# encoding: utf-8 require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'nokogiri' require 'timeout' require 'uri' module ::Nanoc::Extra::Checking::Checks # A validator that verifies that all external links point to a location that exists. class ExternalLinks < ::Nanoc::Extra::Checking::Check identifiers :external_links, :elinks def run # Find all broken external hrefs # TODO de-duplicate this (duplicated in internal links check) filenames = self.output_filenames.select { |f| File.extname(f) == '.html' } hrefs_with_filenames = ::Nanoc::Extra::LinkCollector.new(filenames, :external).filenames_per_href results = self.select_invalid(hrefs_with_filenames.keys) # Report them results.each do |res| filenames = hrefs_with_filenames[res.href] filenames.each do |filename| self.add_issue( "reference to #{res.href}: #{res.explanation}", :subject => filename) end end end class Result attr_reader :href attr_reader :explanation def initialize(href, explanation) @href = href @explanation = explanation end end class ArrayEnumerator def initialize(array) @array = array @index = 0 @mutex = Mutex.new end def next @mutex.synchronize do @index += 1 return @array[@index-1] end end end def select_invalid(hrefs) enum = ArrayEnumerator.new(hrefs.sort) mutex = Mutex.new invalid = Set.new threads = [] 10.times do threads << Thread.new do loop do href = enum.next break if href.nil? res = self.validate(href) if res mutex.synchronize do invalid << res end end end end end threads.each { |t| t.join } invalid end def validate(href) # Parse url = nil begin url = URI.parse(href) rescue URI::InvalidURIError return Result.new(href, 'invalid URI') end # Skip non-HTTP URLs return nil if url.scheme !~ /^https?$/ # Get status res = nil 5.times do |i| begin Timeout::timeout(10) do res = request_url_once(url) if res.code == '405' res = request_url_once(url, Net::HTTP::Get) end end rescue => e return Result.new(href, e.message) end if res.code =~ /^3..$/ if i == 4 return Result.new(href, 'too many redirects') end # Find proper location location = res['Location'] if location !~ /^https?:\/\// base_url = url.dup base_url.path = (location =~ /^\// ? '' : '/') base_url.query = nil base_url.fragment = nil location = base_url.to_s + location end url = URI.parse(location) elsif res.code == '200' return nil else return Result.new(href, res.code) end end raise 'should not have gotten here' end def request_url_once(url, req_method = Net::HTTP::Head) path = (url.path.nil? || url.path.empty? ? '/' : url.path) req = req_method.new(path) http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port) if url.instance_of? URI::HTTPS http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end res = http.request(req) end end end