require 'yaml' # the yaml file where we'll write the settings CONFIG_FILE = File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".negroku", "config.yaml") def saveConfig(action, type, data) # create the ~/.negroku folder unless['HOME'], ".negroku")) puts "[Negroku] => Creating config file in #{ENV['HOME']}/.negroku" %x(mkdir #{File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".negroku")}) end # create an empty config.yaml file unless File.exist?(CONFIG_FILE) %x(touch #{CONFIG_FILE}) end # Load the yaml file config = YAML.load_file(CONFIG_FILE) || {} # If I need to add some multiple values if action == "add" newData = config[type] || [] newData.push(data) newData.uniq! config = config.merge({ type => newData }) elsif action == "remove" #.. elsif action == "replace" #.. end, 'w') do |f| f.write config.to_yaml end end