//= require solidus_paypal_braintree/constants //= require solidus_paypal_braintree/client //= require solidus_paypal_braintree/promise //= require solidus_paypal_braintree/hosted_form $(function() { var $paymentForm = $("#new_payment"), $hostedFields = $("[data-braintree-hosted-fields]"), hostedFieldsInstance = null; function onError (err) { var msg = err.name + ": " + err.message; show_flash("error", msg); } function showForm(id) { $("#card_form" + id).show(); } function hideForm(id) { $("#card_form" + id).hide(); } function addFormHook(braintreeForm, errorCallback) { var shouldSubmit = false; function submit(payload) { shouldSubmit = true; $("#payment_method_nonce", braintreeForm.hostedFields).val(payload.nonce); $paymentForm.submit(); } return function(hostedFields) { $paymentForm.on("submit", function(e) { if ($hostedFields.is(":visible") && !shouldSubmit) { e.preventDefault(); hostedFields.tokenize(function(err, payload) { if (err) { errorCallback(err); } else { submit(payload); } }); } }); }; } function initFields($container, id) { function setHostedFieldsInstance(instance) { hostedFieldsInstance = instance; return instance; } if (hostedFieldsInstance === null) { braintreeForm = new SolidusPaypalBraintree.createHostedForm(id); braintreeForm.initialize(). then(setHostedFieldsInstance). then(addFormHook(braintreeForm, onError)). fail(onError); } } // exit early if we're not looking at the New Payment form, or if no // SolidusPaypalBraintree payment methods have been configured. if (!$paymentForm.length || !$hostedFields.length) { return; } $.when( $.getScript("https://js.braintreegateway.com/web/3.34.0/js/client.min.js"), $.getScript("https://js.braintreegateway.com/web/3.34.0/js/hosted-fields.min.js") ).done(function() { $hostedFields.each(function() { var $this = $(this), $radios = $("[name=card]", $this), id = $this.data("payment-method-id"); // If we have previous cards, init fields on change of radio button if ($radios.length) { $radios.on("change", function() { if ($(this).val() == 'new') { showForm(id); initFields($this, id); } else { hideForm(id); } }); } else { // If we don't have previous cards, init fields immediately initFields($this, id); showForm(id); } }); }); });