require 'spec_helper' describe HashValidator do describe 'Adding validators' do let(:new_validator1) {'my_type1', lambda { |v| true }) } let(:new_validator2) {'my_type2', lambda { |v| true }) } it 'allows validators with unique names' do expect { HashValidator.append_validator(new_validator1) }.to_not raise_error end it 'does not allow validators with conflicting names' do expect { HashValidator.append_validator(new_validator2) HashValidator.append_validator(new_validator2) }.to raise_error(StandardError, 'validators need to have unique names') end it 'does not allow validators that do not inherit from the base validator class' do expect { HashValidator.append_validator('Not a validator') }.to raise_error(StandardError, 'validators need to inherit from HashValidator::Validator::Base') end end describe '#validate' do describe 'individual type validations' do it 'should validate hash' do expect(validate({ v: {} }, { v: {} }).valid?).to eq true expect(validate({ v: '' }, { v: {} }).valid?).to eq false expect(validate({ v: '' }, { v: {} }).errors).to eq({ v: 'hash required' }) end it 'should validate presence' do expect(validate({ v: 'test' }, { v: 'required' }).valid?).to eq true expect(validate({ v: 1234 }, { v: 'required' }).valid?).to eq true expect(validate({ v: nil }, { v: 'required' }).valid?).to eq false expect(validate({ v: nil }, { v: 'required' }).errors).to eq({ v: 'is required' }) expect(validate({ x: 'test' }, { v: 'required' }).valid?).to eq false expect(validate({ x: 'test' }, { v: 'required' }).errors).to eq({ v: 'is required' }) expect(validate({ x: 1234 }, { v: 'required' }).valid?).to eq false expect(validate({ x: 1234 }, { v: 'required' }).errors).to eq({ v: 'is required' }) end it 'should validate string' do expect(validate({ v: 'test' }, { v: 'string' }).valid?).to eq true expect(validate({ v: 123456 }, { v: 'string' }).valid?).to eq false expect(validate({ v: 123456 }, { v: 'string' }).errors).to eq({ v: 'string required' }) end it 'should validate numeric' do expect(validate({ v: 1234 }, { v: 'numeric' }).valid?).to eq true expect(validate({ v: '12' }, { v: 'numeric' }).valid?).to eq false end it 'should validate array' do expect(validate({ v: [ 1,2,3 ] }, { v: 'array' }).valid?).to eq true expect(validate({ v: ' 1,2,3 ' }, { v: 'array' }).valid?).to eq false end it 'should validate time' do expect(validate({ v: }, { v: 'time' }).valid?).to eq true expect(validate({ v: '2013-04-12 13:18:05 +0930' }, { v: 'time' }).valid?).to eq false end end describe 'full validations' do let(:empty_hash) {{}} let(:simple_hash) {{ foo: 1, bar: 'baz' }} let(:invalid_simple_hash) {{ foo: 1, bar: 2 }} let(:complex_hash) {{ foo: 1, bar: 'baz', user: { first_name: 'James', last_name: 'Brooks', age: 27, likes: [ 'Ruby', 'Kendo', 'Board Games' ] } }} let(:invalid_complex_hash) {{ foo: 1, bar: 2, user: { first_name: 'James', last_name: 'Brooks', likes: 'Ruby, Kendo, Board Games' } }} describe 'no validations' do let(:validations) {{}} it 'should validate an empty hash' do v = validate(empty_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should validate a simple hash' do v = validate(simple_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should validate a simple hash 2' do v = validate(invalid_simple_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should validate a complex hash' do v = validate(complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should validate a complex hash 2' do v = validate(invalid_complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end end describe 'simple validations' do let(:validations) {{ foo: 'numeric', bar: 'string' }} it 'should not validate an empty hash (stating missing with required)' do v = validate(empty_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq false expect(v.errors).to eq({ foo: 'numeric required', bar: 'string required' }) end it 'should validate a simple hash' do v = validate(simple_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should not validate a simple hash 2' do v = validate(invalid_simple_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq false expect(v.errors).to eq({ bar: 'string required' }) end it 'should validate a complex hash' do v = validate(complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should not validate a complex hash 2' do v = validate(invalid_complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq false expect(v.errors).to eq({ bar: 'string required' }) end end describe 'nested validations' do let(:validations) {{ foo: 'numeric', bar: 'string', user: { first_name: 'string', age: 'required', likes: 'array' } }} it 'should validate a complex hash' do v = validate(complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should not validate a complex hash 2' do v = validate(invalid_complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq false expect(v.errors).to eq({ bar: 'string required', user: { age: 'is required', likes: 'array required' } }) end end describe 'optional validations' do let(:validations) {{ foo: 'numeric', bar: HashValidator.optional('string') }} it 'should validate a complex hash' do v = validate(complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should not validate a complex hash 2' do v = validate(invalid_complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq false expect(v.errors).to eq({ bar: 'string required' }) end end describe 'many validations' do let(:validations) {{ foo: 'numeric', bar: 'string', user: { first_name: 'string', likes: HashValidator.many('string') } }} it 'should validate a complex hash' do v = validate(complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq true expect(v.errors).to be_empty end it 'should not validate a complex hash 2' do v = validate(invalid_complex_hash, validations) expect(v.valid?).to eq false expect(v.errors).to eq({ bar: 'string required', user: { likes: 'enumerable required' } }) end end end end end describe 'Strict Validation' do let(:simple_hash) { { foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' } } let(:complex_hash) {{ foo: 1, user: { first_name: 'James', last_name: 'Brooks', age: 27, likes: [ 'Ruby', 'Kendo', 'Board Games' ] } }} let(:validations) { { foo: 'string' } } let(:complex_validations) {{ foo: 'integer', user: { first_name: 'string', age: 'integer' } }} it 'reports which keys are not expected for a simple hash' do v = validate(simple_hash, validations, true) expect(v.valid?).to eq false expect(v.errors).to eq({ bar: 'key not expected' }) end it 'reports which keys are not expected for a complex hash' do v = validate(complex_hash, complex_validations, true) expect(v.valid?).to eq false expect(v.errors).to eq(user: { last_name: 'key not expected', likes: 'key not expected' }) end end