module BBLib module OS def self.cpu_usages if windows? { total: `wmic cpu get loadpercentage /format:value`.extract_numbers.first.to_f } elsif linux? || mac? system_stats[:cpu] else nil end end def self.uptime if windows? uptime = `net statistics server`.split("\n").find{|l| l.start_with?('Statistics since ')}.split(/since /i).last.strip - Time.strptime(uptime, '%m/%d/%Y %l:%M:%S %p') else `cat /proc/uptime`.extract_numbers.first end end def self.cpu_used_p cpu_usages[:total] end def self.cpu_free_p 100 - cpu_used end def self.mem_total if windows? `wmic computersystem get TotalPhysicalMemory`.extract_numbers.first / 1024.0 elsif linux? system_stats.hpath('') else nil end end def self.mem_used mem_total.to_f - mem_free.to_f end def self.mem_used_p (mem_used.to_f / mem_total.to_f) * 100.0 end def self.mem_free if windows? `wmic os get freephysicalmemory /format:value`.extract_numbers.first elsif linux? system_stats.hpath('') else nil end end def self.mem_free_p (mem_free.to_f / mem_total.to_f) * 100.0 end def self.system_stats if windows? memfree = mem_free memtotal = mem_total memused = memtotal - memfree { cpu: cpu_usages, memory: { free: memfree, used: memused, total: memtotal, free_p: (memfree / memtotal.to_f) * 100, used_p: (memused / memtotal.to_f) * 100 }, uptime: uptime } else stats = `top -b -n2 -d 0.1`.split("\n") cpu = stats.find_all{|l| l =~ /\A\%?Cpu\(s\)/i }.last.extract_numbers loads = stats.find_all{|l| l =~ / load average\: /i }.last.scan(/load average:.*/i).first.extract_numbers mem = stats.find_all{|l| l =~ /KiB Mem|Mem\:/i }.last.extract_numbers time = `cat /proc/uptime`.extract_numbers { cpu: { user: cpu[0], system: cpu[1], nice: cpu[2], total: cpu[0..2].inject(0){ |sum, v| sum += v.to_f }, idle: cpu[3], wait: cpu[4], hardware_interrupts: cpu[5], software_interrupts: cpu[6], hypervisor: cpu[7] }, uptime: time[0], uptime_idle: time[1], memory: { free: mem[1], used: mem[2], total: mem[0], cache: mem[3], free_p: (mem[1] / mem[0].to_f) * 100, used_p: (mem[2] / mem[0].to_f) * 100 }, load_average: { 1 => loads[0], 5 => loads[1], 15 => loads[2] } } end end def self.processes if windows? tasks = `tasklist /v` cpu = `wmic path win32_perfformatteddata_perfproc_process get PercentProcessorTime,percentusertime,IDProcess /format:list` cpu = cpu.split("\n\n\n\n").reject(&:empty?) .map{ |l| l.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)} .map{ |n|[ n[0], {cpu: n[1], user: n[2] }]}.to_h lines = tasks.split("\n")[3..-1].map{ |l| l.split(/\s{2,}/) } mem = mem_total cmds = `wmic process get processid,commandline /format:csv`.split("\n")[1..-1].reject{ |r| r.strip == ''}.map{ |l| l.split(',')[1..-1] }.map{ |l| [l.last.to_i, l[0..-2].join(',')]}.to_h do |l| pid = l[1].extract_numbers.first { name: l[0], pid: pid, user: l[4], mem: (((l[3].gsub(',', '').extract_numbers.first / mem_total) * 100) rescue nil), cpu: (cpu[pid][:cpu] rescue nil), cmd: cmds[pid] } end else t = `ps -e -o comm,pid,ruser,%cpu,%mem,cmd` lines = t.split("\n")[1..-1].map{ |l| l.split(/\s+/) }{ |l| l.size == 6 ? l : [l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5..-1].join(' ')] } do |l| { name: l[0], pid: l[1].to_i, user: l[2], cpu: l[3].to_f, mem: l[4].to_f, cmd: l[5] } end end end def self.filesystems if windows? types = { 0 => 'Unknown', 1 => 'No Root Directory', 2 => 'Removable Disk', 3 => 'Local Disk', 4 => 'Network Drive', 5 => 'Compact Disc', 6 => 'RAM Disk' } parse_wmic('wmic logicaldisk get name,description,filesystem,freespace,size,volumename,volumeserialnumber,providername,drivetype') .map do |v| v.hpath_move( 'freespace' => 'free', 'providername' => 'provider', 'volumename' => 'volume_name', 'volumeserialnumber' => 'serial_number', 'filesystem' => 'filesystem_type', 'name' => 'disk' ) dt = v.delete(:drivetype).to_i v[:type] = types[dt] if (2..4) === dt v[:free] = v[:free].to_i v[:size] = v[:size].to_i v[:used] = v[:size] - v[:free] v[:free_p] = (v[:free] / v[:size].to_f) * 100 v[:used_p] = (v[:used] / v[:size].to_f) * 100 end v end else `df -aTB 1` .split("\n")[1..-1] .map{ |l| l.split(/\s{2,}|(?<=\d)\s|(?<=%)\s|(?<=\-)\s|(?<=\w)\s+(?=\w+\s+\d)/)} .map do |i| { filesystem: i[0], type: i[1], size: i[2].to_i, used: i[3].to_i, available: i[4].to_i, used_p: i[5].extract_integers.first.to_f, mount: i[6], } end end end # A mostly platform agnostic call to get root volumes def self.root_volumes if begin # For windows `wmic logicaldisk get name`.split("\n").map{ |m| m.strip }[1..-1].reject{ |r| r == '' } rescue begin # Windows attempt 2 `fsutil fsinfo drives`.scan(/(?<=\s)\w\:/) rescue nil end end else begin `ls /`.split("\n").map{ |m| m.strip }.reject{ |r| r == '' } rescue # All attempts failed nil end end end # Windows only method to get the volume labels of disk drives def self.root_volume_labels return nil unless `wmic logicaldisk get caption,volumename`.split("\n")[1..-1].map{ |m| [m.split(" ").first.to_s.strip, m.split(" ")[1..-1].to_a.join(' ').strip] }.reject{ |o,t| o == '' }.to_h end end end