require 'yaml' require 'pathname' require 'erb' module HSS Version = '0.2.2' Default_Config = '~/.hss.yml' Default_Library =[0].to_s + '/helpers' class << self def new(*args)*args) end end class Handler attr_reader :patterns, :config def initialize(config_path = nil, helper_path = nil) load_config(config_path) load_parser(helper_path) end def load_config(config_path = nil) begin @config = YAML.load open(File.expand_path(config_path || HSS::Default_Config)).read @patterns = @config.delete('patterns') rescue raise "Failed to load config: #{config_path}" end end def load_parser(helper_path = nil) Dir::glob((helper_path || HSS::Default_Library) + '/*').each do |helper| begin require_relative helper rescue LoadError raise LoadError, "Failed to load helper: #{helper}" end end @parser = end def handle(input) @patterns.each do |pattern| next unless @parser.check(input, pattern['short']) return @parser.parse(pattern['long']) end raise "Couldn't find a matching host for: #{input}" end end class Parser def initialize(config) @config = config end def check(input, short_form) return false unless input.match short_form @match_data = binding true end def parse(long_form) eval '"' + long_form + '"', @match_data end end end