= Taps (2) -- simple database import/export app A simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database. *Forked and updated* with fixes and improvements. Integrates fixes and updates from {taps-taps}(https://github.com/wijet/taps) and {tapsicle}(https://github.com/jiffyondemand/tapsicle) forks. == Installation Renamed gem $ gem install taps2 == Usage: Server Here's how you start a taps server $ taps server postgres://localdbuser:localdbpass@localhost/dbname httpuser httppassword You can also specify an encoding in the database url $ taps server mysql://localdbuser:localdbpass@localhost/dbname?encoding=latin1 httpuser httppassword == Usage: Client When you want to pull down a database from a taps server $ taps pull postgres://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/dbname http://httpuser:httppassword@example.com:5000 or when you want to push a local database to a taps server $ taps push postgres://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/dbname http://httpuser:httppassword@example.com:5000 or when you want to transfer a list of tables $ taps push postgres://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/dbname http://httpuser:httppassword@example.com:5000 --tables logs,tags or when you want to transfer tables that start with a word $ taps push postgres://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/dbname http://httpuser:httppassword@example.com:5000 --filter '^log_' == Known Issues * Foreign key constraints get lost in the schema transfer * Tables without primary keys will be incredibly slow to transfer. This is due to it being inefficient having large offset values in queries. * Multiple schemas are currently not supported == Meta Maintained by {Joel Van Horn}(http://github.com/joelvh) Written by Ricardo Chimal, Jr. (ricardo at heroku dot com) and Adam Wiggins (adam at heroku dot com) Early research and inspiration by Blake Mizerany Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php http://github.com/ricardochimal/taps Special Thanks to Sequel for making this tool possible http://sequel.rubyforge.org/