module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class Latitude19Gateway < Gateway self.display_name = 'Latitude19 Gateway' self.homepage_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.test_url = '' self.supported_countries = ['US', 'CA'] self.default_currency = 'USD' self.money_format = :cents self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover, :diners_club, :jcb] RESPONSE_CODE_MAPPING = { '100' => 'Approved', '101' => 'Local duplicate detected', '102' => 'Accepted local capture with no match', '103' => 'Auth succeeded but capture failed', '104' => 'Auth succeeded but failed to save info', '200' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:card_declined], '300' => 'Processor reject', '301' => 'Local reject on user/password', '302' => 'Local reject', '303' => 'Processor unknown response', '304' => 'Error parsing processor response', '305' => 'Processor auth succeeded but settle failed', '306' => 'Processor auth succeeded settle status unknown', '307' => 'Processor settle status unknown', '308' => 'Processor duplicate', '400' => 'Not submitted', '401' => 'Terminated before request submitted', '402' => 'Local server busy', '500' => 'Submitted not returned', '501' => 'Terminated before response returned', '502' => 'Processor returned timeout status', '600' => 'Failed local capture with no match', '601' => 'Failed local capture', '700' => 'Failed local void (not in capture file)', '701' => 'Failed local void', '800' => 'Failed local refund (not authorized)', '801' => 'Failed local refund' } BRAND_MAP = { 'master' => 'MC', 'visa' => 'VI', 'american_express' => 'AX', 'discover' => 'DS', 'diners_club' => 'DC', 'jcb' => 'JC' } def initialize(options={}) requires!(options, :account_number, :configuration_id, :secret) super end def purchase(amount, payment_method, options={}) if payment_method.is_a?(String) auth_or_sale('sale', payment_method, amount, nil, options) else do |r| r.process { get_session(options) } r.process { get_token(r.authorization, payment_method, options) } r.process { auth_or_sale('sale', r.authorization, amount, payment_method, options) } end end end def authorize(amount, payment_method, options={}) if payment_method.is_a?(String) auth_or_sale('auth', payment_method, amount, nil, options) else do |r| r.process { get_session(options) } r.process { get_token(r.authorization, payment_method, options) } r.process { auth_or_sale('auth', r.authorization, amount, payment_method, options) } end end end def capture(amount, authorization, options={}) post = {} post[:method] = 'deposit' add_request_id(post) params = {} _, params[:pgwTID] = split_authorization(authorization) add_invoice(params, amount, options) add_credentials(params, post[:method]) post[:params] = [params] commit('v1/', post) end def void(authorization, options={}) method, pgwTID = split_authorization(authorization) case method when 'auth' reverse_or_void('reversal', pgwTID, options) when 'deposit', 'sale' reverse_or_void('void', pgwTID, options) else message = 'Unsupported operation: successful Purchase, Authorize and unsettled Capture transactions can only be voided.' return, message) end end def credit(amount, payment_method, options={}) if payment_method.is_a?(String) refundWithCard(payment_method, amount, nil, options) else do |r| r.process { get_session(options) } r.process { get_token(r.authorization, payment_method, options) } r.process { refundWithCard(r.authorization, amount, payment_method, options) } end end end def verify(payment_method, options={}, action=nil) if payment_method.is_a?(String) verifyOnly(action, payment_method, nil, options) else do |r| r.process { get_session(options) } r.process { get_token(r.authorization, payment_method, options) } r.process { verifyOnly(action, r.authorization, payment_method, options) } end end end def store(payment_method, options={}) verify(payment_method, options, 'store') end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((\"cardNumber\\\":\\\")\d+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((\"cvv\\\":\\\")\d+), '\1[FILTERED]') end private def add_request_id(post) post[:id] = SecureRandom.hex(16) end def add_timestamp'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') end def add_hmac(params, method) if method == 'getSession' hmac_message = params[:pgwAccountNumber] + '|' + params[:pgwConfigurationId] + '|' + params[:requestTimeStamp] + '|' + method else hmac_message = params[:pgwAccountNumber] + '|' + params[:pgwConfigurationId] + '|' + (params[:orderNumber] || '') + '|' + method + '|' + (params[:amount] || '') + '|' + (params[:sessionToken] || '') + '|' + (params[:accountToken] || '') end OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha512', @options[:secret], hmac_message) end def add_credentials(params, method) params[:pgwAccountNumber] = @options[:account_number] params[:pgwConfigurationId] = @options[:configuration_id] params[:requestTimeStamp] = add_timestamp() if method == 'getSession' params[:pgwHMAC] = add_hmac(params, method) end def add_invoice(params, money, options) params[:amount] = amount(money) params[:orderNumber] = options[:order_id] params[:transactionClass] = options[:transaction_class] || 'eCommerce' end def add_payment_method(params, credit_card) params[:cardExp] = format(credit_card.month, :two_digits).to_s + '/' + format(credit_card.year, :two_digits).to_s params[:cardType] = BRAND_MAP[credit_card.brand.to_s] params[:cvv] = credit_card.verification_value params[:firstName] = credit_card.first_name params[:lastName] = credit_card.last_name end def add_customer_data(params, options) if (billing_address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address]) params[:address1] = billing_address[:address1] params[:address2] = billing_address[:address2] params[:city] = billing_address[:city] params[:stateProvince] = billing_address[:state] params[:zipPostalCode] = billing_address[:zip] params[:countryCode] = billing_address[:country] end end def get_session(options={}) post = {} post[:method] = 'getSession' add_request_id(post) params = {} add_credentials(params, post[:method]) post[:params] = [params] commit('session', post) end def get_token(authorization, payment_method, options={}) post = {} post[:method] = 'tokenize' add_request_id(post) params = {} _, params[:sessionId] = split_authorization(authorization) params[:cardNumber] = payment_method.number post[:params] = [params] commit('token', post) end def auth_or_sale(method, authorization, amount, credit_card, options={}) post = {} post[:method] = method add_request_id(post) params = {} if credit_card _, params[:sessionToken] = split_authorization(authorization) add_payment_method(params, credit_card) add_customer_data(params, options) else _, params[:accountToken] = split_authorization(authorization) end add_invoice(params, amount, options) add_credentials(params, post[:method]) post[:params] = [params] commit('v1/', post) end def verifyOnly(action, authorization, credit_card, options={}) post = {} post[:method] = 'verifyOnly' add_request_id(post) params = {} if credit_card _, params[:sessionToken] = split_authorization(authorization) add_payment_method(params, credit_card) add_customer_data(params, options) else _, params[:accountToken] = split_authorization(authorization) end params[:requestAccountToken] = '1' if action == 'store' add_invoice(params, 0, options) add_credentials(params, post[:method]) post[:params] = [params] commit('v1/', post) end def refundWithCard(authorization, amount, credit_card, options={}) post = {} post[:method] = 'refundWithCard' add_request_id(post) params = {} if credit_card _, params[:sessionToken] = split_authorization(authorization) add_payment_method(params, credit_card) else _, params[:accountToken] = split_authorization(authorization) end add_invoice(params, amount, options) add_credentials(params, post[:method]) post[:params] = [params] commit('v1/', post) end def reverse_or_void(method, pgwTID, options={}) post = {} post[:method] = method add_request_id(post) params = {} params[:orderNumber] = options[:order_id] params[:pgwTID] = pgwTID add_credentials(params, post[:method]) post[:params] = [params] commit('v1/', post) end def commit(endpoint, post) raw_response = ssl_post(url() + endpoint, post_data(post), headers) response = parse(raw_response) rescue ResponseError => e raw_response = e.response.body response_error(raw_response) rescue JSON::ParserError unparsable_response(raw_response) else success = success_from(response) success, message_from(response), response, authorization: success ? authorization_from(response, post[:method]) : nil, avs_result: success ? avs_from(response) : nil, cvv_result: success ? cvv_from(response) : nil, error_code: success ? nil : error_from(response), test: test? ) end def headers { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } end def post_data(params) params.to_json end def url test? ? test_url : live_url end def parse(body) JSON.parse(body) end def success_from(response) return false if response['result'].nil? || response['error'] if response['result'].key?('pgwResponseCode') response['error'].nil? && response['result']['lastActionSucceeded'] == 1 && response['result']['pgwResponseCode'] == '100' else response['error'].nil? && response['result']['lastActionSucceeded'] == 1 end end def message_from(response) return response['error'] if response['error'] return 'Failed' unless response.key?('result') if response['result'].key?('pgwResponseCode') RESPONSE_CODE_MAPPING[response['result']['pgwResponseCode']] || response['result']['responseText'] else response['result']['lastActionSucceeded'] == 1 ? 'Succeeded' : 'Failed' end end def error_from(response) return response['error'] if response['error'] return 'Failed' unless response.key?('result') return response['result']['pgwResponseCode'] || response['result']['processor']['responseCode'] || 'Failed' end def authorization_from(response, method) method + '|' + ( response['result']['sessionId'] || response['result']['sessionToken'] || response['result']['pgwTID'] || response['result']['accountToken'] ) end def split_authorization(authorization) authorization.split('|') end def avs_from(response) response['result'].key?('avsResponse') ? response['result']['avsResponse']) : nil end def cvv_from(response) response['result'].key?('cvvResponse') ?['result']['cvvResponse']) : nil end def response_error(raw_response) response = parse(raw_response) rescue JSON::ParserError unparsable_response(raw_response) else return false, message_from(response), response, :test => test? ) end def unparsable_response(raw_response) message = 'Invalid JSON response received from Latitude19Gateway. Please contact Latitude19Gateway if you continue to receive this message.' message += " (The raw response returned by the API was #{raw_response.inspect})" return, message) end end end end