require 'rbcurse' module RubyCurses # # A vim-like application status bar that can display time and various other statuses # at the bottom, typically above the dock (3rd line from last). # class StatusLine < Widget def initialize form, config={}, &block @row = Ncurses.LINES-3 @col = 0 super @focusable = false @editable = false @command = nil @repaint_required = true bind(:PROPERTY_CHANGE) { |e| @color_pair = nil ; } end # # command that returns a string that populates the status line. # See dbdemo.rb # e.g. # @l.command { "%-20s [DB: %-s | %-s ]" % [, $current_db || "None", $current_table || "----"] } # def command *args, &blk @command = blk @args = args end # NOTE: I have not put a check of repaint_required, so this will print on each key-stroke OR # rather whenever form.repaint is called. def repaint @color_pair ||= get_color($datacolor, @color, @bgcolor) # first print dashes through @form.window.printstring @row, @col, "%s" % "-" * Ncurses.COLS, @color_pair, Ncurses::A_REVERSE # now call the block to get current values if @command ftext =, @args) if @command else status = $status_message ? $status_message.value : "" ftext = " %-20s | %s" % [, status] # should we print a default value just in case user doesn't end @form.window.printstring @row, @col, ftext, $datacolor, Ncurses::A_REVERSE @repaint_required = false end def handle_keys ch return :UNHANDLED end end # class end # module