[[English]](https://github.com/fetaro/rbatch/blob/master/README.md "english") [[Japanese]](https://github.com/fetaro/rbatch/blob/master/README.ja.md "japanese") RBatch:Ruby-base Simple Batch Framework ============= About RBatch -------------- This is a Ruby-base Batch Script Framework. RBatch offer a convenient function as a framework, when you write a batch script such as "data backup script" or "proccess start script". There are following functions. * Auto Logging * Auto Config Reading * External Command Wrapper * Directory Structure convention * Double Run Check This work on only Ruby 1.9.x or more later. ### Auto Logging Use Auto Logging block, RBatch automatically write to logfile. Log file default location is "(script file path)/../log/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_${PROG_NAME}.log" . If exception occuerd, then RBatch write stack trace to logfile. When an error occurs, there is also a function to send an error by e-mail automatically. sample script : ./bin/sample1.rb ``` require 'rbatch' RBatch::Log.new(){ |log| # Logging block log.info "info string" log.error "error string" raise "exception" } ``` logfile : ./log/20121020_005953_sample1.log ``` # Logfile created on 2012-10-20 00:59:53 +0900 by logger.rb/25413 [2012-10-20 00:59:53 +900] [INFO ] info string [2012-10-20 00:59:53 +900] [ERROR] error string [2012-10-20 00:59:53 +900] [FATAL] Caught exception; existing 1 [2012-10-20 00:59:53 +900] [FATAL] exception (RuntimeError) [backtrace] test.rb:6:in `block in
' [backtrace] /usr/local/lib/ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rbatch-1.0.0/lib/rbatch/auto_logger.rb:37:in `initialize' [backtrace] test.rb:3:in `new' [backtrace] test.rb:3:in `
' ``` ### Auto Config Reading RBatch easy to read config file (located on "(script file path)/../conf/${PROG_NAME}.yaml") sample config : ./conf/sample2.yaml ``` key: value array: - item1 - item2 - item3 ``` script : ./bin/sample2.rb ``` require 'rbatch' p RBatch::config => {"key" => "value", "array" => ["item1", "item2", "item3"]} p RBatch::config["key"] => "value" # If key does not exist , raise exception p RBatch::config["not_exist"] => Raise Exception ``` ### External Command Wrapper RBatch provide a function which wrap external command (such as 'ls'). This function return a result object which contain command's STDOUT, STDERR ,and exit status. sample ``` require 'rbatch' r = RBatch::cmd("ls") p r.stdout => "fileA\nfileB\n" p r.stderr => "" p r.status => 0 ``` ### Directory Structure Convention Follow the axiom of "convention over configuration", RBatch restrict file naming rule and directory structure. For exsample, If you make "bin/hoge.rb", you should name config file to "conf/hoge.yaml". And the name of log file is decided on "log/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_hoge.rb" In this way, maintainability and readability of batch script get higher. ``` ./ |-bin | |- hoge.rb | |- bar.rb |-conf | |- hoge.yaml | |- bar.yaml |-log |- YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_hoge.log |- YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_bar.log ``` ### Double Run Check Forbit double run of the RBatch script by writing option "forbid_double_run: true" to the common configuration file. Quick Start -------------- ### Step1: Install ``` # gem install rbatch ``` ### Step2: Make directories ``` $ mkdir bin log conf ``` ### Step3: Write batch script for bin/backup.rb ``` require 'rbatch' RBatch::Log.new(){|log| log.info( "start backup" ) result = RBatch::cmd( "cp -p /var/log/message /backup") log.info( result ) log.error ( "backup failed") if result.status != 0 } ``` ### Step4: Run ``` $ ruby bin/backup.rb ``` ### Step5: Check Log file is generated automatically. ``` $ cat log/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_backup.log # Logfile created on 2012-10-20 00:19:23 +0900 by logger.rb/25413 [2012-10-20 00:19:23 +0900] [INFO ] start backup [2012-10-20 00:19:23 +0900] [INFO ] {:stdout=>"", :stderr=>"cp: cannot stat `/var/log/message': No such file or directory\n", :status=>1} [2012-10-20 00:19:23 +0900] [ERROR] backup failed ``` Manual -------------- ### RBatch Grobal Config File If you make follow config file, option value effect to all scripts. ``` (script file path)/../conf/rbatch.yaml ``` Config Sample ``` # RBatch Common Config # # This file format is YAML. # # ------------------- # Global setting # ------------------- # Forbit Script Double Run # # Default is false. # If this option is true, two same script cannot start at the same time. # #forbid_double_run: true #forbid_double_run: false # ------------------- # Cmd setting # ------------------- # Raise Exception # # Default is false. # If command exit status is not 0, raise exception. # #cmd_raise : true #cmd_raise : false # ------------------- # Log setting # ------------------- # Log File Name # # Default is "_