== Sequel Models Models in Sequel are based on the Active Record pattern described by Martin Fowler (http://www.martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/activeRecord.html). A model class corresponds to a table or a dataset, and an instance of that class wraps a single record in the model's underlying dataset. Model classes are defined as regular Ruby classes: DB = Sequel.connect('sqlite:/blog.db') class Post < Sequel::Model end Just like in DataMapper or ActiveRecord, Sequel model classes assume that the table name is a plural of the class name: Post.table_name #=> :posts You can, however, explicitly set the table name or even the dataset used: class Post < Sequel::Model(:my_posts) end # or: Post.set_dataset :my_posts # or: Post.set_dataset DB[:my_posts].where(:category => 'ruby') === Resources * {Project page}[http://code.google.com/p/ruby-sequel/] * {Source code}[http://github.com/jeremyevans/sequel] * {Bug tracking}[http://code.google.com/p/ruby-sequel/issues/list] * {Google group}[http://groups.google.com/group/sequel-talk] * {RubyForge page}[http://rubyforge.org/projects/sequel/] * {API RDoc}[http://sequel.rubyforge.org] To check out the source code: git clone git://github.com/jeremyevans/sequel.git === Contact If you have any comments or suggestions please post to the Google group. === Installation sudo gem install sequel === Model instances Model instance are identified by a primary key. By default, Sequel assumes the primary key column to be :id. The Model#[] method can be used to fetch records by their primary key: post = Post[123] The Model#pk method is used to retrieve the record's primary key value: post.pk #=> 123 Sequel models allow you to use any column as a primary key, and even composite keys made from multiple columns: class Post < Sequel::Model set_primary_key [:category, :title] end post = Post['ruby', 'hello world'] post.pk #=> ['ruby', 'hello world'] You can also define a model class that does not have a primary key, but then you lose the ability to update records. A model instance can also be fetched by specifying a condition: post = Post[:title => 'hello world'] post = Post.find{:num_comments < 10} === Iterating over records A model class lets you iterate over specific records by acting as a proxy to the underlying dataset. This means that you can use the entire Dataset API to create customized queries that return model instances, e.g.: Post.filter(:category => 'ruby').each{|post| p post} You can also manipulate the records in the dataset: Post.filter{:num_comments < 7}.delete Post.filter{:title =~ /ruby/}.update(:category => 'ruby') === Accessing record values A model instances stores its values as a hash: post.values #=> {:id => 123, :category => 'ruby', :title => 'hello world'} You can read the record values as object attributes (assuming the attribute names are valid columns in the model's dataset): post.id #=> 123 post.title #=> 'hello world' You can also change record values: post.title = 'hey there' post.save Another way to change values by using the #update_with_params method: post.update_with_params(:title => 'hey there') === Creating new records New records can be created by calling Model.create: post = Post.create(:title => 'hello world') Another way is to construct a new instance and save it: post = Post.new post.title = 'hello world' post.save You can also supply a block to Model.new and Model.create: post = Post.create {|p| p.title = 'hello world'} post = Post.new do |p| p.title = 'hello world' p.save end === Hooks You can execute custom code when creating, updating, or deleting records by using hooks. The before_create and after_create hooks wrap record creation. The before_update and after_update wrap record updating. The before_save and after_save wrap record creation and updating. The before_destroy and after_destroy wrap destruction. Hooks are defined by supplying a block: class Post < Sequel::Model after_create do self.created_at = Time.now end after_destroy do author.update_post_count end end === Deleting records You can delete individual records by calling #delete or #destroy. The only difference between the two methods is that #destroy invokes before_destroy and after_destroy hooks, while #delete does not: post.delete #=> bypasses hooks post.destroy #=> runs hooks Records can also be deleted en-masse by invoking Model.delete and Model.destroy. As stated above, you can specify filters for the deleted records: Post.filter(:category => 32).delete #=> bypasses hooks Post.filter(:category => 32).destroy #=> runs hooks Please note that if Model.destroy is called, each record is deleted separately, but Model.delete deletes all relevant records with a single SQL statement. === Associations Associations are used in order to specify relationships between model classes that reflect relations between tables in the database using foreign keys. class Post < Sequel::Model many_to_one :author one_to_many :comments many_to_many :tags end You can also use the ActiveRecord names for these associations: class Post < Sequel::Model belongs_to :author has_many :comments has_and_belongs_to_many :tags end many_to_one/belongs_to creates a getter and setter for each model object: class Post < Sequel::Model many_to_one :author end post = Post.create(:name => 'hi!') post.author = Author[:name => 'Sharon'] post.author one_to_many/has_many and many_to_many/has_and_belongs_to_many create a getter method, a method for adding an object to the association, and a method for removing an object from the association: class Post < Sequel::Model one_to_many :comments many_to_many :tags end post = Post.create(:name => 'hi!') post.comments comment = Comment.create(:text=>'hi') post.add_comment(comment) post.remove_comment(comment) tag = Tag.create(:tag=>'interesting') post.add_tag(tag) post.remove_tag(tag) === Eager Loading Associations can be eagerly loaded via .eager and the :eager association option. Eager loading is used when loading a group of objects. It loads all associated objects for all of the current objects in one query, instead of using a separate query to get the associated objects for each current object. Eager loading requires that you retrieve all model objects at once via .all (instead of individually by .each). Eager loading can be cascaded, loading association's associated objects. class Person < Sequel::Model one_to_many :posts, :eager=>[:tags] end class Post < Sequel::Model many_to_one :person one_to_many :replies many_to_many :tags end class Tag < Sequel::Model many_to_many :posts many_to_many :replies end class Reply < Sequel::Model many_to_one :person many_to_one :post many_to_many :tags end # Eager loading via .eager Post.eager(:person).all # eager is a dataset method, so it works with filters/orders/limits/etc. Post.filter("topic > 'M'").order(:date).limit(5).eager(:person).all person = Person.first # Eager loading via :eager (will eagerly load the tags for this person's posts) person.posts # These are equivalent Post.eager(:person, :tags).all Post.eager(:person).eager(:tags).all # Cascading via .eager Tag.eager(:posts=>:replies).all # Will also grab all associated posts' tags (because of :eager) Reply.eager(:person=>:posts).all # No depth limit (other than memory/stack), and will also grab posts' tags # Loads all people, their posts, their posts' tags, replies to those posts, # the person for each reply, the tag for each reply, and all posts and # replies that have that tag. Uses a total of 8 queries. Person.eager(:posts=>{:replies=>[:person, {:tags=>{:posts, :replies}}]}).all In addition to using eager, you can also use eager_graph, which will use a single query to get the object and all associated objects. This may be necessary if you want to filter the result set based on columns in associated tables. It works with cascading as well, the syntax is exactly the same. Note that using eager_graph to eagerly load multiple *_to_many associations will cause the result set to be a cartesian product, so you should be very careful with your filters when using it in that case. === Caching model instances with memcached Sequel models can be cached using memcached based on their primary keys. The use of memcached can significantly reduce database load by keeping model instances in memory. The set_cache method is used to specify caching: require 'memcache' CACHE = MemCache.new 'localhost:11211', :namespace => 'blog' class Author < Sequel::Model set_cache CACHE, :ttl => 3600 end Author[333] # database hit Author[333] # cache hit === Extending the underlying dataset The obvious way to add table-wide logic is to define class methods to the model class definition. That way you can define subsets of the underlying dataset, change the ordering, or perform actions on multiple records: class Post < Sequel::Model def self.posts_with_few_comments filter{:num_comments < 30} end def self.clean_posts_with_few_comments posts_with_few_comments.delete end end You can also implement table-wide logic by defining methods on the dataset: class Post < Sequel::Model def_dataset_method(:posts_with_few_comments) do filter{:num_comments < 30} end def_dataset_method(:clean_posts_with_few_comments) do posts_with_few_comments.delete end end This is the recommended way of implementing table-wide operations, and allows you to have access to your model API from filtered datasets as well: Post.filter(:category => 'ruby').clean_old_posts Sequel models also provide a short hand notation for filters: class Post < Sequel::Model subset(:posts_with_few_comments){:num_comments < 30} subset :invisible, :visible => false end === Defining the underlying schema Model classes can also be used as a place to define your table schema and control it. The schema DSL is exactly the same provided by Sequel::Schema::Generator: class Post < Sequel::Model set_schema do primary_key :id text :title text :category foreign_key :author_id, :table => :authors end end You can then create the underlying table, drop it, or recreate it: Post.table_exists? Post.create_table Post.drop_table Post.create_table! # drops the table if it exists and then recreates it === Basic Model Validations To assign default validations to a sequel model: class MyModel < Sequel::Model validates do format_of... presence_of... acceptance_of... confirmation_of... length_of... numericality_of... format_of... each... end end You may also perform the usual 'longhand' way to assign default model validates directly within the model class itself: class MyModel < Sequel::Model validates_format_of... validates_presence_of... validates_acceptance_of... validates_confirmation_of... validates_length_of... validates_numericality_of... validates_format_of... validates_each... end