require File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname( __FILE__ ), '..', 'test_helper' )) class InsertSelectTest < TestCaseSuperClass self.fixtures 'books' if =~ /sqlite/i self.use_transactional_fixtures = false end #define the duplicate key update for mysql for testing #add oracle, postgre, sqlite, etc when implemented if ENV["ARE_DB"] == 'mysql' DUPLICATE_UPDATE_STR = 'cart_items.updated_at=VALUES(`updated_at`), copies=VALUES(copies), book_id=VALUES(`book_id`)' else DUPLICATE_UPDATE_STR = [:updated_at, :copies, :book_id] end def setup @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection @conditions = ['author_name like :author_name', {:author_name => 'Terry Brooks'}] @into_columns = [:book_id, :shopping_cart_id, :copies, :updated_at, :created_at] @cart = ShoppingCart.create!(:name => 'My Shopping Cart') @time = - 2.seconds Topic.destroy_all ShoppingCart.destroy_all end def teardown Topic.destroy_all ShoppingCart.destroy_all end #test simple insert select def test_insert_select_should_import_data_from_one_model_into_another assert_equal 0, Topic.count timestamp = Topic.insert_select( :from => :book, :select => ['title, author_name, ?', timestamp], :into => [:title, :author_name, :updated_at]) books = Book.find :all, :order => 'title' topics = Topic.find :all, :order => 'title' assert_equal books.length, topics.length topics.each_with_index {|topic, idx| assert_equal topic.author_name, books[idx].author_name assert_equal topic.title, books[idx].title assert_equal topic.updated_at.to_s, timestamp.to_s } end def test_insert_select_should_import_data_from_one_model_into_another_ignoring_existing_data time = - 4.seconds #insert book data into cart CartItem.insert_select( :from => :book, :select => [', ?, ?, ?, now()', @cart.to_param, 1, time], :into => [:book_id, :shopping_cart_id, :copies, :updated_at, :created_at]) total = CartItem.count(:id, :conditions => ['shopping_cart_id = ? and updated_at = ?', @cart.to_param, time]) assert_equal 9, total, "Expecting 6 cart items. Instead got #{total}" #insert the same data from book into the cart CartItem.insert_select(:from => Book, :select => [', ?, ?, ?, now()', @cart.to_param, 1,], :into => 'cart_items.book_id, shopping_cart_id, copies, updated_at, created_at', :ignore => true ) #ensure that the data has not changed total = CartItem.count(:id, :conditions => ['shopping_cart_id = ? and updated_at = ?', @cart.to_param, time]) assert_equal 9, total, "Expecting 6 cart items. Instead got #{total}" end def test_insert_select_should_import_data_from_one_model_into_another_updating_existing_data(options_one={}, options_two={}) fun_topic = Topic.create!(:title => 'Fun Books', :author_name => 'Big Bird') ok_topic = Topic.create!(:title => 'OK Books', :author_name => 'sloth') boring_topic = Topic.create!(:title => 'Boring Books', :author_name => 'Giraffe') Book.update_all(['topic_id = ?', boring_topic]) Book.update_all(['topic_id = ?', fun_topic], ' < 3') Book.update_all(['topic_id = ?', ok_topic], ' = 3') CartItem.insert_select( {:from => :book, :select => [', ?, ?, ?, ?', @cart.to_param, 1, @time, @time], :into => @into_columns, :conditions => ['topics.title = :title', {:title => 'Fun Books'}], :include => :topic }.merge(options_one)) validate_cart_items({:total => 2, :copies => 1 }, :conditions => ['topics.title in (?)', ['Fun Books']], :include => { :book => :topic }) #insert select with on duplicate key update written as a string new_time = CartItem.insert_select( {:from => :book, :select => [', ?, ?, ?, ?', @cart.to_param, 2, new_time, new_time], :into => @into_columns, :conditions => ['topics.title in (?)', ['Fun Books', 'OK Books']], :include => :topic , :on_duplicate_key_update => DUPLICATE_UPDATE_STR}.merge(options_two)) # 3 total items assert_equal 3, CartItem.count #2 fun books should have updated the updated_at and copies field validate_cart_items({:total => 2, :updated_at => new_time, :copies => 2}, :conditions => ['topics.title in (?)', ['Fun Books']], :include => { :book => :topic }) #1 ok book validate_cart_items({:total => 1, :updated_at => new_time, :created_at => new_time, :copies => 2}, :conditions => ['topics.title in (?)', ['OK Books']], :include => { :book => :topic }) end def test_insert_select_should_import_data_from_one_model_into_another_updating_existing_data_using_joins_and_limit #use a join instead of include options = {:include => nil, :joins => 'inner join topics on = books.topic_id', :limit => 4} test_insert_select_should_import_data_from_one_model_into_another_updating_existing_data options, options end #test insert select with ignore and duplicate options def test_insert_select_should_import_data_from_one_model_into_another_updating_multiple_columns @cart_copies = Book.count(:all, :conditions => @conditions) assert @cart_copies > 0 @time = CartItem.insert_select( :from => :book, :select => [', ?, ?, ?, ?', @cart.to_param, 1, @time, @time], :conditions => @conditions, :into => @into_columns) validate_cart_items :total => @cart_copies, :copies => 1 #use on duplicate update #this means that the book count should change to 2 and the updated time should be changed to new_time new_time = CartItem.insert_select( :from => :book, :select => [', :cart, :copies, :updated_at, :created_at', {:copies => 2, :cart => @cart, :created_at => new_time, :updated_at => new_time}], :conditions => @conditions, :into => @into_columns, :on_duplicate_key_update => [:updated_at, :copies]) validate_cart_items :total => @cart_copies, :updated_at => new_time, :copies => 2 end protected def validate_cart_items(expected_values = {}, find_options = {}) vals = {:shopping_cart_id => @cart.to_param, :updated_at => @time, :created_at => @time, :copies => 1}.merge expected_values total_count = vals.delete(:total) items = CartItem.find(:all, find_options) assert_equal(total_count, items.length, "Expecting #{total_count}, recieved #{items.length}") unless total_count.nil? items.each do |item| vals.each do |method, val| actual = item.send method assert_equal val.to_s, actual.to_s, "Expecting #{method} = #{val}. Instead got #{actual}" end end end end