command 'create cache invalidations' do |c| c.syntax = "#{$datapimp_cli} create cache invalidations" c.description = 'invalidate remote cache layers (i.e. cloudfront after a s3 deploy)' Datapimp::Cli.accepts_keys_for(c, :amazon) c.option '--all-html', 'Invalidate all HTML paths in the bucket' c.option '--verbose', 'Print extra information such as exactly what paths get invalidated' c.option '--previous-deploy', 'Invalidate all paths from the previous deploy' c.option '--paths PATHS', Array, 'List the specific paths you would like to invalidate' c.option '--local-path FOLDER', String, 'Determine which paths to invalidate by looking at the files in this folder' c.option '--ignore-paths PATTERN', String, 'Ignore any paths matching the supplied regex' c.option '--match-paths PATTERN', String, 'Only invalidate paths matching the supplied regex' c.action do |args, options| options.defaults(:paths => []) bucket = args.first) paths = Array(options.paths) if options.local_path local = Pathname(options.local_path) paths += Dir[local.join('**/*')].map do |file| file = Pathname(file) "/#{file.relative_path_from(local)}" end end if options.local_path.to_s.length == 0 && options.all_html html_files = {|file| file.key.match(/\.html/) } paths += {|file| file.public_url }.map do |url| path = URI.parse(url).path.gsub("/#{bucket.remote}","") index = path.gsub('/index.html','') index = "/" if index == "" [path, index] end end if options.local_path.to_s.length > 0 && options.all_html! {|path| path.match(/\.html$/) }! {|path| [path, path.gsub('/index.html','')] } paths.flatten! paths << "/" end paths.flatten! # TODO # Need to pull out paths that were previous deployed. # We can rely on the s3 bucket deploy manifest for this. if options.previous_deploy items = bucket.deploy_manifest["uploaded"] items end if options.match_paths! {|path| path.to_s.match(options.ignore_paths) } end if options.ignore_paths paths.reject! {|path| path.to_s.match(options.ignore_paths) } end paths.reject! {|path| path.length == 0} if paths.length > 0 log "Posting invalidations for #{ paths.length } paths", paths) log "\nInvalidated paths: #{ paths.inspect }" if options.verbose end end end command 'create s3 bucket' do |c| c.syntax = "#{$datapimp_cli} create s3 bucket BUCKETNAME" c.description = 'create an s3 bucket to use for website hosting' Datapimp::Cli.accepts_keys_for(c, :amazon) c.option '--setup-website', 'Setup the bucket for website hosting' c.option '--create-redirect-bucket', 'Setup a redirect bucket' c.option '--private', nil, 'Make this bucket private.' c.action do |args, options| raise 'Must specify bucket name' unless args.first args.first, redirect: !!(options.create_redirect_bucket), setup_website: !!(options.setup_website)).run_create_action(make_private: !!options.private) end end command 'create cloudfront distribution' do |c| c.syntax = "#{$datapimp_cli} create cloudfront distribution" c.description = "create a cloudfront distribution to link to a specific bucket" Datapimp::Cli.accepts_keys_for(c, :amazon) c.option '--bucket NAME', String, 'The name of the bucket that will provide the content' c.option '--domains DOMAINS', Array, 'What domains will be pointing to this bucket?' c.action do |args, options| options.default(bucket: args.first) bucket = options.bucket) cdn_options = { enabled: true, custom_origin: { 'DNSName'=> bucket.website_hostname, 'OriginProtocolPolicy'=>'http-only' }, comment: options.bucket, caller_reference:, cname: Array(, default_root_object: 'index.html' } distributions = distribution_id = distributions.find {|d| d.comment == options.bucket }.try(:id) if !distribution_id distribution = elsif distribution_id distribution = distributions.get(distribution_id) distribution.etag = distribution.etag distribution.cname = Array( end end end # bin/datapimp create cf protected distribution --name z-test --bucket '' --error-bucket z-test-error-bucket --domains, --app-url --origin-access-identity E2RCKW2LSUD589 --trace command 'create cf protected distribution' do |c| c.syntax = "datapimp create cf protected distribution" c.description = "create a cloudfront PROTECTED distribution using signed cookies" Datapimp::Cli.accepts_keys_for(c, :amazon) c.option '--name NAME', String, 'The name for this distribution' c.option '--bucket NAME', String, 'The name of the *existing* bucket that will provide the content' c.option '--error-bucket NAME', String, 'The name of the *existing* bucket that will hold the errors folder and 403.html file' c.option '--domains DOMAINS', Array, 'What domains will be pointing to this bucket?' c.option '--app-url NAME', String, 'The url of the AUTH Applitacion' c.option '--origin-access-identity NAME', String, 'The Origin Access Identity to be used to create the distribution' c.action do |args, options| cf = template_body =, '..', 'templates/cloudfront', 'aws_cloudfront_distribution_template.json')) res = cf.create_stack( stack_name:, template_body: template_body, # disable_rollback: true, parameters: [ { parameter_key: "AppLocation", parameter_value: URI.parse(options.app_url).host, use_previous_value: true }, { parameter_key: "BucketName", parameter_value: options.bucket, use_previous_value: true }, { parameter_key: "ErrorBucketName", parameter_value: options.error_bucket, use_previous_value: true }, { parameter_key: "Aliases", parameter_value:','), use_previous_value: true }, { parameter_key: "DistributionComment", parameter_value: "#{} distribution", use_previous_value: true }, { parameter_key: "OriginAccessIdentity", parameter_value: options.origin_access_identity, use_previous_value: true } ] ) begin puts "Waiting for stack creation process to finish ..." sleep 30 stack = cf.describe_stacks(stack_name: end while stack.stack_status == "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS" if stack.stack_status != "CREATE_COMPLETE" puts "stack failed to create" exit 1 end s3 = cf.config.region) template_body_403 =, '../templates/cloudfront', '403.html.erb'))).result(binding) # S3 403.html error file begin s3.put_object( bucket: options.error_bucket, key: 'errors/403.html', content_type: 'text/html', cache_control: 'max-age=300', acl: 'public-read', body: template_body_403 ) rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchBucket error_bucket = "#{options.error_bucket}" s3.put_object( bucket: error_bucket, key: 'errors/403.html', content_type: 'text/html', cache_control: 'max-age=300', acl: 'public-read', body: template_body_403 ) end end end