checkers' do names = { |checker| } checkers = StatusCat::Status.check checker_array_should_have_names( checkers, names ) end it 'returns all checkers when :all is specified' do names = { |checker| } checkers = StatusCat::Status.check( :all ) checker_array_should_have_names( checkers, names ) end it 'returns a single checker when given a single symbolic name' do expect( StatusCat::Status.check( :active_record ) ).to be_an_instance_of( StatusCat::Checkers::ActiveRecord ) end it 'returns an array of checkers when given an array of symbolic name' do names = [ :active_record, :action_mailer ] checkers = StatusCat::Status.check( names ) checker_array_should_have_names( checkers, names ) end end ############################################################################# # ::cron ############################################################################# describe '::cron' do it 'delivers email if ::failed is not empty' do failed = [ ] mail = StatusCat::StatusMailer.failure( failed ) expect( StatusCat::Status ).to receive( :failed ).and_return( failed ) expect( StatusCat::StatusMailer ).to receive( :failure ).with( failed ).and_return( mail ) StatusCat::Status.cron end it 'does not email when ::failed is empty' do expect( StatusCat::Status ).to receive( :failed ).and_return( [] ) expect( StatusCat::StatusMailer ).to_not receive( :failure ) StatusCat::Status.cron end end ############################################################################# # ::factory ############################################################################# describe '::factory' do it 'constructs a checker given its symbolic name' do expect( StatusCat::Status.factory( :action_mailer ) ).to be_an_instance_of( StatusCat::Checkers::ActionMailer ) expect( StatusCat::Status.factory( :active_record ) ).to be_an_instance_of( StatusCat::Checkers::ActiveRecord ) end end ############################################################################# # ::failed ############################################################################# describe '::failed' do before( :each ) do @pass = @fail = allow( @fail ).to receive( :status ).and_return( :fail ) end it 'returns only failed checkers from ::all' do expect( StatusCat::Status ).to receive( :all ).and_return( [ @pass, @fail ] ) expect( StatusCat::Status.failed ).to eql( [ @fail ] ) end it 'returns an empty list if all checkers pass' do expect( StatusCat::Status ).to receive( :all ).and_return( [ @pass ] ) expect( StatusCat::Status.failed ).to eql( [] ) end end end