require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') module Hirb class PagerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def pager; View.pager; end def create_pageable_string(inspect_mode=false, size={}) size = {:width=>pager.width, :height=>pager.height}.merge(size) seed = inspect_mode ? "a" : "a\n" if inspect_mode seed * (size[:width] * size[:height] + 1) else seed * (size[:height] + 1) end end test "command_pager sets pager_command when command exists" do Util.expects(:command_exists?).returns(true) Pager.expects(:basic_pager) Pager.command_pager 'blah', :pager_command=>'less' end test "command_pager doesn't set pager_command when command doesn't exist" do Util.expects(:command_exists?).returns(false) Pager.expects(:basic_pager).never Pager.command_pager 'blah', :pager_command=>'moreless' end context "default_pager" do before(:all) { reset_config; Hirb.enable {|c| c.pager = true}} before(:each) { View.pager = nil; Pager.stubs(:pager_command).returns(nil) } after(:all) { Hirb.disable } test "pages once in normal mode" do $stdin.expects(:gets).returns("\n") output = capture_stdout {, false) } output.include?('quit').should be(true) output.include?('finished').should be(true) end test "doesn't page in normal mode" do $stdin.expects(:gets).never output = capture_stdout {"a\n", false) } output.include?("a\n=== Pager finished. ===\n").should be(true) end test "pages once in inspect mode" do $stdin.expects(:gets).returns("\n") output = capture_stdout {, true) } output.include?('quit').should be(true) output.include?('finished').should be(true) end test "doesn't page in inspect mode" do $stdin.expects(:gets).never output = capture_stdout {"a", true) } output.include?("a\n=== Pager finished. ===\n").should be(true) end end context "pager" do before(:all) { reset_config; Hirb.enable } before(:each) { View.pager = nil; View.formatter = nil } after(:all) { Hirb.disable } def irb_eval(string) context_stub = stub(:last_value=>string) end # this mode is called within @irb.output_value context "in inspect_mode" do test "activates when output is wide enough" do output = create_pageable_string(true) pager.expects(:page).with(output.inspect, true) View.expects(:render_output).returns(false) irb_eval output end test "doesn't activate when output isn't wide enough" do pager.expects(:page).never View.expects(:render_output).returns(false) irb_eval("a") end test "activates with an explicit width" do View.config[:width] = 10 output = create_pageable_string true, :width=>10 pager.expects(:page).with(output.inspect, true) View.expects(:render_output).returns(false) irb_eval output end test "activates default_pager when pager command is invalid" do Pager.expects(:pager_command).returns(nil) output = create_pageable_string(true) Pager.expects(:default_pager).with(output.inspect, anything) View.expects(:render_output).returns(false) capture_stdout { irb_eval output } end end # this mode is called within Hirb::View.render_output context "in normal mode" do test "activates when output is long enough" do output = create_pageable_string View.formatter.expects(:format_output).returns(output) pager.expects(:page).with(output, false) irb_eval(output) end test "doesn't activate when output isn't long enough" do output = "a\n" View.formatter.expects(:format_output).returns(output) pager.expects(:page).never capture_stdout { irb_eval(output) } end test "activates with an explicit height" do View.config[:height] = 100 output = create_pageable_string false, :height=>100 View.formatter.expects(:format_output).returns(output) pager.expects(:page).with(output, false) irb_eval(output) end test "activates default_pager when pager_command is invalid" do Pager.expects(:pager_command).returns(nil) output = create_pageable_string Pager.expects(:default_pager).with(output, anything) View.formatter.expects(:format_output).returns(output) capture_stdout { irb_eval output } end end test "activates pager_command with valid pager_command option" do View.config[:pager_command] = "less" View.expects(:render_output).returns(false) Util.expects(:command_exists?).returns(true) Pager.expects(:command_pager) irb_eval create_pageable_string(true) View.config[:pager_command] = nil end test "activates pager_command with pager_command option that has command options" do View.config[:pager_command] = "less -r" View.expects(:render_output).returns(false) Util.expects(:command_exists?).with('less').returns(true) Pager.expects(:command_pager) irb_eval create_pageable_string(true) View.config[:pager_command] = nil end test "doesn't activate pager_command with invalid pager_command option" do View.config[:pager_command] = "moreless" View.expects(:render_output).returns(false) Util.expects(:command_exists?).returns(false) Pager.expects(:default_pager) irb_eval create_pageable_string(true) View.config[:pager_command] = nil end end end end