# learn-chef-acceptance Testing framework for Learn Chef tutorials. Each cookbook models a Learn Chef tutorial through Test Kitchen and Chef audit mode. The process works in two phases. * **Phase 1**: Use Chef to replay each tutorial step. The `workflow` cookbook provides resources that run commands (the tutorial steps) and cache the result to disk. Think of these as `execute` resources that also pipe the stdout & stderr streams and the exit code to files. * **Phase 2**: Run audit mode controls to verify that the scenario succeeds and that the output matches the sample output that's shown in the tutorial. ## Catalog * `learn-the-basics-rhel`: [Learn the Chef basics on Red Hat Enterprise Linux](https://learn.chef.io/learn-the-basics/rhel/) * `learn-the-basics-windows`: [Learn the Chef basics on Windows Server](https://learn.chef.io/learn-the-basics/windows/) * `learn-the-basics-ubuntu`: [Learn the Chef basics on Ubuntu](https://learn.chef.io/learn-the-basics/ubuntu/) * `install_and_manage_chef_server`: [Install and manage your own Chef server](https://learn.chef.io/install-and-manage-your-own-chef-server/linux/) ## Usage Just run `kitchen converge` from any cookbook directory for the scenario you want to validate. Specific commands shown below. ## Requirements Here are the software requirements for each tutorial's validation cookbook. For AWS, you'll need the [Test Kitchen EC2 driver](https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2), which you can install by running `chef gem install kitchen-ec2`. For AWS, you'll also need to modify the `.kitchen.yml` file to use your region, SSH key, security group, and AMI ID. We plan to make this more general. ### learn-the-basics-rhel #### Vagrant * Software: * Vagrant * VirtualBox * Run it: * `kitchen converge default-centos-65` #### AWS * Software: * kitchen-ec2 * Run it: * `kitchen converge default-centos-65-aws` ### learn-the-basics-windows #### Vagrant * Software: * Vagrant * VirtualBox * Run it: * `kitchen converge default-windows-2012R2` #### AWS * Software: * kitchen-ec2 * Run it: * `kitchen converge default-windows-2012R2-aws` ### learn-the-basics-ubuntu #### Vagrant * Software: * Vagrant * VirtualBox * Run it: * `kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1404` #### AWS * Software: * kitchen-ec2 * Run it: * `kitchen converge default-windows-ubuntu-1404` ### install_and_manage_chef_server #### Vagrant * Software: * Vagrant * VirtualBox * Run it: * `kitchen converge`