require 'rflow/configuration' class RFlow class Configuration # Ruby DSL config file controller. # TODO: more docs and examples class RubyDSL private attr_accessor :setting_specs, :shard_specs, :connection_specs, :default_shard public def initialize @default_shard = {:name => 'DEFAULT', :type => :process, :count => 1, :components => []} @current_shard = default_shard @setting_specs = [] @shard_specs = [default_shard] @connection_specs = [] end # DSL method to specify a name/value pair. RFlow core uses the # 'rflow.' prefix on all of its settings. Custom settings # should use a custom (unique) prefix def setting(name, value) setting_specs << {:name => name.to_s, :value => value.to_s, :config_line => get_config_line(caller)} end # DSL method to specify a shard block for either a process or thread def shard(name, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot use DEFAULT as a shard name' if name == 'DEFAULT' raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot nest shards' if @current_shard != default_shard type = if options[:thread] || options[:type] == :thread; :thread else :process end count = options[type] || options[:count] || 1 @current_shard = {:name => name, :type => type, :count => count, :components => [], :config_line => get_config_line(caller)} shard_specs << @current_shard yield self @current_shard = default_shard end # shortcut def process(name, options = {}, &block) shard(name, options.merge(:type => :process), &block) end # shortcut def thread(name, options = {}, &block) shard(name, options.merge(:type => :thread), &block) end # DSL method to specify a component. Expects a name, # specification, and set of component specific options, that # must be marshallable into the database (i.e. should all be strings) def component(name, specification, options = {}) @current_shard[:components] << { :name => name, :specification => specification.to_s, :options => options, :config_line => get_config_line(caller) } end # DSL method to specify a connection between a # component/output_port and another component/input_port. The # component/port specification is a string where the names of # the two elements are separated by '#', and the 'connection' is # specified by a Ruby Hash, i.e.: # connect 'componentA#output' => 'componentB#input' # Array ports are specified with an key suffix in standard # progamming syntax, i.e. # connect 'componentA#arrayport[2]' => 'componentB#in[1]' # Uses the model to assign random UUIDs def connect(hash) delivery = hash[:delivery] || 'round-robin' hash.except(:delivery).each do |output_string, input_string| output_component_name, output_port_name, output_port_key = parse_connection_string(output_string) input_component_name, input_port_name, input_port_key = parse_connection_string(input_string) connection_specs << { :name => output_string + '=>' + input_string, :delivery => delivery, :output_component_name => output_component_name, :output_port_name => output_port_name, :output_port_key => output_port_key, :output_string => output_string, :input_component_name => input_component_name, :input_port_name => input_port_name, :input_port_key => input_port_key, :input_string => input_string, :config_line => get_config_line(caller) } end end # Method called within the config file itself def self.configure config_file = yield config_file config_file.process_objects end # Method to process the 'DSL' objects into the config database # via ActiveRecord def process_objects process_setting_specs process_shard_specs process_connection_specs end private # Helper function to extract the line of the config that # specified the operation. Useful in printing helpful error messages def get_config_line(call_history) call_history.first.split(':in').first end # Splits the connection string into component/port parts COMPONENT_PORT_STRING_REGEX = /^(\w+)#(\w+)(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?$/ def parse_connection_string(string) matched = COMPONENT_PORT_STRING_REGEX.match(string) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid component/port string specification: #{string}" unless matched component_name, port_name, port_key = matched.captures [component_name, port_name, port_key] end # Iterates through each setting specified in the DSL and # creates rows in the database corresponding to the setting def process_setting_specs setting_specs.each do |spec| RFlow.logger.debug "Found config file setting '#{spec[:name]}' = (#{Dir.getwd}) '#{spec[:value]}'" RFlow::Configuration::Setting.create! :name => spec[:name], :value => spec[:value] end end # Iterates through each shard specified in the DSL and creates # rows in the database corresponding to the shard and included # components def process_shard_specs shard_specs.each do |spec| RFlow.logger.debug "Found #{spec[:type]} shard '#{spec[:name]}', creating" if spec[:components].empty? RFlow.logger.warn "Skipping shard '#{spec[:name]}' because it has no components" next end clazz = case spec[:type] when :process; RFlow::Configuration::ProcessShard when :thread; RFlow::Configuration::ThreadShard else raise RFlow::Configuration::Shard::ShardInvalid, "Invalid shard: #{spec.inspect}" end shard = clazz.create! :name => spec[:name], :count => spec[:count] spec[:components].each do |component_spec| RFlow.logger.debug "Shard '#{spec[:name]}' found component '#{component_spec[:name]}', creating" RFlow::Configuration::Component.create!(:shard => shard, :name => component_spec[:name], :specification => component_spec[:specification], :options => component_spec[:options]) end end end # For each given connection, break up each input/output # component/port specification, ensure that the component # already exists in the database (by name). Chooses the best # connection type for any pair of components. def process_connection_specs connection_specs.each do |spec| begin RFlow.logger.debug "Found connection from '#{spec[:output_string]}' to '#{spec[:input_string]}', creating" # an input port can be associated with multiple outputs, but # an output port can only be associated with one input output_component = RFlow::Configuration::Component.find_by_name spec[:output_component_name] raise RFlow::Configuration::Connection::ConnectionInvalid, "Component '#{spec[:output_component_name]}' not found at #{spec[:config_line]}" unless output_component output_port = output_component.output_ports.find_or_initialize_by_name :name => spec[:output_port_name]! input_component = RFlow::Configuration::Component.find_by_name spec[:input_component_name] raise RFlow::Configuration::Connection::ConnectionInvalid, "Component '#{spec[:input_component_name]}' not found at #{spec[:config_line]}" unless input_component input_port = input_component.input_ports.find_or_initialize_by_name :name => spec[:input_port_name]! output_shards = output_component.shard.count input_shards = input_component.shard.count broadcast_connection = spec[:delivery] == 'broadcast' in_shard_connection = output_component.shard == input_component.shard one_to_one = output_shards == 1 && input_shards == 1 one_to_many = output_shards == 1 && input_shards > 1 many_to_one = output_shards > 1 && input_shards == 1 many_to_many = output_shards > 1 && input_shards > 1 use_broker = many_to_many && (broadcast_connection || !in_shard_connection) connection_type = use_broker ? RFlow::Configuration::BrokeredZMQConnection : RFlow::Configuration::ZMQConnection conn = connection_type.create!(:name => spec[:name], :delivery => spec[:delivery], :output_port_key => spec[:output_port_key], :input_port_key => spec[:input_port_key], :output_port => output_port, :input_port => input_port) # bind on the cardinality-1 side, connect on the cardinality-n side if in_shard_connection && !use_broker conn.options['output_responsibility'] = 'connect' conn.options['input_responsibility'] = 'bind' conn.options['output_address'] = "inproc://rflow.#{conn.uuid}" conn.options['input_address'] = "inproc://rflow.#{conn.uuid}" elsif many_to_one conn.options['output_responsibility'] = 'connect' conn.options['input_responsibility'] = 'bind' elsif one_to_many conn.options['output_responsibility'] = 'bind' conn.options['input_responsibility'] = 'connect' end case spec[:delivery] when 'broadcast' conn.options['output_socket_type'] = 'PUB' conn.options['input_socket_type'] = 'SUB' when 'round-robin' conn.options['output_socket_type'] = 'PUSH' conn.options['input_socket_type'] = 'PULL' else raise RFlow::Configuration::Connection::ConnectionInvalid, "Delivery type '#{spec[:delivery]}' unknown at #{spec[:config_line]}" end! conn rescue Exception => e # TODO: Figure out why an ArgumentError doesn't put the # offending message into e.message, even though it is printed # out if not caught raise RFlow::Configuration::Connection::ConnectionInvalid, "#{e.class}: #{e.message} at config '#{spec[:config_line]}'" end end end end end end