def import @import ||= do |import| end end class Array def as_hash Hash[self] end end Given /^a cart "(.*?)" exists with (.*)$/ do |number, fields| attributes = fields.scan(/\ *(([^:]+):"([^\"]+)",?)/).map do |part, name, value| [name, value] end.as_hash cart = => number)) Rivendell::Import::Task.mock_xport.carts << cart end Given /^a configuration with this prepare block$/ do |code| import.to_prepare = eval "lambda { |file| " + code + " }" end When /^a file "([^"]*)" is imported$/ do |file| FileUtils.touch file, :mtime => - 15 import.file file end Then /^the task should have destination "([^"]*)"$/ do |destination| import.tasks.pop.destination.should == destination end Then /^the task should have tag "([^"]*)"$/ do |tag| import.tasks.pop.tags.should include(tag) end Then /^the task should have status "([^"]*)"$/ do |status| Rivendell::Import::Task.last.status.should == status end