require 'rubygems' require 'zookeeper' def wait_until(timeout=10, &block) time_to_stop = + timeout until yield do break if > time_to_stop sleep 0.1 end end puts 'Initializing Zookeeper' zk ='localhost:2181') if zk.state != Zookeeper::ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE puts 'Unable to connect to Zookeeper!' Kernel.exit end def watcher(args) puts "#{args.inspect}" puts "In watcher: path=#{args.path}, context=#{args.context}" if args.path == args.context puts "TEST PASSED IN WATCHER" else puts "TEST FAILED IN WATCHER" end end wcb = do watcher(wcb) end resp = zk.create(:path => '/test', :sequence => true) puts "#{resp.inspect}" puts "TEST FAILED [create]" unless resp[:rc] == Zookeeper::ZOK base_path = resp[:path] watched_file = "#{base_path}/file.does.not.exist" resp = zk.stat(:path => watched_file, :watcher => wcb, :watcher_context => watched_file) puts "#{resp.inspect}" puts "TEST FAILED [stat]" unless resp[:rc] == Zookeeper::ZNONODE resp = zk.create(:path => watched_file, :data => 'test data', :ephemeral => true) puts "#{resp.inspect}" puts "TEST FAILED [create]" unless resp[:rc] == Zookeeper::ZOK wait_until { wcb.completed? } puts "TEST FAILED" unless wcb.completed? puts "TEST PASSED" zk.delete(:path => watched_file) zk.delete(:path => base_path)