# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx::RTC

  # These are the header and footer page identifiers, passed to functions such as {Wx::RTC::RichTextHeaderFooterData#set_footer_text} to specify the odd or even page for the text.
  class RichTextOddEvenPage < Wx::Enum
    RICHTEXT_PAGE_ODD = Wx::RTC::RichTextOddEvenPage.new(0)
    RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN = Wx::RTC::RichTextOddEvenPage.new(1)
    RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL = Wx::RTC::RichTextOddEvenPage.new(2)
  end # RichTextOddEvenPage
  # These are the location identifiers for passing to functions such as {Wx::RTC::RichTextHeaderFooterData#set_footer_text}, to specify whether the text is on the left, centre or right of the page.
  class RichTextPageLocation < Wx::Enum
    RICHTEXT_PAGE_LEFT = Wx::RTC::RichTextPageLocation.new(0)
    RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE = Wx::RTC::RichTextPageLocation.new(1)
    RICHTEXT_PAGE_RIGHT = Wx::RTC::RichTextPageLocation.new(2)
  end # RichTextPageLocation
  # This class represents header and footer data to be passed to the {Wx::RTC::RichTextPrinting} and {Wx::RTC::RichTextPrintout} classes.
  # Headers and footers can be specified independently for odd, even or both page sides. Different text can be specified for left, centre and right locations on the page, and the font and text colour can also be specified.
  # You can specify the following keywords in header and footer text, which will be substituted for the actual values during printing and preview.
  # - @DATE@: the current date.- @PAGESCNT@: the total number of pages.- @PAGENUM@: the current page number.- @TIME@: the current time.- @TITLE@: the title of the document, as passed to the {Wx::RTC::RichTextPrinting} or {Wx::RichTextLayout} constructor.
  # === 
  # Category:  Rich Text
  class RichTextHeaderFooterData < Object
    # @overload initialize()
    #   Constructors.
    #   @return [RichTextHeaderFooterData]
    # @overload initialize(data)
    #   @param data [Wx::RichTextHeaderFooterData] 
    #   @return [RichTextHeaderFooterData]
    def initialize(*args) end
    # Clears all text.
    # @return [void]
    def clear; end
    # Copies the data.
    # @param data [Wx::RichTextHeaderFooterData] 
    # @return [void]
    def copy(data) end
    # Returns the font specified for printing the header and footer.
    # @return [Wx::Font,Wx::FontInfo]
    def get_font; end
    alias_method :font, :get_font
    # Returns the margin between the text and the footer.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_footer_margin; end
    alias_method :footer_margin, :get_footer_margin
    # Returns the footer text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
    # @param page [RichTextOddEvenPage] 
    # @param location [RichTextPageLocation] 
    # @return [String]
    def get_footer_text(page=Wx::RTC::RichTextOddEvenPage::RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=Wx::RTC::RichTextPageLocation::RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE) end
    alias_method :footer_text, :get_footer_text
    # Returns the margin between the text and the header.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_header_margin; end
    alias_method :header_margin, :get_header_margin
    # Returns the header text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
    # @param page [RichTextOddEvenPage] 
    # @param location [RichTextPageLocation] 
    # @return [String]
    def get_header_text(page=Wx::RTC::RichTextOddEvenPage::RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=Wx::RTC::RichTextPageLocation::RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE) end
    alias_method :header_text, :get_header_text
    # Returns true if the header and footer will be shown on the first page.
    # @return [true,false]
    def get_show_on_first_page; end
    alias_method :show_on_first_page, :get_show_on_first_page
    # Helper function for getting the header or footer text, odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
    # @param headerFooter [Integer] 
    # @param page [RichTextOddEvenPage] 
    # @param location [RichTextPageLocation] 
    # @return [String]
    def get_text(headerFooter, page, location) end
    alias_method :text, :get_text
    # Returns the text colour for drawing the header and footer.
    # @return [Wx::Colour,String,Symbol]
    def get_text_colour; end
    alias_method :text_colour, :get_text_colour
    # Initialises the object.
    # @return [void]
    def init; end
    # Sets the font for drawing the header and footer.
    # @param font [Wx::Font,Wx::FontInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_font(font) end
    alias_method :font=, :set_font
    # Sets the footer text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
    # @param text [String] 
    # @param page [RichTextOddEvenPage] 
    # @param location [RichTextPageLocation] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_footer_text(text, page=Wx::RTC::RichTextOddEvenPage::RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=Wx::RTC::RichTextPageLocation::RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE) end
    alias_method :footer_text=, :set_footer_text
    # Sets the header text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
    # @param text [String] 
    # @param page [RichTextOddEvenPage] 
    # @param location [RichTextPageLocation] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_header_text(text, page=Wx::RTC::RichTextOddEvenPage::RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=Wx::RTC::RichTextPageLocation::RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE) end
    alias_method :header_text=, :set_header_text
    # Sets the margins between text and header or footer, in tenths of a millimeter.
    # @param headerMargin [Integer] 
    # @param footerMargin [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_margins(headerMargin, footerMargin) end
    # Pass true to show the header or footer on first page (the default).
    # @param showOnFirstPage [true,false] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_show_on_first_page(showOnFirstPage) end
    alias_method :show_on_first_page=, :set_show_on_first_page
    # Helper function for setting the header or footer text, odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
    # @param text [String] 
    # @param headerFooter [Integer] 
    # @param page [RichTextOddEvenPage] 
    # @param location [RichTextPageLocation] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_text(text, headerFooter, page, location) end
    # Sets the text colour for drawing the header and footer.
    # @param col [Wx::Colour,String,Symbol] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_text_colour(col) end
    alias_method :text_colour=, :set_text_colour
  end # RichTextHeaderFooterData
