Given(/^I have default Vagrantfile$/) do vagrantfile = <<-RUBY Vagrant.require_plugin 'vagrant-exec' Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| = 'vagrant_exec' end RUBY step 'a file named "Vagrantfile" with:', vagrantfile end Given(/^I set vagrant-exec folder to (.+)$/) do |folder| config = <<-RUBY Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| config.exec.folder = #{folder} end RUBY step 'I append to "Vagrantfile" with:', config end Given(/^I set vagrant-exec bundler to (.+)$/) do |bundler| config = <<-RUBY Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| config.exec.bundler = #{bundler} end RUBY step 'I append to "Vagrantfile" with:', config end Given(/^I set vagrant-exec env with the following values:$/) do |table| data = table.hashes config = do |hash| key, value = "#{hash['key']}", "#{hash['value']}" %(config.exec.env['#{key}'] = '#{value}') end config = <<-RUBY Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| #{config.join("\n\s\s")} end RUBY step 'I append to "Vagrantfile" with:', config end