# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'test_helper' class TestConnection1P < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestBase def setup @conn = get_connection() end def teardown @conn.disconnect if @conn.open? # allow tests to disconnect end # def test_conn_1p_0000 assert @conn.open? end # def test_conn_1p_0010 # cha = {:host => "localhost"} assert_raise Stomp::Error::ProtocolErrorConnect do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) end # chb = {"accept-version" => "1.0"} assert_raise Stomp::Error::ProtocolErrorConnect do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, chb) end end # def test_conn_1p_0020 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.0"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] conn = nil assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) conn.disconnect end assert_equal conn.protocol, Stomp::SPL_10 end # def test_conn_1p_0030 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] conn = nil assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) conn.disconnect end assert_equal conn.protocol, Stomp::SPL_11 end # def test_conn_1p_0040 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "0,0" # No heartbeats conn = nil assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) conn.disconnect end assert_equal conn.protocol, Stomp::SPL_11 end # def test_conn_1p_0050 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "10,10,20" # Bad header Heartbeats conn = nil assert_raise Stomp::Error::InvalidHeartBeatHeaderError do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) end end # def test_conn_11h_0060 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "a,10" # Bad header Heartbeats conn = nil assert_raise Stomp::Error::InvalidHeartBeatHeaderError do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) end end # def test_conn_1p_0070 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "500,1000" # Valid heart beat headers conn = nil assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) conn.disconnect end assert conn.hbsend_interval > 0 assert conn.hbrecv_interval > 0 end # def test_conn_1p_0080 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "10000,0" # Valid heart beat headers, send only conn = nil logger = Tlogger.new assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) conn.set_logger(logger) sleep 65 conn.set_logger(nil) conn.disconnect end hb_asserts_send(conn) end if ENV['STOMP_HB11LONG'] # def test_conn_1p_0090 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "0,6000" # Valid heart beat headers, receive only conn = nil logger = Tlogger.new assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) # m = conn.receive # This will hang forever ..... conn.set_logger(logger) sleep 65 conn.set_logger(nil) conn.disconnect end hb_asserts_recv(conn) end if ENV['STOMP_HB11LONG'] # def test_conn_1p_0100 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "5000,10000" # Valid heart beat headers, send and receive conn = nil logger = Tlogger.new assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) # m = conn.receive # This will hang forever ..... conn.set_logger(logger) sleep 65 conn.set_logger(nil) conn.disconnect end hb_asserts_both(conn) end if ENV['STOMP_HB11LONG'] # def test_conn_1p_0110 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "0,0" # No heartbeats conn = nil conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) good_data = [ "\x41\xc3\xb1\x42", "\xc2\x80", # 2 byte characters "\xc2\xbf", "\xdf\x80", "\xdf\xbf", "\xe0\xa0\x80", # 3 byte characters "\xe0\xbf\x80", "\xe0\xa0\xbf", "\xe0\xbf\xbf", "\xf1\x80\x80\x80", # 4 byte characters "\xf1\xbf\xbf\xbf", "\xf2\x80\x80\x80", "\xf2\xbf\xbf\xbf", "\xf3\x80\x80\x80", "\xf3\xbf\xbf\xbf", ] good_data.each do |string| assert conn.valid_utf8?(string), "good unicode specs 01: #{string}" end conn.disconnect end # def test_conn_1p_0120 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "0,0" # No heartbeats conn = nil conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) bad_data = [ "\x41\xc2\xc3\xb1\x42", "\xed\xa0\x80", # UTF-16 surrogate halves "\xed\xad\xbf", "\xed\xae\x80", "\xed\xaf\xbf", "\xed\xb0\x80", "\xed\xbe\x80", "\xed\xbf\xbf", "\xc0", # Single bytes "\xc1", "\xf5","\xf6","\xf7","\xf8","\xf9","\xfa","\xfb","\xfc", "\xfd","\xfe","\xff", "\xc0\x80", # Not shortest representation "\xc1\x80", "\xc0\x30", "\xc1\x30", "\xe0\x80\x80", "\xf0\x80\x80\x80", ] bad_data.each do |string| assert !conn.valid_utf8?(string), "bad unicode specs 01: #{string}" end conn.disconnect end # Repeated headers test. Currently: # - Apollo emits repeated headers for a 1.1 connection only # - RabbitMQ does not emit repeated headers under any circumstances def test_conn_1p_0120 dest = make_destination msg = "payload: #{Time.now.to_f}" shdrs = { "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2", "key3" => ["kv3", "kv2", "kv1"] } assert_nothing_raised { @conn.publish dest, msg, shdrs } # sid = @conn.uuid() @conn.subscribe dest, :id => sid # received = @conn.receive assert_equal msg, received.body if @conn.protocol != Stomp::SPL_10 assert_equal shdrs["key3"], received.headers["key3"] unless ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] else assert_equal "kv3", received.headers["key3"] end # @conn.unsubscribe dest, :id => sid end def test_conn_1p_0120 dest = make_destination sid = @conn.uuid() sid.freeze assert_nothing_raised { @conn.subscribe dest, :id => sid } end # def test_conn_1p_0130 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "10000,6000" # Valid heart beat headers, send and receive conn = nil logger = Tlogger.new assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) # m = conn.receive # This will hang forever ..... conn.set_logger(logger) sleep 65 conn.set_logger(nil) conn.disconnect end hb_asserts_both(conn) end if ENV['STOMP_HB11LONG'] # def test_conn_1p_0130 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "10000,1000" # Valid heart beat headers, send and receive conn = nil logger = Tlogger.new assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) # m = conn.receive # This will hang forever ..... conn.set_logger(logger) sleep 65 conn.set_logger(nil) conn.disconnect end hb_asserts_both(conn) end if ENV['STOMP_HB11LONG'] # def test_conn_1p_0140 # cha = {:host => "localhost", "accept-version" => "1.1"} cha[:host] = "/" if ENV['STOMP_RABBIT'] cha["heart-beat"] = "1000,10000" # Valid heart beat headers, send and receive conn = nil logger = Tlogger.new assert_nothing_raised do conn = Stomp::Connection.open(user, passcode, host, port, false, 5, cha) # m = conn.receive # This will hang forever ..... conn.set_logger(logger) sleep 65 conn.set_logger(nil) conn.disconnect end hb_asserts_both(conn) end if ENV['STOMP_HB11LONG'] private def hb_asserts_both(conn) assert conn.hbsend_interval > 0 assert conn.hbrecv_interval > 0 assert conn.hbsend_count > 0 assert conn.hbrecv_count > 0 end def hb_asserts_send(conn) assert conn.hbsend_interval > 0 assert conn.hbrecv_interval == 0 assert conn.hbsend_count > 0 assert conn.hbrecv_count == 0 end def hb_asserts_recv(conn) assert conn.hbsend_interval == 0 assert conn.hbrecv_interval > 0 assert conn.hbsend_count == 0 assert conn.hbrecv_count > 0 end end if ENV['STOMP_TEST11']