# Default application configuration that all configurations inherit from. # # This is an opinionated list of which hooks are valuable to run and what their # out of the box settings should be. # Whether to ignore frontmatter at the beginning of Slim documents for # frameworks such as Jekyll/Middleman skip_frontmatter: false linters: CommentControlStatement: enabled: true ConsecutiveControlStatements: enabled: true max_consecutive: 2 EmptyControlStatment: enabled: true ExplicitDiv: enabled: true LineLength: enabled: true max: 80 RuboCop: enabled: true # These cops are incredibly noisy since the Ruby we extract from Slim # templates isn't well-formatted, so we ignore them. ignored_cops: - Lint/BlockAlignment - Lint/EndAlignment - Lint/Void - Metrics/LineLength - Style/AlignHash - Style/AlignParameters - Style/BlockNesting - Style/FileName - Style/FirstParameterIndentation - Style/IfUnlessModifier - Style/IndentationConsistency - Style/IndentationWidth - Style/Next - Style/TrailingBlankLines - Style/TrailingWhitespace - Style/WhileUntilModifier TagCase: enabled: true TrailingWhitespace: enabled: true