require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'optparse' module Webby # The Webby::Main class contains all the functionality needed by the +webby+ # command line application. # class Main WINDOWS = %r/djgpp|(cyg|ms|bcc)win|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM # :nodoc: # Directory where the Webby website will be created attr_accessor :site # Directory where the prototype Webby website can be found attr_accessor :data # Flag used to update an existing website attr_accessor :update # call-seq: # args ) => nil # # Create a new instance of Main, and run the +webby+ application given the # command line _args_. # def args ) m = m.parse args if m.update then m.update_site else m.create_site end end # call-seq: # # # Create a new Main webby object for building websites. # def initialize @log = Logging::Logger[self] end # call-seq: # parse( args ) => nil # # Parse the command line arguments and store the values for later use by # the create_site and update_site methods. # def parse( args ) = File.join(::Webby::PATH, 'data') self.update = false opts = opts.banner << ' site' opts.separator '' opts.on('-u', '--update', 'update the rake tasks for the site') {self.update = true} opts.separator '' opts.separator 'common options:' opts.on_tail( '-h', '--help', 'show this message' ) {puts opts; exit} opts.on_tail( '--version', 'show version' ) do puts "Webby #{::Webby::VERSION}" exit end # parse the command line arguments opts.parse! args = args.shift if site.nil? puts opts ::Kernel.abort end nil end # call-seq: # create_site => nil # # Create a new website. # def create_site # see if the site already exists abort "'#{site}' already exists" if test ?e, site # copy over files from the data directory files = site_files files.keys.sort.each do |dir| mkdir dir files[dir].sort.each {|file| cp file} end nil end # call-seq: # update_site => nil # # Update the rake tasks for an existing website. # def update_site # ensure the site already exists abort "'#{site}' does not exist" unless test ?d, site # copy over files from the data/tasks directory files = site_files mkdir 'tasks' files['tasks'].sort.each {|file| cp file} nil end # call-seq: # mkdir( dir ) => nil # # Make a directory in the user specified site location. A message will be # displayed to the screen indicating tha the directory is being created. # def mkdir( dir ) dir = dir.empty? ? site : ::File.join(site, dir) unless test ?d, dir creating dir FileUtils.mkdir_p dir end end # call-seq: # cp( file ) => nil # # Copy a file from the Webby prototype website location to the user # specified site location. A message will be displayed to the screen # indicating tha the file is being created. # def cp( file ) src = ::File.join(data, file) dst = ::File.join(site, file) test(?e, dst) ? updating(dst) : creating(dst) # FileUtils.cp(src, dst) if WINDOWS then win_line_endings(src, dst) else FileUtils.cp(src, dst) end end # call-seq: # win_line_endings( src, dst ) # # Copy the file from the _src_ location to the _dst_ location and # transform the line endings to the windows "\r\n" format. # def win_line_endings( src, dst ) case ::File.extname(src) when *%w[.png .gif .jpg .jpeg] FileUtils.cp src, dst else,'w') do |fd| ::File.foreach(src, "\n") do |line|!("\r\n",'') fd.puts line end end end end # call-seq: # creating( msg ) => nil # # Prints a "creating _msg_" to the screen. # def creating( msg ) "creating #{msg}" end # call-seq: # updating( msg ) => nil # # Prints a "updating _msg_" to the screen. # def updating( msg ) "updating #{msg}" end # call-seq: # abort( msg ) => nil # # Prints an abort _msg_ to the screen and then exits the Ruby interpreter. # def abort( msg ) @log.fatal msg exit 1 end # call-seq: # site_files => hash # # Iterates over all the files in the Webby prototype website directory and # stores them in a hash. # def site_files exclude = %r/tmp$|bak$|~$|CVS|\.svn/o rgxp = %r/\A#{data}\/?/o paths = {|h,k| h[k] = []} Find.find(data) do |p| next if exclude =~ p if test(?d, p) paths[p.sub(rgxp, '')] next end dir = ::File.dirname(p).sub(rgxp, '') paths[dir] << p.sub(rgxp, '') end paths end end # class Main end # module Webby # EOF